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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Knoxville, Tennessee, United States


    When was this time when Chaos models didn't look hilarious? Was it the bullish Keeper? The Bloodthirster with a pug face? The Chaos Marines with heads in their torsos? These are serious questions as Chaos always looked like a bunch of guys that made horrible life choices and deserved my pity not my fear when I was little.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Newcastle, UK


    like i said in the post, i ref. bill kings short. its the fluff and early art that set the scene. [URL="linky to youtube"][/URL]

    why GW have chosen to abandon the horror aspect in chaos is beyond me, yes it was not put into the early models very well due to physical reproduction methods. (i know GW wants the little tweenies buying their stuff so wont go back to kindom death style stuff sadly )

    but the taming of the demonettes is unforgivable, thankfully the plague bearers have become better since plastic, nurglings also have the humor of pappa nurgle.
    tzeench demons are a little lacking.... horrors while always humorous, through random spite and malice kept the evilness to them..... and khorne demons kind of got lost for a while between bestial nastiness and red but now they have their sinuous lethality again, they are weird and creepy.

    as for models, the old guitar noise marines are still one of Jes' best works... they look evil and still amazing, the move to rubric marines took a lot of what tzeench marines were away sadly deathguard are finally coming back with FW kits and the likes and FW khorne guys are amazing, just like the old metals from back in the day.... i loved the mohawk bolter berzerker

    lets just hope the new alpacalips will bring a new plastic chaos kit.... in line with the DV marines so we are not using the same old crappy CSM bits.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Wellington, New Zealand


    Sorry, don't like it. Yes it may hark back to 2nd ed. (I started playing at the beginning of 3rd), but I think the move away from goofyness to horror/grim dark was a good thing.

    40k has been moving back to goofyness for a while now; wolf riding marines, dinobots and the giant baby carrier, and although the sculpting is often great I am getting less impressed with the model concepts .

    Maybe I'm just turning into a grumpy old man.

  4. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Cpt Codpiece View Post
    like i said in the post, i ref. bill kings short. its the fluff and early art that set the scene. [URL="linky to youtube"][/URL]

    why GW have chosen to abandon the horror aspect in chaos is beyond me, yes it was not put into the early models very well due to physical reproduction methods. (i know GW wants the little tweenies buying their stuff so wont go back to kindom death style stuff sadly )

    but the taming of the demonettes is unforgivable, thankfully the plague bearers have become better since plastic, nurglings also have the humor of pappa nurgle.
    tzeench demons are a little lacking.... horrors while always humorous, through random spite and malice kept the evilness to them..... and khorne demons kind of got lost for a while between bestial nastiness and red but now they have their sinuous lethality again, they are weird and creepy.

    as for models, the old guitar noise marines are still one of Jes' best works... they look evil and still amazing, the move to rubric marines took a lot of what tzeench marines were away sadly deathguard are finally coming back with FW kits and the likes and FW khorne guys are amazing, just like the old metals from back in the day.... i loved the mohawk bolter berzerker

    lets just hope the new alpacalips will bring a new plastic chaos kit.... in line with the DV marines so we are not using the same old crappy CSM bits.
    Yea i get that, they have tried to "disneyfy" the current fluff, as they are changing the appeal of the game from older consumers to a younger audience (whose parents might object to buying a necronomicon for sweet innocent junior.
    But a little texture , and some darker tones, i bet the LoB will look pretty nice.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Knoxville, Tennessee, United States


    I love that noisemarine (he is currently Inquisitor Rockenstein) but he could only be menacing to a child. That's kind of the point, Chaos has never been scary in 40k. Chaos worship is always a mistake people make and are punished for.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    I love the old Epic game and have a couple Lords for it... I would have prefered something closer to the original as this one looks more like a hybrod Death Dealer Daemon Engine to me than the actual LOB. Given my purchase history it probably will not stop me from picking one up.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Triplex Phall


    He looks weird and scary. But I think its also a bad paintjob.

  8. #28


    I really like it, and have my fingers, toes, eyes and nads crossed I'll be able to field it withy Daemons.

    See, Chaos is about stuff from your nightmares. They don't have to make sense. What we have here is a daemonically possessed super heavy tank, where the Daemon has moulded it to fit.

    And as ever...we're seeing it from one angle, so to write it off that easily is simply childish.
    Fed up for Scalpers?

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