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View Poll Results: Who Most Deserves the Next Supplemental Codex?

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  • Emperor's Children

    24 7.92%
  • Iron Warriors

    49 16.17%
  • World Eaters

    26 8.58%
  • Alpha Legion

    35 11.55%
  • Thousand Sons

    68 22.44%
  • Word Bearers

    21 6.93%
  • Night Lords

    51 16.83%
  • Death Guard

    29 9.57%
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Results 51 to 57 of 57
  1. #51
    Iron Father
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    Sep 2010
    Vancouver Island, BC


    Quote Originally Posted by Vangrail View Post
    Id say world eaters personally. Id love to see Zerks on Juggernauts or zerker terminators. Just feel like you could do alot with them really. really any of them just make cult termis and different elite choices.
    Well I voted Iron Warriors, but answers like this that really are making me think World Eaters could be really good too.

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Southampton, England


    I don't play Chaos (in 40k, I play Warriors in Fantasy) of any flavour, so this is from a non-biased viewpoint.

    I would say Thousand Sons. The Rubric makes them completely different to other Chaos Marines, and right now they're easily the worst cult troops. You're paying out of the nose for a 4++ that isn't going to help much because people are just going to use weight of wounds to kill them anyway. Nice against Imperial Guard because they typically use pie-plates and plasma to deal with Marines, but then you're against Guard... so your AP3 Bolters are wasted.

    It would be good to see the Rubric applied to the entire force. No mutation, walking legion of dust, anyone who isn't dust is a psyker to some degree, so anything not-dust would have Brotherhood of Psykers.

    Other than the Thousand Sons, there's no reason (rules-wise) for the supplements to be legion-specific, just god-specific. That said, the only reason the Imperial Fist and Iron Hands ones were focussed on the third companies was for the sake of having something to focus on for fluff purposes, they're obviously intended to be used by any company, so a legion supplement would obviously be intended for use by any warband dedicated to that god, but with the fluff focussing on that legion.

    That's why Thousand Sons would be the best candidates for their own supplement. Unlike the other legions, they're completely different to other warbands who worship the same god. Emperor's Children aren't the only Noise Marines, World Eaters aren't the only Berserkers, Death Guard aren't the only Plague Marines and so on. No other Tzeentchian warband had the rubric cast upon them, only the Thousand Sons. We know that the Thousand Sons are generally joined onto other warbands for some kind of payment because the Sorcerers leading them like books and other shiny things, but when it comes to an entire warband of them they would benefit the most from a supplement.

    You could still give non-Thousand Sons Tzeentchian warbands access to the artefacts though, because why not, other Tzeentchians can still have shiny magic things.
    Last edited by Anggul; 11-17-2013 at 03:45 AM.

  3. #53
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anggul View Post
    It would be good to see the Rubric applied to the entire force. No mutation, walking legion of dust, anyone who isn't dust is a psyker to some degree, so anything not-dust would have Brotherhood of Psykers.
    Pretty much every cult legion needs this, slaanesh is the only one that can sorta if you squint and cheat make a kinda cult list.

    None of the others can even run cult HQ choices without taking a special character.
    Morbid Angels:
    I probably come across as a bit of an ***, don't worry I just cannot abide stupid.

  4. #54


    World Eaters because i own a lot of khorne stuff
    1. Tyranids - 15,000 pts
    2. Chaos Space Marines - 7,100 pts

  5. #55
    Join Date
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    I went with World Eaters too, I think there's a lot more to the legion than just waggghhhh blood for the blood god. I think they are deserving more of a fleshed out back story. FW and BL have done a great job of showing us the beginnings of what the legions now become. I would like to see more about them that isn't just Berserkers.
    “The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live.”

  6. #56
    Join Date
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    Borås - Sweden


    As long as the Supplemental codex is done with interest and intent of making a "real" legion out of it anyone, though Id prefer Emperors Children.

    All of the 8 CSM legions needs quite a bit to get their character back. That is not terribly hard to manage (see 3,5 codex), but apparently awfully boring/low prio for the design studio. I dont know if its the fact that they are going to be forced to move backwards a few steps thats the issue here or what it is, but there almost seems as if there is some prestige in not taking inspiration from Andy Hoares 3,5 CSM codex, which apart from 1 cheesebuild was solid.

    It plain out sucks that CSM have gotten 2 bland books in a row now, all armies deserve better then that.

  7. #57
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by BrotherAlpharius View Post
    I voted Emperor's Children and then promptly changed my mind to Thousand Sons. My own armies are Alpha Legion and Plague Marines but I think the supplements should make as many armies playable as possible.

    Iron Warriors - CSM + Allied Imperial Guard
    Word Bearers - CSM + Allied Daemons
    Alpha Legion - CSM or SM + Allied Guard
    Night Lords - CSM, admittedly they're limited.

    Thousand Sons are barely playable and Emperor's Children could have a lot more craziness.
    Quote Originally Posted by Katharon View Post
    I hate people that keep auto-including allies into armies. We need to be reminded that armies are suppose to be able to stand on their own, the Allies part is just a nice feature. So the idea that the Iron Warriors would have auto-include Allies with IG is just ridiculous (but plausible from a rule writers perspective).

    It's already in the fluff that the Iron Warriors rely on every piece of artillery imaginable and have large cohorts of mortal soldiers that fight under them. If you're going to make an Iron Warriors supplement, then it should include things like this:

    • Corrupted Guardsmen - models that are slightly better than Cultists, better arms and armor
    • Access to all artillery in the game - Basilisk, Medusa, etc
    • Special Fortifications specific to the Iron Warriors, maybe trench networks that give 3+ saves and Always give a cover save, even if a weapon would normally ignore a cover save.

    Those are the type of things I want to see in a Legion supplement for the Iron Warriors.
    For allies, it could be done with altering the status, for example:

    Iron Warriors - tread IG Allies as "battle brothers" (fluff restriction: only IW ICs may join IG) - so taada here are the better cultists and ari-pieces
    AL - the enemy has to tread his allies a level worser, so bb´s are convenience & convenience is desperate
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