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  1. #41


    Also, totally Dark Angels, you know, more than they have already fallen to Chaos.

  2. #42


    The likelihood of any of the remaining loyal first founding chapters going Excommunicate Traitoris is unlikely.

    However, further foundings with diluted gene seed, which is more susceptible to corruption, are not out of the realms of possibility. Even the somewhat stable gene seed of the Imperial Fists resulted in the Soul Drinkers. Albeit in bizarre, misinformed circumstances.

    In my opinion, out of the remaining loyal first founding chapters, the Blood Angels are the only Chapter close enough to the precipice themselves to produce wayward offspring who lack their integrity, tradition and resolve. Even then, the Flesh Tearers as a prime example, the subsequent foundings are adamant in their resolve to keep their daemons at bay, if you pardon the pun.

  3. #43


    The First Founding Chapters geneseed is as dilute as any of the later foundings though, isn't it? I mean it's 10,000 years old whether you're talking about the First Founding or the (what are we up to?) Twenty Sixth Founding ...

    I think none of them have fell (at least en masse) for the same reason that none have been destroyed ... lead characters (or, in this case, Chapters) never die for no reason.

  4. #44


    Double post.
    Last edited by Chris*ta; 05-08-2013 at 04:20 AM.

  5. #45


    Damn triple post.

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