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    Fly Lord
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    Default Dark Elves Rumor Roundup

    via [URL=""]Warseer's Zeipherer[/URL] 6-22-2013

    -New Book October 2013
    -Executioner and Black Guard share same kit, with black guards having alternate caped back piece, head, and halberd.
    The weapons are almost interchangeable without any work done no matter what torso you use for the body yes even if 2 handed.
    -Cauldron of Blood. It is a hybrid kit with old witch Elf element for 1 build. While the new variation is like Empire War Altar.
    It has a special aura similar to EOTG called ??? blades that is like a whirl wind of magic blades that damage surrounding enemies emitted by khain's hatred.
    Via BoLS 6-26-2013

    Look for many new Dark Elf models on launch, focusing on those "that needed it" *hint, hint*
    via Warseer 8-1-2013
    Dark Elves getting a hybrid is a plastic monster kit which can build a Hydra "supposedly the biggest monster there" or what is called a Warbeast of Karond Kar, don't quote me on the name....its what i'd call it....basically a monster and handler unit, with basic states, players can then pay points for upgrades, ie like +2 attacks, regen and etc...and therefore build if u want like a chimera or like basalisk or something in between, "yes something like acid blood upgrade" turn to stone upgrade but....think basalisk has something like that going by memory at the moment....
    Via 40KRadio 8-25-2013

    Dark Elves in October ~Editor's note, same as the very first rumor from back in June
    via Warseer's soulferin 8-27-2013

    One of our country represenatives on ETC was speaking with some VIP (i can't say who are these people) whose name is seen in each of the army books. The VIP told him that he has already tested new DE. There will be plenty of new models, two new monsters, two models of hydra, very powerful offencive lore with nice attribute which will boost it in addition. From the items will be for sure Sacrifficial Dagger which will work similar to the old one. You get PD on 4+ but you can roll as many times as you want till you roll 4 or more. Cauldron of Blood will be in a unit. That's all what he can say for now.
    Via 40KRadio 9-4-2013
    1) NEW Plastic Dark Elf Warrior Box(Makes Spearmen, swordsmen, & crossbowmen)
    2) NEW PLastic Dark Riders/Warlocks
    3) NEW Plastic Blackguard/Executioners
    4) NEW Plastic Coldone Chariot/Scroungerunner(Pulled by horses)
    5) NEW Plastic Cauldron of Blood/Blood Throne(This model is AMAZING)
    6) NEW Plastic Hydra/Kraken
    7) NEW Plastic Witch Elf box
    Via Last Avenger 9-12-2013
    1) NEW Plastic Dark Elf Warrior Box(Makes Spearmen, swordsmen, & crossbowmen)
    The new Warriors look quite different to me. But then again I am a big geek that notices stuff like that. They have cloaks that come down their back and all the helmets don't cover the eyes any more.
    The cloaks hang down from underneath the shoulder armor and cover the back of the chain mail. It definitely is new for them but it looks really cool. The Druchii warriors also have shoulder armor. It makes them look simply awesome. The skull embossed on their shields looks great too.
    The Warriors, Black Guard, and Dark Riders all have cloaks. None of them appear to have face coverings.
    It does not appear that any of the banners have designs sculpted onto them. The pictures we have of the warriors show 2 regiments, one armed with swords and shields and one armed with spears and shield. Our source tell us that they will make crossbows but we don't have a picture of them.

    2) NEW PLastic Dark Riders/Warlocks
    Warlocks appear to have one hand weapon
    The warlocks are bare chested, and the weapons look mundane...aka not glowing. They look like large jagged daggers. They are held in reverse grips which looks pretty slick. The warlock champions eyes are glowing which IMO hints at some magical abilities.
    The Warriors, Black Guard, and Dark Riders all have cloaks. None of them appear to have face coverings.
    The Dark Riders are very cool looking. Sleek looking horses with only a bit of armor. All of the Riders are hunched over in the saddle to give the illusion of speeding fast cav. The helmets appear to be open faced and they are armed with spears in the picture I have, once again that doesn't mean they wont get crossbows (in the pictures we have they are in the back ground behind the Warlocks).
    There does not appear to be a command group for the Warlocks, only a unit champion.

    3) NEW Plastic Blackguard/Executioners
    The Warriors, Black Guard, and Dark Riders all have cloaks. None of them appear to have face coverings. The Executioners appear to have skull faced helms. The theme to me appears to be a more sinister version of their High Elf bretheren. The plate armor has very spiked and jagged edges. The style will still fit well with the Shades and Reaper but next to these new models they will look very dated.
    -Black Guard look very stalwart with large halberds and high helms with 3 spikes on each side with a flowing plume on top. Their armor is black trimmed in gold and they have dark purple cloaks. The unit champion is holding a sword by the hilt with the blade planted in the ground. Musician is a drummer.
    -The executioners have what look like skull helms, and their armor is a brighter silver than the Black Guard. Their tunics are red in color and the Draiches are all held on the left hand side of their bodies (their left our right). They look very cool ranked up.
    The Executioner champ is armed with an axe and is holding the decapitated head of a High Elf. Pretty dang cool.

    4) NEW Plastic Coldone Chariot/Scroungerunner(Pulled by horses)
    The new chariot crew is armed with spears and what looks to be a large crossbow or bolt thrower on the chariot.
    For the Scroungerunner charoit the crew look similar to Corsairs. The passenger shooting the crossbow/boltthrower has what appears to be a sea dragon cloak on. There are reins but they look like just normal black leather. The horses look awesome and angry. Both are black in color with red eyes. The chariot only has one wheel that is centered on the back part. Sounds stupid, looks cool. And as usual nasty spikes and blades al
    And yes the Cold Ones on the chariot match the current Cold One Knights.

    5) NEW Plastic Cauldron of Blood/Blood Throne(This model is AMAZING)
    The Cauldron of Blood/Blood Throne look very cool. If you are a fan of the newer larger models GW has been putting out for WHFB you will really dig it. It is a bit toned down compared to the Empire Celestial Hurricanum/Luminark of Hysh and has blades and hooks on it to make it very sinister and Dark Elf.
    The Cauldron of Blood/Blood Throne are on a bigger base than the chariot base.
    Yes the Cauldron and the Blood throne both have 6 wheels. They are on the same chassis, just with different stuff on the altar. I just noticed that the Witch Elves on Blood Throne have metal masks that cover the front of their face with the exception of their chin and mouth area and of course their eyes.
    Ok and now to answer the Medusa question: She has the lower body of a snake and it appears there are other snakes on her base. The right side of her torso is bare, including her breast. In her right hand she is holding a spear. She has armor over her left breast and has a nasty looking clawed gauntlet on her hand. Her mouth is agape and she has snakes for hair. There is also a significant amount of blood on the model.

    6) NEW Plastic Hydra/Kraken
    About Hydra:It looks bigger and beefier.
    Yes the Hydra does have 2 handlers.
    -The Kraken has 5 heads/fanged maws. The have spines and scales with smooth neck and belly flesh. Scales are painted a Dark Grey with the softer flesh painted blue. Looks awesome.
    The Kraken doesn't have tentacles, it has four legs with webbed appendages ending in claws and it also has a tail.
    Yes the Kraken has multiple heads. From the pic it looks like there is one main head with eyes and the other four necks end with fanged maws. Very cool looking. It may sound stupid to people as it is walking but wait until the picture comes out before passing judgement.
    You have to clear your head of any preconceived notions of what a Kraken is or looks like. Because lets face it, an 8 legged octopus creature flopping around on land would just not look right. It has 4 limbs that end in webbed feet with claws on them. It also has 5 heads. The main head has beady little eyes right above the mouth. The lower jaw on the main head extends kind of like an octopus tentacle but with teeth on it. The other heads end in an mouth with teeth and 4 claws around the head that look to facilitate grabbing their next meal.

    7) NEW Plastic Witch Elf box
    -The pictures we have of the Witch Elves has them with two hand weapons.
    The witches are also sporting thigh high boots and are very dynamic with their poses. I wonder how much of a pain in the butt it will be to get them to rank up.
    The Witch Elves look great. No mowhawks or anything like that. Long flowing hair, thigh high black boots and red loincloths and for lack of a better terms bras. They appear to have open mouths so lord only knows what they are saying before they come in and hack my poor High Elves to bits.
    There appears to be a command group for the Witch Elves.

    Crone Hellebron?
    -Apparently one of the pics we have is Crone Hellebron. She is a little more armored up than a normal WE. She has a sword and a small blade (I am thinking Deathsword and Parrying Blade). She definitely has the big hair like in her artwork in the current army book.She looks young like a regular WE. She has a a bit more clothing, but not much. She has a gold mask covering her face that extends upwards in a crown like fashion. Both arms are raised towards the sky.
    Via Shabadoo 9-17-2013
    Plastic Cauldron of Blood/Blood Throne
    The whole contraption is a large lower platform on six wheels with a smaller raised platform towards the rear, which is reached by two staircases that curve from the lower center outward to the left and right front of the upper platform. The upper platform is where the Hag stands/Medusa is coiled. Near the top of each staircase is a witch elf guard, and they stand with their feet on different levels of the stairs in a nice "guarding" action pose. Those that guard the Medusa have spears, which they are pointing down the stairs, as if threatening anything that might come up them. The Medusa's right arm is holding high a spear, point upwards, and her right breast is bare. Also, the Medusa's body is covered in scattered small cuts from which drips blood. The paint job is in the very clean GW style and looks very nice, but I do look forward to somebody doing a bit grittier, more realistic paint job on the Medusa in particular. Seriously, the Medusa is a pretty badarse model, and anybody who doesn't like it should be publicly ostracized. Behind the Medusa is what looks like a large mirror on a pedestal. The mirror frame is gold, and depicts cavorting Witch Elves. The mirror is painted to look like what appears to be a row of moons in a clear blue daytime sky (i.e. the mirror "looks through to another world" type of thing is what they were going for, I guess). Also, Lion mentioned snakes at the base of the Medusa's tail, but it may be that it is the Medusa's tail that actually splits into multiple serpents itself, as the snakes are painted a similar (though slightly lighter) shade of green to the Medusa's lower snake body. The angle of the pic doesn't show which is the case, so we'll most likely have to wait for the pre-order pics to determine that. For the Cauldron of Blood, at the back of the upper platform behind the Hag is the obligatory large statue of Khaine, sword held aloft.
    Via Daigar 9-18-2013
    Plastic Dark Elf Warrior Box £30
    PLastic Dark Riders/Warlocks £25
    Plastic Blackguard/Executioners £30
    Plastic Coldone Chariot/Scroungerunner £25
    Plastic Cauldron of Blood/Blood Throne £50
    Plastic Hydra/Kraken £50
    Plastic Witch Elf box £30
    Via Faeit 9-20-2013

    The guys over at 40k radio are saying Tyranids in January, as did a source I heard from yesterday. A two month release for Dark Elves seems very uncharacteristic right now, so who knows? I am still digging to figure out what is going on, as I was originally told that the White Dwarf for November featured Tyranids.
    Dark Elves Release Schedule
    First Month
    Advanced order/white dwarf from Sat 28th Sept. (so the studio can talk about them at UK GD)
    On shelves Sat 5th Oct.
    -most of the plastics already mentioned-

    Second month
    Advanced order/White dwarf from Sat 26th Oct.
    On shelves Sat 2nd Nov.
    -even more plastic crack Inc. Shadowblade plastic clampack by far the best model of range IMHO

    Release Schedule
    September - 1st Dark Elves Advanced Orders/ On the Shelf October 5th
    October - 2nd Dark ElvesAdvanced Orders/ On the Shelf November 2nd
    The GW Dark Elves Trailer Arrives with a date of 9-28-2013

    Rules via [URL=""]Kiwi Hammer[/URL]. 9-25-2013

    New Releases

    All of the new models look great
    The DE Army book is written by Matt Ward
    The largest dual kit is the Cauldron of Blood which allows you to make either a Cauldron of Blood or a Bloodwrack Medusa. You can also use this kit to make the special character Crone Hellebron.
    The next dual kit is Witch Elves and the Sisters of Slaughter – Sisters of Slaughter are apparently the lost daughters of fallen noble houses and look great.
    The new DE Core box allows you to make your warriors with Spears, Swords and Shields or Repeater Cross-bows.
    The Dual Hydra/Kharibdyss kit looks pretty good, there are pictures of the Hydra with different paint schemes that actually look a lot better than the leaked photo we’ve already seen.
    The Special Character Shadowblade is a single pose figure that will come in a clampack
    There is a Lore of Dark Magic Card set being released.

    Army Special Rules/Points Cost

    Dark Elves now have the armywide special rule of ASF (unsure if this will apply to monsters/cold ones)
    Dark Elves also have Hatred but presumably only in the first round
    Black Guard have eternal hatred
    New Rule called murderous prowess allows Dark Elves to re-roll 1′s to wound. Unsure if this will extend to shooting and magic.
    There is a new Beastmaster Lord Level Character which costs 300 points when naked on a Manticore
    Witch Elves are core and 11 points per model. They can also take magical banners.
    A unit of 30 Spear Elves and of 30 Xbow Elves with Full command costs 390 points. Unsure what options were used but that means the warriors were 12 points per model.
    A DE Sorceress Hero looks to be 80 points
    Cauldrons of Blood still come out of Hero slots and look to have increased in points. They can join units and one of their powers allows a unit to re-roll to wound. In the Batrep a unit with a Cauldron and this buff up deletes a unit of Sobunz.
    Bloodwrack Medusas are rare and have a shooting attack called Bloodwrack Stare. Not sure what it does
    Hydras can now regain wounds in a manner similar to the Slann with the regen power of the old ones. They are now 180 points, have monster+handler but have to buy their breath weapon.
    Lore of Dark Magic – The attribute is called spiteful conjuration and does extra wounds to enemies that have spells cast on them. Unsure of how the mechanic works but could be similar to Tz lore attribute?
    Lore of Dark Magic – Only spell mentioned is called Word of Pain and it reduces WS/BS/I
    A Dreadlord with Heavy Armour and a Shield on a Black Dragon costs 449 points.
    Cold Ones are 30 points and have 2 Attacks, unsure if the cold ones themselves have ASF
    Latest Rules 9-27-2013
    via Geruchteckuche
    Sisters of Slaughter: WS 6, I 6, A 2 and a 4++ ward.

    via Jossy on
    Black Guard are ItP, ASF, Eternal hatred, Stubbord, Murderess prowess
    Stats are 5, 5, 4, 3, 3, 1, 6, 2, 9

    War Hydra is 180 points including fiery roar. Interesting the WD description talks about a lashing tail and poisoned tipped claws (possible upgrades IMO). The WD describes the War Hydra being able to regain wounds during the game, and then goes on to say its like an improved regeneration rule.

    Dreadspears are 9ppm with Shield and spear, whilst rptxbows are 12ppm.

    All Dark Elves all have ASF, Hatred (High Elves), and murderess prowess special rules

    Witchelves also have Frenzy, and Poisoned attacks ontop of ASF, Hatred (HE) and MP.
    The frenzy is increased to +2 attacks with the CoB apparently (unconfirmed)

    The CoB also magnifies murderous prowess - reroll all failed to wound rolls instead of just 1's

    A High Beastlord has the ability to boost nearby monster units. Unsure of how. Presumably you can still get a beastlord hero as the High beastlord is a lord option.

    The Medusa can be taken on a mount (bloodwrack throne) or on foot (er tail)
    On foot it is 90ppm and is selected from the rare option, has some sort of shooting attack with kb

    I am surprised and happy to see the return of points values in WD battle reports :mrgreen:

    Edit: Hellbron is included in the CoB model. Yes Plastic Hellbron, alongside a Bloodwrack Medussa, and a Hag...

    I forgot to add, I've had confirmation that Black Guard are on stock run down. That means only one thing...

    The WD also supports this as it mentions several times the "total redesign" of the Dark Elves, with only the CoK and Corsairs being 'sacred'

    More via
    The Hydra btw lost its Regeneration. Has the ability to get Lifepoints back. It has d3 attacks + 1 attack for each lifepoint and will cost 160 points. (Without breath)

    cauldron of blood will have a +5 Ward for the Unit its placed inside. It also gives Frenzy (Rage or what ever it is in english) if the Unit already has it, they will get 2 attackes instead of one.
    It also gives something in a range of 6" around the CoB. But forgot what it is sorry.

    The Medusa will have an ability to force Initative tests with models in base contact. And it has Killing blow as a Range attack. I think it was 3 Attacks.
    Dark Elves Cover
    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	5082
    Last edited by Bigred; 09-27-2013 at 12:55 PM.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Isle of Man


    sounds awesome, 'those that needed it' doesn't really narrow it down though...
    Twelve monkeys, eleven hats. One monkey is sad.

  3. #3


    The only Dark Elf Models That REALLY need it are the Warriors and Witch Elves.
    Hyrda is a Maybe as if the Bolt Thrower but Warriors and Witch Elves are WAY Bad and they are the heart of some armies

  4. #4


    Warriors, Witch Elves, Fast Cavalry, Cold One Chariot......
    Fed up for Scalpers?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Isle of Man


    I could see them getting a giant hydra as their big kit, that would be boss.
    warriors are dire and desperately need replacing, but then no other core have been replaced lately so they might want to do the special units
    Twelve monkeys, eleven hats. One monkey is sad.

  6. #6


    I heard about Witch Elf CADs being spotted in late 2011 in my old rumours which are looking pretty good now... Had them corroborated by Hastings too. I guess you could say the WE CADs may have been for the Cauldron of Blud though. Still it could be:

    Executioners/Black Guard
    Witch Elves/Something or nothing

    For the plastic kits.
    Ask not the EldarGal a question, for she will give you three answers, all of which are puns and terrifying to know. Back off man, I'm a feminist. Ia! Ia! Gloppal Snode!

  7. #7


    If I learned anything from the High Elf release, it is that GW is willing to go crazy for new releases. My bet is that if they do some new monster, there will be a variant that makes it a battle platform, or they will release some new madness that none of us expects, like some monstrous cavalry or something.

  8. #8


    I'm hoping for Witch Elves riding unicorns.
    Ask not the EldarGal a question, for she will give you three answers, all of which are puns and terrifying to know. Back off man, I'm a feminist. Ia! Ia! Gloppal Snode!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    The Phalanx


    Quote Originally Posted by eldargal View Post
    I'm hoping for Witch Elves riding unicorns.
    Heh Black Unicorns, what with Dark Pegasi and Dark Riders too that would make Dark Elves the evil MLP army! They could look pretty awesome too:

    Last edited by Brakkart; 06-27-2013 at 09:28 AM.
    Either there is life in the universe more intelligent than us, or we are the most intelligent form of life in the universe. Either way, it's a worrying thought!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Knoxville, Tennessee, United States


    First thing I thought of: Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	4292

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