Nurgle Daemon Prince

Thread: Nurgle Daemon Prince

  1. Bionicknees said:

    Default Nurgle Daemon Prince



    Hi guys, Got another finished model to share with you. I really can't believe it that i managed to finish two models in a week! I really think thats a first for me! it seems that my more liberal and quick approach ( spending less time sweating about minute areas and applying global lighting to larger areas) seems to be paying off , As again this guy took around 3-4 hours.
    It makes my laugh when I rummage through all my unfinished models, just how many I have to get through. Looks like I'll be keeping busy for some time.
    Like the previous daemon prince this guy is of no use to me and i just don't have the room so he's up for auction on ebay:

    [url] 84.m1555.l2649[/url]


  2. Bitrider said:


    That thing looks gross...and I believe that is the highest honor and compliment you can give painted Nurgle deamon prince.
    "I play Eldar, why? Does GW make any other good armies?"