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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    New Jersey

    Default Rapture's Marine and Tau Thread


    I am excited to announce that someone I know has recently purchased a relatively nice camera that is capable of taking decent (in my opinion) pictures of my 40k minis. This is good news because now I can share what I have so far.

    I have been into 40k for about a year and spend most of my time painstakingly removing mold lines and thinking about how to build my minis without screwing up, visually or tactically. So, I encourage you to give advice no matter how nice or rude about my technique and my armies in general.

    First up are some of my tau battle suits:

    Click image for larger version. 

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    This is my main HQ, the Shas' O. I figured I couldn't really go wrong with the plasma and missile combo that everyone is so fond of.
    Click image for larger version. 

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    This guy started out as a twin linked missile pod suit but yesterday and snapped his very sturdy little arm off and then added a plasma arm from the next suit.
    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	249
    This guy was a twin linked plasma and looked dam good as one. However, tactics beat out aesthetics and he traded with a friend.

    Updates will be coming, both Tau and Marines so check back.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    New Jersey


    I started buying marines mainly so that I could play around with the wargear options that soldiers are lacking. So, I have a few captains.

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	252 Click image for larger version. 

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    This is supposed to be something like an assault captain.He is armed with what will be painted to be a relic blade and a storm shield. I would like to have a chapter symbol on the shield but I am not sure what my symbol will be yet.
    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	256
    I acquired an Assault on Black Reach model on the cheap but then realized that I really disliked it. So after a little bit of chopping and about 2 hours of head filing I ended up with him.
    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	255
    I know a power fist captain is a waste of Initiative but I couldn't resist. He is one of my favorites so far.

    Most of my marines are assembled and all of them are lacking paint. I am yet to decide on a scheme for them. I like the way Revilers look in grey but I am considering something bolder. Marines are the only army that can really pull off weird colors like yellow or purple.

  3. #3


    don't use Mpod/plasma suits... too expensive and they dont perform that well. Take advantage of your HQ slot and try out a Cyclic Ion Blaster/Plasma/Shield Gen with HW m tracker.... might not be in your style of play, but I find that they take out heavy troops and swarms very well. Leave the missile pods as twin linked on elites to pop transports, use railguns for heavy armor. Very good looking models btw

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    New Jersey


    Quote Originally Posted by slxiii View Post
    don't use Mpod/plasma suits... too expensive and they dont perform that well. Take advantage of your HQ slot and try out a Cyclic Ion Blaster/Plasma/Shield Gen with HW m tracker.... might not be in your style of play, but I find that they take out heavy troops and swarms very well. Leave the missile pods as twin linked on elites to pop transports, use railguns for heavy armor. Very good looking models btw
    Thanks. I think they are coming along nicely.

    I know plasma and missiles are expensive buy I plan on they being a large part of my army. I know a lot of people don't like crisis models but I think that they are too cool to play a minor role.

    It sounds like you have some tau models. What color do you suggest painting the weapons? I am trying not to turn them into a blob of green but I don't want the weapons to be over emphasized.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Rapture View Post
    Thanks. I think they are coming along nicely.

    I know plasma and missiles are expensive buy I plan on they being a large part of my army. I know a lot of people don't like crisis models but I think that they are too cool to play a minor role.

    It sounds like you have some tau models. What color do you suggest painting the weapons? I am trying not to turn them into a blob of green but I don't want the weapons to be over emphasized.
    you might want to try messing around with graveyard earth or a similar brownish tone, that could blend well with your green without standing out too much. You might want to mess with the scheme in dawn of war's army painter, if you have it, that definitely helped me out a bit. I'd imagine dark flesh/graveyard earth would complement each other well for your weapons. You may want to use your sept colour as a highlight to the weapons, for example the missiles on the missile pods may look good in your sept colour.

    And missiles and plasmas are awesome weapons, it is just my opinion that they do not belong together. They tend to form a bit of a generalist unit, and the eldar in me is opposed to that

  6. #6
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    New Jersey


    Quote Originally Posted by slxiii View Post
    you might want to try messing around with graveyard earth or a similar brownish tone, that could blend well with your green without standing out too much. You might want to mess with the scheme in dawn of war's army painter, if you have it, that definitely helped me out a bit. I'd imagine dark flesh/graveyard earth would complement each other well for your weapons. You may want to use your sept colour as a highlight to the weapons, for example the missiles on the missile pods may look good in your sept colour.

    And missiles and plasmas are awesome weapons, it is just my opinion that they do not belong together. They tend to form a bit of a generalist unit, and the eldar in me is opposed to that
    Thanks for the advice. I hadn't considered a third color but I will have to look into it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    NYC baby!


    nice work of the conversions, and your tau are looking good. What sword is that in the second model? Eldar?
    Officially abandoned a total RG army in light of a single custom marine army i can use for all codecies...what does that make me?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    New Jersey


    Quote Originally Posted by therealjohnny5 View Post
    nice work of the conversions, and your tau are looking good. What sword is that in the second model? Eldar?
    The sword on the converted AoBR model is just a regular power sword with a little filing. I call him my chapter master since his cape is too nice for a regular captain, so I figured he needed a sword that looked a little different as well.

    The other sword is supposed to be a relic blade so I filed down the back edge of a power sword until the blade had only the single edge.

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