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  1. #161


    Quote Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
    I know, but you are still talking £40 for the Riptide with a discount, and yet a Dreadknight, similar size, £33 before a discount. It is just too big a leap in pricing.
    True, but this is one big model. It's not as if you will be buying one every month. Think of it as a luxury item
    Dark Eldar 4000pts, Eldar 2000pts, Dark Angels 2500pts, Tau 2000pts.

  2. #162
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Also just realised we now have HALF as many codex books as the entirity of 5th edition. We have 4 now, and 5th and 4th both only had about 8 each, so it might genuinely be true that the release schedule has been ramped up - but I have a feeling the days of multiple waves are over.

  3. #163
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Plymouth, England


    Quote Originally Posted by Asymmetrical Xeno View Post
    Also just realised we now have HALF as many codex books as the entirity of 5th edition. We have 4 now, and 5th and 4th both only had about 8 each, so it might genuinely be true that the release schedule has been ramped up - but I have a feeling the days of multiple waves are over.
    We're still missing the rumoured Named Greater Demon models. And a load of fliers and Ork and Nids stuff. They're not done yet....maybe the release is now get a ton out at the beginning and spread later stuff out?
    Autarch, Shas'o, Chaos Lord and Decadant Lord of the Webway. And a Doctor!

  4. #164
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by DrLove42 View Post
    We're still missing the rumoured Named Greater Demon models. And a load of fliers and Ork and Nids stuff. They're not done yet....maybe the release is now get a ton out at the beginning and spread later stuff out?
    Yeah, it is kind of hard to tell since we are transitioning into a new era with a different release mentality. I guess we'll have a better idea of things in a year or so, especially if we see 5th ed armies updated to 6th.

  5. #165


    Have any stats or pricing for "Riptide" been leaked yet?

    So far what i've heard would suggest that GK NDK is gonna have a hard time against that thing

  6. #166
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Ontario, Canada


    Quote Originally Posted by DrLove42 View Post
    If the fliers are AV12, i'll buy. If not I won't bother. Quad guns for everyone and their dogs make anything less than AV12 pointless.
    I'm curious as to how one T7 model in an army makes fliers less than AV12 pointless.

    I mean, quad guns are a threat to fliers, certainly - that's what they're there for. But to suggest that their presence in any given army (especially as a lone model) makes the majority of fliers pointless seems a bit of a stretch.

    That said I would really like to see some xeno fliers with better armour so that the Imperium (and Chaos) doesn't have a monopoly on AV12 aircraft.
    Armies Played (in order of acquisition)
    Crons, SW, SM, Tau, 1k Sons, IG, Nids, BA, DE

  7. #167
    Join Date
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    Plymouth, England


    A flier is usually 150-200 points of investment (cept for those dirt cheap cheating Necrons ones :P). YOu get a 4-6 turns using it depending on your reserve rolls. When it turns up, a Quad gun will reliably hit 3 if not 4 times.

    With an AV10 flier, you have no real choice but to evade, knowing that each shot has a 66% chance of damaging you. Even if you do evade, you only have a 33% chance of evading you. Even if you evade you have a 20% of being outright destroyed, greater of being damaged so badly you're irrelevant for the game BEFORE you even get to shoot.

    And if you evade you're giving up another turn of no shooting. And you'd already lined up the shot you want so your compulsary move next turn takes you out of the firing line.

    End of AV10 fliers are only effective in pairs or greater, turning up at the same time, so at least one isn't getting immediatly destroyed/sacrificiing a turn to survive.

    And then if they're heavies (which they're likely to be) you've sacrificed two of your 3 most coveted FoC Slots. And one f them is likely wasted immediatly
    The Nightwing can just about get away with this as it has that 2+ cover if it evades. But generally it ain't good
    Autarch, Shas'o, Chaos Lord and Decadant Lord of the Webway. And a Doctor!

  8. #168
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    well... Tau especially shouldn't have too much trouble sniping out the Quad Gun... also I really don't see Tau getting an AV12 flier... just would not fit - i mean that's Storm Eagle level armour... my guess would be AV10 (or maybe 11, though i doubt that) and some nifty kind of wargear - like what all Tau tanks have in the current codex, or like the Nightwing you mentioned... OR GW again releases crappy overprized fliers like they did with DA in hopes of making us stop whining about fliers being oh so OP

    @Topic: really love the look of the new models, esp. the Riptide. Can't wait to have the WD in my hands to get a better look...

  9. #169


    holy price tag, 50 bucks for 1 broadside, 75 for 3 suits and 100 for the big guy?

  10. #170
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    South Coast, England

    Default New Tau Models

    Well I'm glad they haven't redone the crisis suits, they're good as is. I can't stand the forgeworld ones. Riptide looks good in some pics, less so in others so not sure until I see a proper pic of it. Flyers look like they'll be good, once those horizontal struts are cut off. Don't really like the broadside, but don't use them anyway. Pathfinders look cool, just wonder what the big drone does...

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