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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    South Africa

    Default Heavy weapons team movement?

    Hi all need some advice.I just played a game and we had an interesting situation came up.

    I had a heavy weapons team in a bunker it was shooting out the forwards slit. when my enemy moved to the side of the bunker i was told i could not shoot the heavy weapon out of the opening on that side as i cannot move and shoot it. Is this correct?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Minneapolis, MN


    I've always played that bunkers work like immobile vehicles. It doesn't matter where the model is inside of the bunker, only that it is "embarked". Embarked models can shoot from any firing point.

    Normally you couldn't move and shoot, though.

  3. #3


    Pivoting is not moving.
    To a New Yorker like you a hero is some kinda weird sandwich, not some nut who takes on three Tigers!

  4. #4


    It call comes down to what the bunker was.

    Was it treated as a Building with an Armor Value? If so, then all the rules for Buildings apply - i.e, it's like an immobile transport. Models can freely shoot from the fire points using TLOS from the fire point itself, and they don't "move" within the building (exception being complex structures). If models are placed within the building, it is only for convenience as a marker.

    If it was treated as simple TLOS terrain, then the unit has to fire using TLOS, but again, it's infantry and has no facing, so if it could see the target through a gap in the bunker without moving, it could shoot (but might give a cover save at that point).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    South Africa


    It was treated as a Building with an Armor Value 14. I was only using the fire points. As i was using an Auto cannon it was explained to me that as the weapon was so large they had to move it to another fire point, so by doing that it had moved and was not allowed to fire that turn.

    Thanks for all the advise. I will not be taken for a fool again.

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