Blood Angels Banner Project

Thread: Blood Angels Banner Project

  1. Matthew Benoit said:

    Default Blood Angels Banner Project

    I began a banner a few months ago and wanted to post up the pictures I have of what I've completed so far. This isn't the usual painted banner either, I have decided to create my banner by Hooking, its a linen-burlap backing with hand cut wool threads for all the color. Please ask any questions you have. I will also be doing commissions, so if you want your own battle standard, please PM me!

    This banner is going to be 5ft x 3ft and its getting quite heavy.



  2. Matthew Benoit said:


    More images.



  3. Matthew Benoit said:


  4. Wolfshade's Avatar

    Wolfshade said:


    Colour me intrigued.
    Fan of Fuggles | Derailment of the Wolfpack of Horsemen | In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni
  5. Matthew Benoit said:


  6. AdeptusMechanicus said:

    Default Woah

    cant wait to see it finished ... dont know why i never thought of making a banner that way before ... id love to make an IG regimental standard
  7. Sam Menethil's Avatar

    Sam Menethil said:


    Looks pretty amazing. How much dya think you'll be charging for commission pieces like this?
  8. Dave Fothergill said:


    awesome I want one I'm a avid BA fan so this would really be cool!
  9. SuperDann's Avatar

    SuperDann said:


    Incredible! I would love to see a Dark Angel one of these.
  10. Matthew Benoit said:


    I'm glad people like it! If you are interested in a commission please PM me. Any size/shape/color and pattern can be done! Thanks!