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  1. #181


    Quote Originally Posted by OrksOrksOrks View Post
    Be my guest, I've never defended the idea of GW wanting to sue over Spots the space marine, I may have said it was an error or mistake due to defending IPs, but never that it was right to sue or claim infrigement, obviously if you've enough spare time to go back over all my posts, feel free, but thats really sad and pathetic.
    It doesn't take much time. There is a search engine for it. I do stand corrected though, and I'm happy to eat crow on the issue. When the whole Spots the Space Marine thing came up you had gone kind of belligerent and were attacking some guy and accusing him of being a racist because of his name. Then you went uncharacteristically quiet for awhile. As a result, you were pretty much absent from the debate.

  2. #182
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Naperville, IL


    Quote Originally Posted by OrksOrksOrks View Post
    So now that you have no disposible income becalook rational by have kids and a mortgage, the price is ridiculous? I'm shocked. All your money goes on your family, when you're a kid or a student, all your money goes on you, so you can indulge your hobbies, thats what GW wants
    You really aren't very capable are you. ..

    That's how you respond when you claimed kid can't afford the game?

    Please stop posting. You make even the most vehement of the apologists look rational in comparison.

  3. #183


    Quote Originally Posted by scadugenga View Post
    You really aren't very capable are you. ..

    That's how you respond when you claimed kid can't afford the game?

    Please stop posting. You make even the most vehement of the apologists look

    You said you can't afford to buy things for yourself. Because you have kids, you buy the kids toys, if they were GW fans, that would include GW things.
    Last edited by The Girl; 04-30-2013 at 11:17 AM. Reason: Personal attacks removed.

  4. #184



    Update with email from Larry Vela.


    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	logogk3.jpg 
Views:	88 
Size:	14.0 KB 
ID:	3962
    Last edited by Loken; 04-30-2013 at 10:07 AM.

  5. #185
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Knoxville, Tennessee, United States


    I'm amused **** is in the filter.

  6. #186


    Quote Originally Posted by bfmusashi View Post
    I'm amused **** is in the filter.
    I wasn't saying **** I was saying ****

  7. #187
    Fly Lord
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Austin, Texas, United States



    Thanks for the concern and the kind words,

    As you can tell, the BoLS frontpage is down and we are actively working the issue.

    We are working this issue up the chain with Google via multiple channels and making plans to avoid any such service interruptions in the future. BoLS has not received any IP notices, DMCA alerts, or violations from anyone, so at this moment we are still treating this as an IT issue on Google's side, but it is looking mighty suspicious by the hour. I'll let you all connect the dots.

    There is a possibility that BoLS temporarily got caught in the crossfire between GW and other 3rd party blogger sites - we shall see.

    In the meantime, all your favorite writers, are submitting their columns as new threads on the Lounge and we will be getting out links to them via Facebook, Google+, etc... Your BoLS content isn't going anywhere and if you poke around you will find lots more.

    We will be back fullly operational shortly - My first priority is ensuring that BoLS keeps on delivering the news on all the game systems we cover to the wargaming community and we will do so, come Hell or high water (or any other bad actors)...

    We will be moving to a more robust and secure blogging platform in the weeks ahead. We simply cannot allow this type of potential danger from 3rd parties to endanger BoLS ever again.

    For our fans and readers - we love delivering the news and opinion on our beloved hobby to you day in and day out, and have been for over 7 years. Please stand with us during these trying times and tell your friends. Blog about us, and enjoy the BoLS Lounge where your favorite authors will be publishing during this time of need, and we will be back shortly.

    Best regards and my deepest thanks,

    -Larry Vela
    Got some Juicy News? Email BoLS

  8. #188



    Update with email from Larry Vela.


    Your daily dose of Horus Heresy news

  9. #189
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Outer Space


    thank you Larry

  10. #190


    Guess I'm late to the party...

    Just wanted to say that the only real problems I have with GW are some egregious errors in quality (finecast) not being commensurate with cost and their stubborn refusal to enter the 21st century proper.

    I really can't blame them for not having an official public forum. Believe it or not there was a short window of time when they did have an official public internet forum, and like all niche fandoms it was filled with the utmost dregs of humanity, all mewling and spewing vitriol over anything and everything. Kind of like the World of Warcraft forums are today. You get very little out of maintaining an official forum, and honestly I think it was probably the right decision to kill that monstrosity in its infancy.

    All that being said what I really want from GW is a bit more product transparency and more logical pricing in certain areas. What I mean by that is give us tentative release schedules, let us know when armies are being updated and what models are being released. I really don't see anything negative about that other than it gives you deadlines, which honestly GW could use a little of considering how long it tends to sit on certain projects. Public disclosure has a way of setting a fire under people's buns, and that's what you really want in your workforce regardless of the industry.

    I'm not sure what percentage of their income is based on publications, but I'd wager that whatever it is, it is dwindling in the digital age. To me having information only available in hardcopy (or at hardcopy prices) is asinine in the modern age. I realize that they do have digital copies of all their books, but why do they charge the same prices as hardcopy? Anyone can see the disparity there. They should charge reasonable prices for digital downloads, then I can assure you that sales would skyrocket and since the infrastructure cost of dispensing digital product is nearly 0 (its not 0, but its certainly very cheap) its very nearly all profit. If you reduced the prices of digital codices to, say 10 bucks a pop, I'd have purchased all of them in addition to the hardcopies just for the sake of convenience, and you'd get a lot more impulse buys from people who are just curious, and hell whats 10 bucks anyways? Either a new codex or the latest Justin Bieber album.

    They should also really work on developing digital army building tools. I mean that should have been a no brainer back when home PC ownership reached a majority in your target audience, which I'm quite sure was well over a decade ago.

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