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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    West Yorkshire, UK


    The only thing that really gets me is List-tailoring, adjusting or rewriting their army list so that it can beat mine with minimum effort.
    Step forth and be recognized.
    No mercy. No pity. No hope.

  2. #32


    Take it over here: [url][/url]!

    In addition: the mod team sees the term, unless used to mean "happy" or "homosexual" in a neutral tone, as a pejorative on this board. Don't use it. If you see it used in a negative light, please flag it. I don't care what your definition of it is, this is ours. Respect it or face consequences.

    Get this thread back on the rails or I will close it.

    Thank you.

  3. #33


    I don't like it when people decide they want a game and then you've got to wait for them to write their list up. My biggest pet hate though is list tailoring, especially when they have to proxy stuff which happens in 99% of the cases. I'm the exact opposite, I write all comers lists at varying points levels so I'm ready to play if anyone wants a game. I wish there were more players who did that.

  4. #34


    I hate the dice switchers as well. I'll often ask my opponent to please use the same dice that roll hot to hit and wound only to receive attitude in return.
    Visit my war gaming blog at:

  5. #35


    me and a buddie did the doubles at WW a few years back, first ever time we'd done one. Had a great weekend up to the last game.
    we played a couple, and it was obvious that it was the husbands models and armies and that his wife was only their to be a 'look its my doubles partner'. the whole army was painted and models on dark angels, quite well to, but he was using them as space wolves. he had termies based on small bases becasue they were the older models, and his wife wasnt interested, he had to pass her the dice and tell her what to roll, there was no interest or knowledge there, only reinforced her 'stand in' aspect.
    Despite this we had a rather interesting game, one that by all intents shoulda ended in a draw. in the last turn he tried moving a speeder onto the homebase objective, it was swamped with guardsmen so we just said, 'you cant put it down theres models all over and no space with the inch gap around the base. Through 15 minutes of 'gently' nudging the wood the guardsmen were in, trying to 'find' space to stick the speeder, he proceeded to knock the guardsmen away from the objective, knocking some of them out of the woods altogether. by this point my mate had just about had enough, and an official was called over. Low and behold suddenly there was space, just enough space. he moved the speeder into the hole he created with the nudging, passed his dangerous terrain, and won the game.

    it left one hell of a taste on the weekend but there was bugger all we could do short of marking him as unsporting

  6. #36


    I roll certain dice for certain tests... but it's Orky superstition. Movement? Red dice. Saving throws? Blue dice. Combat? Green dice. Shooting? Black dice. Flame weapons? Translucent orange. Leadership? Back to the green.

    When I'm playing other armies, I'll tend to mix and match more. But people know there's nothing "fishy" about my dice. Either they're really bad, or just average (I like average). Nothing amazing.

    Oh yeah, I do tend to roll Chaos dice for their respective god, and their purpose. I.e. never use Khorne dice for magic, typically stick to Tzeentch since that's who I use for casting most of the time.

    The ONE time I could understand my opponent questioning my dice was during the first Apoc game with the new book. I bought a block of the dice, one ended up getting lost under the counter (a "sacrifice" to the dice gods), and then the game started with a pre-game orbital strike on my opponent's Baneblade... HIT -> 6 on the D chart -> 6 for the D6+6 HP -> 6 on Catastrophic Damage table. Ow. And then the Lord of Skulls just shrugged off a sickening amount of shots. But the combo hasn't been that amazing since, even when the store manager put that LoS (he was letting me borrow it for the game) up for sale and I eagerly snatched it up.

  7. #37


    Non painted models, no rule book owning, no codex having, faq not-knowing, tape measureless, without scatter dice template borrowers that just have their army tossed into a dark vengeance box bottom scavenged
    from a trash can...


    ...that know YOUR rules but not their own and only remember basic rules of movement and LOS during YOUR turn. ;-)
    Last edited by Eric French; 03-28-2014 at 10:47 AM.

  8. #38


    I have a small list.
    1)In a tournament I finish early, take a stroll around.. notice a nice Blood Angels list, notice it's mostly anti-armor and smile inside because I'm fielding an infantry heavy IG list.. then draw that opponent next round and suddenly find he's loaded with Baal Predators, HB Dreadnoughts, and a ton of anti-infantry that isn't there. Said player is a regular in the store hosting the tournament and I'm a visitor so my claim gets ignored by the judge.

    2)Playing against someone who runs(ran) a well-known bits store and call him out when he tries to scale a wall with a rhino. It's his store so he dinks my sportsmanship and even though I pull the most points, wins, etc.. I still end up not even placing. (different store and people from the first example)

    3)"Veteran" players who "forget" key rules when they think you haven't read the rulebook. When you notice them firing rapid firing weapons and assaulting or ignoring dangerous terrain checks on their jump infantry that are all over the difficult terrain you're fighting across.. they act as though you farted and are offended that you would even point it out.

    4)People who blame their dice, throw said dice, smash their models when they're destroyed, and literally look like they're about to have an aneurism.. in a friendly garage game.

    5)The kid that always wants you to look at his list.. which is really just an exercise in "how many _____" can I fit in my list.

    6)That one guy who won a Golden Demon in a category nobody gives a crap about but suddenly has something to say about everyone's paintjob. Also happens to be friends with the guy from #2

    7)The hyper-competitive guy who is very relaxed when he's winning but as soon he's losing he disappears into the crapper, takes a phone call, etc etc..

    8)The "friend" that acts like you're screwing him over every time you make a good tactical decision and "comforts" you every time he kills off one of your units (not even exaggerating).

    9)The hipster that used to play army-x back in the day.. but the codex changed and his old insta-win list doesn't work anymore so he's too cool to play the game now.. instead he cruises from table to table talking smack about 40k... then proceeds to drone on and on about his old list etc ad nauseum.

    10)The models that have been converted so many times that they are literally a mishmash of superglue and paint, save for the one newly attached weapon... and it isn't even WYSIWYG.

  9. #39


    i hate when people can't use the scatter dice properly, the arrow is pointing to the back left of my unit but somehow scatters directly left and gets more guys.

  10. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by YorkNecromancer View Post
    This +1, only topped by the guys who get offended when you call them out on it, like you're restricting their freedom of speech by drawing attention to the fact that what they're saying is ignorant, offensive, and frankly just uncreative. It's like, grow some basic ****ing humanity, you fool.
    Aha I myself have been quite guilty of using an incredible amount of slurs during a 40k game but its all in the spirit of it being obviously ignorant and rediculous and usually gets a lot of laughs from the people involved in the game, I can't imagine playing against somebody that would seriously say something as stupid as "gay" during a game thats got to be tiring.

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