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    Fly Lord
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    Default WFB 9th Edition Rumor Roundup

    via Warseer 3-11-2013

    via 75hastings69
    I was actually discussing with Harry about a month or so ago that next WFB is not till 2015.
    An extra year would allow all armies to get treatment before new edition in 2015.



    WE (?)
    Skaven (?)
    9th edition

    Personally I'd swap WE & Brets around and change Skaven to O&G....... but that's just me

    via NatTreehouse
    9th edition rumors
    Major overhall and not like all the other "major" ones - radical rethink. Ricks gone so other people want to get their hands on it.
    All army books gone and Ravening Hordes replacement
    Timeline moves forward
    So many changes won't come out before 2015, not next year (Memphis got panties in a bunch about this)

    via Harry
    9th will be more than a quick fix.
    I posted months ago to hint as much. I first heard this last year. I have heard it a few times since.
    When I said I thought 'it was 2014 but opinions vary' was because I was hearing different things from different folks.
    When it comes to rumours I almost always go with what hastings says ... as he is almost always right.
    So if his sources are saying 2015 ... then thats probably right.

    As for the 'big changes' stuff ... you may want to hold off on the salt a bit.

    via Marked_by_chaos
    Every now and then I have a look at the job vacancies on the gw site out of interest. Recently the nature of adverts and types of jobs seems to have changed. There was in particular a big explosion of design studio jobs advertised at the end of last month. Seems like they are looking for everything from rules writers to background writers to army painters to video/hobby/painting presenters.

    Perhaps they're starting to a get a bit more professional about design studio recruitment i.e. not a weird in house Recruitment process but an attempt to recruit the most effective staff. Some of the jobs indicate a new direction in project work, particularly the split between a rule writer and background writer role. One can only hope for no more kaldor draigos.
    via Harry 5-17-2013
    .... significant changes to the rules, the timeline and the approach to armybooks.
    In particular the rumors that 9th could see a "full reboot" that invalidates all existing Army Books, and then the entire range of 15+ WFB army books gets shrunk down to a handful (say about 4) "Compendiums" that group similar armies.

    This would have the business effect of shrinking WFB's overall footprint and freeing up Games Workshop development resources, allowing the entire cycle of WFB army compendiums to be updated on a shorter timescale.

    Warseer's Earlybird 6-27-2013

    V9 Army books :

    Ancient Kingdoms : Lizardmen/High Elves/Wood Elves/Dwarves/Tomb Kings
    Servants of Dark Gods : Warriors of Chaos/Daemons of Chaos/Beastmen/Skaven/Dark Elves
    Old Word Denizens : The Empire/Bretonnia/Orcs and Goblins/Ogre Kingdoms/Vampire Counts
    via Faeit - (Tim the Thief) 9-2-2013

    -All Softcover Armybooks will obsolet with the new release.
    -The Starter Box will released at the same time as the Hardback Rulebook
    -The Set will include a Book called "Armies of Warhammer", this Book will handle simplified Armylists for ALL avaitable Armies.
    -Armies of Warhammer will give Player a little view of all Armies and they Units, also it will be a transitional solution for the obsolet
    -Armies of Warhammer will be a part in the Hardback Rulebook
    -The Rulebook in the Set will be a simplified "Starter Rulebook"
    -A smaller complete Hardback Rulebook will released too, called "Warhammer - The Rules"

    -The ruleset will chance again, GW has recognized the last Edition was an hard inpact for sells of Warhammer products
    -The number of special rules will reduced
    -There will be no releases of Fantasy Suppliments, the books will contain more background. Page numbers up to 150 pages are possible!

    Via "Tim the Thief" 10-12-2014
    -Warhammer Fantasy 9th Edition & new Starterset next Year
    -Starterset becomes "Expansion set" & Mailorder Only special Edition
    -Orks & Goblins first 9th editon Armybook

    Starter Set of the 9th Edition Warhammer with following content
    -simplified Starter Rulebook

    -"Armies of Warhammer", simplified Armylists for all
    -Orks and Goblins Army
    --Ork Warboss
    --New Goblinwarriors
    --Ork Warriors

    -Empire Army
    --Captain of the Empire
    --New Spearmen (new Design)
    --New Musketeers (new Design)
    --New Knights (new Design)

    The Set becomes an Expansion with Magic as subject
    -Small Booklet with Magic Rules
    -Additional Models for Mages and two Regiments
    via BoLS 10-22-2013

    Attachment 5344
    Triumph & Treachery
    -It has been designed with 9th edition (next summer) in mind.
    -Many new rule mechanics are already included in the 9th edition ruleset.
    -The main emphasis of the book, multiple players (more than 2) will work with 9th Ed.

    -Storm of Magic by contrast will have a harder time being shoe-horned into 9th.
    -All army books after Dark Elves are being tested under both 8th and 9th rulesets for a seamless integration with 9th. Earlier books will need various amounts of errata to integrate.
    via Harry regarding 9th 1-14-2014:

    I am not saying Yes or No ... I am saying "I don't know".
    All I know is they started into a 'ground up' re-write a couple of years ago.
    Nothing was sacred. Not the timeline. Not the stat line. They started with a fresh page.
    Anything could have changed ... Everything could have changed.
    I have heard ... a few things since ... but not enough to say with any certainty what 9th edition will be.
    via Tim the Thief 2-3-2014
    9th Edition Rules
    -Elves roll 3W6 to determine an attack, dwarf roll 1W6
    -Movement will be simplified
    -Armor saves will change, shield give a special save
    -Skirmishers return to the rules from the 7th
    -2.500p will be the new standard Size for Battles
    -Rules for special dangerous Terrain will be dropped
    via [URL=""]Faeit[/URL] 3-2-2014

    Regarding the timeline of WFB 9th:

    No definite time for this but warhammer fantasy is moving on. By a significant length of time. Significant.

    Armies aren't so much being 'squatted' though actually it's quite fitting as the influence of chaos grows and disrupts things, so survivors must band together in a whole new dangerous world
    via Kensei Dono 4-7-2014
    Wood elves are from I've been told may. New edition is June/July and the entire history of Fantasy is moving forwards. Sigmar's Blood was just the tip of the iceberg because that is new events in Fantasy.
    Latest 9th Edition Rumors by [URL=""]Father Gabe[/URL] 9-3-2014

    Just got some news from several sources concerning the strong possibility of 9th edition Warhammer Fantasy.

    1) Coming tomorrow to a GW near you will be a series of new posters for in store advertisement for something BIG as the corporate email stated.
    2) Some GW stores are finding Island of Blood sets are being zeroed out of their system for restock. Similar when Dark Vengeance happened to Assault on Black Reach.
    3) This part is speculation: Bretonnians are going to be playing a big part in the Nagash saga in the beginning, it is believed the following is going to happen:

    a) Pre-Order for 9th Edition will be Sept 13th (with special editions - standard new edition merchandising)
    b) October will receive the new box edition (if standard releases from past is an indicator) which may contain Bretonnians and Undead.
    c) Bretonnians will have a new Army book, model release following that, possibly into November before the Christmas packs roll in.
    d) intermingled among these releases will be probably some filler models (repackaged Crom/Valten/etc.), army bundles, etc.

    4) Not of speculation, though it must be considered rumor, I (and a few chosen) have personally seen new artwork by John Blanche for Bretonnians. Does this mean it will be in the new book? No idea, but sometimes his stuff is used for the sculptors to pull concept to model.

    Or we could be really blindsided by everything and it be 25 new paints (not very likely), Dark Eldar (possible) or something ridiculous like a mass Hobbit release. GW likes to have a strong second quarter launch that will help carry through 3rd quarter (end of February).
    via [URL=""]Tozudos a Dieces[/URL] 9-4-2014

    Regarding rumors of 9th Edition:

    Original Spanish:
    Junto a esto, Maelström en MB nos ha añadido algunas cosas:

    a 16 días, puedo aseguraros que hay algo de Fantasy gordo para el 20th de Septiembre.

    Algunos dirán, nueva edición.... yo digo no. Va a ser relacionado con el "Aniversario- Fin de los Tiempos"
    Algunos dirán, minuaturas grandes o cajas chulas de personajes y ediciones limitadas.... yo digo es posible.
    Algunos dirán, "caja de inicio del fin de warhammer (menuda contradicción jajaja)... con dos o más ejercitos enfrentados... Yo digo muy posible.
    Algunos dirán que viene Bretonia... yo creo que viene algo pero lo gordo en 2015.

    Un saludo y preparad las billeteras (los que aún tengais algo).
    Translated English:
    Alongside this, in MB Maelström we added a few things:

    in 16 days , I can assure you that there is something big fantasy for September 20th .

    Some will say , new edition .... I say no. It will be linked to the " End Times Anniversary- "
    Some will say , big or cool boxes minuaturas characters and limited editions .... I say you can.
    Some will say , "box to start warhammer (what a contradiction lol ) ... with two or more opposing armies ... I say very possible.
    Some say it comes Bretonnia ... I think something is fat but in 2015 .

    Greetings and prepare the wallets (if you still have anything left).
    [URL=""]Harry's[/URL] BACK from the wilderness!

    You may remember last year I was being very vague about some 'radical changes' in a thread about 9th edition.

    Back at the start of the year, in one of my first posts of the new year I said this:

    I don't think they are trying to destroy it.
    I suspect they will be trying their hardest to breath new life into it.
    We are not seeing the "End times" for Warhammer just yet.

    Did you see what I did there?
    The clues are always there fellas.

    So I first heard about all this last autumn?
    I was told 2014 would be "Year zero" for Warhammer.

    Had no idea what that meant at first but if you Google your way to the wikipedia you get this:

    The term Year Zero (Khmer: ឆ្នាំសូន្យ chhnam saun), applied to the takeover of Cambodia in April 1975 by the Khmer Rouge, is an analogy to the Year One of the French Revolutionary Calendar. During the French Revolution, after the abolition of the French monarchy (September 20, 1792), the National Convention instituted a new calendar and declared the beginning of the Year I. The Khmer Rouge takeover of Phnom Penh was rapidly followed by a series of drastic revolutionary de-industrialization policies resulting in a death toll that vastly exceeded that of the French Reign of Terror.

    The idea behind Year Zero is that all culture and traditions within a society must be completely destroyed or discarded and a new revolutionary culture must replace it, starting from scratch. All history of a nation or people before Year Zero is deemed largely irrelevant, as it will (as an ideal) be purged and replaced from the ground up.

    It was made clear to me that this was what we were talking about for warhammer.
    Everything that existed being completely destroyed (or discarded) and something new replacing it from scratch ... purged and replaced from the ground up.

    I hinted in various posts that they would be getting rid of the existing timeline, the existing map, etc. (In an effort to soften the blow. )

    I am going to get this a bit wrong because I honestly can't remember where I heard it but to confirm the three book rumour .... I did hear the "End times" were going to be spread over three books.

    Nagash was the first, followed by Malekith followed by Glotkin

    Good luck with that!

    ...You have to ask yourself .... What will remain of the world as we know it when it has been ravaged in turn by the Undead, the Dark Elves, Skaven and Chaos?

    ...Whatever 9th is it will be set in the grimmest, darkest post apocalyptic Warhammer fantasy world yet.

    You think I haven't had all the same thoughts being voiced on here?

    I can't see them throwing out everything they have done either ... but the only way to own the IP is to loose all the generic Fantasy that other companies can copy ... normal Dwarves, Elves and sure as heck you have to get rid of the historical based human armies ... or you can go build an Empire or Bretonnian army from anyone's miniatures.
    I can't see them getting rid of any armies either ... but they can not continue to support all of them so some of them have to go or some get mashed together.
    I can't see them wanting to reduce the number of minis you need .... but if it costs too much to complete an army people don't even start an army is it better to sell some minis for a scaled down game or no minis? Is it better to ramp up the Lords and monsters allowance and keep on selling the big kits so an army is 'more tanks and less infantry' and thus less minis and easier to paint .... or sell no minis.
    Simple fact is so many people have so many armies now unless they do something drastic with the look of the armies no-one is buying enough minis. The only way to force folks to buy new stuff is if we cannot use our current stuff. Some folks may refuse to buy the new stuff on principal ..... what do they care? They were not buying the stuff anyway as they already had their army. Imagine how badly Fantasy must be selling compared to 40K if anyone even thought about knocking it on the head for even a moment .... they must be thinking .... it can't make things any worse!!! What have we got to loose??? But if they are doing this why even bother completing 8th edition? Why do all the books?

    I have been around and around with this in my head ..... the only thing that makes any sense to me at the end of the day is that 8th edition is complete enough and robust enough to endure a bit longer and 9th edition will not be a complete new edition of the rules .... but an alternative background and rules with which to play post End times battles but you still need the core rules to play A bit like all the stuff in Strom of Magic was an add on to the existing rules. The core rules and books will still exist for those that want to remain stuck in the timeline but if you want to be down with the cool kids you really need to buy the new post End Times stuff.
    Let's bring the WFB 9th rumors back full circle:

    I've been doing some heavy rumormongering and data collection and wanted everyone to go back and carefully read this snippet from Harry from way back in January 2014. Now keep in mind all the stuff we have recently had released (End Times) when you read this.

    Color me VERY intriuged...

    via[URL=""] Harry[/URL] 1-15-2014

    The only reason we are expecting a new edition of Warhammer fantasy Battle is because that is what we have had every few years.

    BUT I remember having a conversation with Jervis and Gav .... so this is gong back a few years ... where they stated that they wanted to get Warhammer to the point that it did not need updating/re-writing and they wanted to get all the army books completed in such a way that they were robust enough to survive changes to the rules so they did not need to keep re-writing them. The reason for doing this was to allow them to look at more interesting things to develop aspects of Warhammer they did not have time to do. We discussed the obvious things like Skirmish, Siege, but also fighting on boats, in tunnels/underground, exploring new areas of the map, etc.

    Alright this was a few editions and many years ago but what if? What if they feel they have reached that point with 8th. Where a new edition isn't going to change very much. Where every army has a book. What if they decide NOT to do a new edition but stick with Warhammer 8th as it is ... consider this the finished product for a while. .... What would they explore next?

    We already have "Storm of Magic" for 'Big magic, Big Monster' games.

    Maybe they would look next at Skirmish? (Autumn Leaves seems convinced).

    So no new BRB ... as rumoured. But a new starter set ... as rumoured.
    Not needing full army books but where all the armies could be combined in less books ... as rumoured. Would certainly be the way to present warband options.


    I was still left with some of the other stuff I had heard about the timeline advancing and multiple books. (Will it be two, three or four books?)
    A recent conversation prompted a new line of thought ....
    and started to make a different kind of sense to me.

    What if this was nothing to to with the next edition .... but a "what would they explore next?"
    What if they decided to explore different area of the world or different periods of history? Source books for playing warhammer in different times and places.
    Same game ... same rules set just changing the setting a bit ... bit like the Lustria stuff.

    An excuse to explore some new special rules, introduce some new characters, new monsters, exploring some undiscovered corner of the world or some undescribed period of history ... currently little more than a dot on the map or a story in an army book. A chance to undertake some new modelling projects, sculpt some new minis.
    One book might be 500 years ahead, one 500 years the past (or exploring some key point in recent history). One might be based in an area of the world which has not been detailed yet. (Like the Lustrian stuff).

    This started to make some sort of sense to me ... but it was late at night.

    What if? What if you a games Developer for Warhammer fantasy? What if you were told you didn't need to write an new edition or rewrite an army book? Where would you go next? What aspect of Warhammer would you like to explore?

    Pretty sure I would start with skirmish as I love small games but after that ....
    WFB 9th Edition Latest

    via Steve the Warboss 11-24-2014

    9th Edition Warhammer Fantasy Battles:

    -One Profile for Mounted Units (like End Times units).
    -End Times was full designed for the new Edition, the Books will be 100% compatible.
    -No new Armybook releases until the New Edition is released.
    -Empire in the starter set, the opposing army is undetermined.
    WFB 9th Edition Latest

    via Steve the Warboss 11-25-2014

    -The Work on the Rules has already completed
    -Endtimes will maybe not mentioned in the Rulebook
    -The Design Studio seems working on Siege Rules for an Expansion
    -The Starter Set will return to "step by step" introduction
    -No allied Matrix like 40k, we become something like "factions"
    -GW plans the release for May, Starter will come in June
    via Steve the Warboss 11-28-2014

    Warhammer Endtimes/9th Edition Latest
    -Endtimes will become more than 4 Book
    -The last Books will maybe released after the 9th Edition
    -Empire will be the first Armybook of the new edition
    via Steve the Warboss 12-30-2014

    WFB 9th Starter Box

    -Second Army in starter is still unknown
    -Starter includes two booklets
    -The first is a typical booklet with starter rules and profiles without special rules ect.
    -The second is like them from the 40k campaign sets with following content:

    -Full Rules for all Models in the Box including special rules
    -The Profiles and Models can be used as unique characters and units in standard games

    -Like 40k Dark vengeance there will be two expansion sets for both armies
    Warhammer 9th Explodes! 1-7-2015

    Here are the full rumors, pay attention to the most accurate of these - Warseer's Darnok and Harry:

    [URL=""]via Darnok:[/URL] 1-6-2015

    If you like Warhammer, I suggest you better take a seat.

    Over the last few months I got a few glimpses on what WHF could change to in the very near future. I have collected messages, asked questions, and tried to form a somewhat coherent picture. The one thing I believe by now is: Warhammer in its current form will no longer be supported by GW. It will be transformed into something else, with everything built up in background and most of the model range being kicked out of the door.

    To give you an insight into some of the messages I got, have a look at the following. Please note that I am paraphrasing at times, and have cut out (hopefully) everything that could lead to the original identities of my friendly birdies.

    Quote Originally Posted by Birdy
    - 9th Edition to pick up where the ET leaves off in fluff, plus a couple of hundred years or so (to reboot the setting).

    - The Warhammer World gets shattered on a dimensional level during the climax of the ET. No more "map of the Old World" - it's now little bubbles of reality, where pockets of civilisation try desperately to eke a living before the next collision with another bubble, which may be full of Chaos. (To address the problem of "how come my Tomb Kings of Khemri are fighting against Wood Elves from Athel Loren?", not that I get the impression that either of those will still exist, but you get the idea)

    - New faction... heavily armoured, religious, "good" human warriors fighting with the power of the gods. (Warhammer Space Marines, basically). Karl Franz Ascended seems to be the prototype or precursor for this concept, AFAICT.
    Quote Originally Posted by Another Birdy
    9th edition will have 6 factions. Model diversity cut in half shelf space. New world and new age so current factions and lore aren't recognizable at all. Each new faction has like 3 core units that will always be on the shelf. Much faster releases of stuff, mainly characters and special units of 2-5 fancy models (like Morghasts) that have their own rules right in the box, so not dependent on a static army book. Many of the these non-core models are only available for a limited time (say 6 months to a year), so they don't take up shelf space forever and ever. Many existing models are not usable in 9th.
    Quote Originally Posted by Birdy #3
    We can expect the next edition of Fantasy to throw everything up in the air. The whole End Times move has been to wean people onto a whole new take on the Warhammer world and it's going to start with every army being "chaosified". We can expect army play styles and appearance to change quite dramatically and there will be a whole load of new models being released early on to tie everything together. This has caused quite a stir back at GW HQ as there are a lot of people behind the scenes (some of which are very well known to us) who don't like the changes that have been made. I have also been told that the models due to be released are some of the best to date!
    Add to that (and by "Birdy Prime" I mean my best source so far):

    Quote Originally Posted by Birdy Prime
    '9th' [or] whatever is next for fantasy [...] coming 2015 in the summer. The new faction [plus] future releases after this point for five 'existing' factions (which plus this would make six) […] but I think there will be [...] more.
    As you can see, it will be drastic. It seems like those „Spanish rumours“ might have had some more flesh on them than I thought: I am by now sorry for my sometimes nasty words about them. And despite my remorse about ever mentioning it, I think my statement about a „ragestorm of epic proportions“ could have been correct after all.

    via [URL=""]Harry:[/URL] 1-6-2015

    About six months .... but i first heard about ita good six months before I posted that.
    Sometimes it is not all that cryptic .....

    I tried to find some of my old posts about this. i have posted about this 6 months, 12 months and 18 months ago. But many of my recent posts have been deleted.???

    In the end I had to go find some of what I had said on BOLS Forum where Big red had quoted me from here. (Thanks Red)

    OK, here's one for you .....

    Chaos Vs "Humans".

    Quote Originally Posted by Tozudos a Dieces:
    I've just read The fall of Altdorf.


    At least fluff-wise, nothing's gonna be again the same. It all will change. All.

    Harry: You are not wrong there fella. That is what I have been saying.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ludaman:
    Awesome! Thanks Harry! I may be way off, but that sounds like the contents of a new starter Box to me.

    Harry: We have been playing this game together for too many years.

    Big Red: So first up, Harry called the End Times and Glottkin by name over 6 months out. So when he says something, you should take it as much more serious than garden variety rumors.

    This insinuation of new boxed sets and unified "Human" factions all feeds back into Harry's earlier speculation on GW utterly shattering the game with the End Times series, to produce a very different environment and game on the other side of the series.

    After months of absence, the BEST rumormonger out there returns to talk about the End Times of Warhammer Fantasy:

    Harry's BACK from the wilderness!

    Harry: You may remember last year I was being very vague about some 'radical changes' in a thread about 9th edition.

    Back at the start of the year, in one of my first posts of the new year I said this:

    I don't think they are trying to destroy it.
    I suspect they will be trying their hardest to breath new life into it.
    We are not seeing the "End times" for Warhammer just yet.

    Did you see what I did there?
    The clues are always there fellas.

    So I first heard about all this last autumn?
    I was told 2014 would be "Year zero" for Warhammer.

    Had no idea what that meant at first but if you Google your way to the wikipedia you get this:

    The term Year Zero, applied to the takeover of Cambodia in April 1975 by the Khmer Rouge, is an analogy to the Year One of the French Revolutionary Calendar. During the French Revolution, after the abolition of the French monarchy (September 20, 1792), the National Convention instituted a new calendar and declared the beginning of the Year I. The Khmer Rouge takeover of Phnom Penh was rapidly followed by a series of drastic revolutionary de-industrialization policies resulting in a death toll that vastly exceeded that of the French Reign of Terror.

    The idea behind Year Zero is that all culture and traditions within a society must be completely destroyed or discarded and a new revolutionary culture must replace it, starting from scratch. All history of a nation or people before Year Zero is deemed largely irrelevant, as it will (as an ideal) be purged and replaced from the ground up.

    It was made clear to me that this was what we were talking about for warhammer.
    Everything that existed being completely destroyed (or discarded) and something new replacing it from scratch ... purged and replaced from the ground up.

    I hinted in various posts that they would be getting rid of the existing timeline, the existing map, etc. (In an effort to soften the blow. )

    I am going to get this a bit wrong because I honestly can't remember where I heard it but to confirm the three book rumour .... I did hear the "End times" were going to be spread over three books.

    Nagash was the first, followed by Malekith followed by Glotkin

    Good luck with that!

    ...You have to ask yourself .... What will remain of the world as we know it when it has been ravaged in turn by the Undead, the Dark Elves, Skaven, and Chaos?

    ...Whatever 9th is it will be set in the grimmest, darkest post apocalyptic Warhammer fantasy world yet.

    You think I haven't had all the same thoughts being voiced on here?

    I can't see them throwing out everything they have done either ... but the only way to own the IP is to loose all the generic Fantasy that other companies can copy ... normal Dwarves, Elves and sure as heck you have to get rid of the historical based human armies ... or you can go build an Empire or Bretonnian army from anyone's miniatures.
    I can't see them getting rid of any armies either ... but they can not continue to support all of them so some of them have to go or some get mashed together.
    I can't see them wanting to reduce the number of minis you need .... but if it costs too much to complete an army people don't even start an army is it better to sell some minis for a scaled down game or no minis? Is it better to ramp up the Lords and monsters allowance and keep on selling the big kits so an army is 'more tanks and less infantry' and thus less minis and easier to paint .... or sell no minis.
    Simple fact is so many people have so many armies now unless they do something drastic with the look of the armies no-one is buying enough minis. The only way to force folks to buy new stuff is if we cannot use our current stuff. Some folks may refuse to buy the new stuff on principal ..... what do they care? They were not buying the stuff anyway as they already had their army. Imagine how badly Fantasy must be selling compared to 40K if anyone even thought about knocking it on the head for even a moment .... they must be thinking .... it can't make things any worse!!! What have we got to loose??? But if they are doing this why even bother completing 8th edition? Why do all the books?

    I have been around and around with this in my head ..... the only thing that makes any sense to me at the end of the day is that 8th edition is complete enough and robust enough to endure a bit longer and 9th edition will not be a complete new edition of the rules .... but an alternative background and rules with which to play post End times battles but you still need the core rules to play A bit like all the stuff in Strom of Magic was an add on to the existing rules. The core rules and books will still exist for those that want to remain stuck in the timeline but if you want to be down with the cool kids you really need to buy the new post End Times stuff.

    I don't know what else I can add to this.
    I don't have all the answers.

    But for what its worth .... I think it will be round bases.
    First said that on here more than 18 months ago .... when someone guessed close to the mark talking about WFB becoming a skirmish game.
    And finally, commenters over at Faeit212 chime in:

    Let me give you some confirmation:
    The setting is being completely overhauled - true.
    The concept of a huge chunks of the world in a sea similar to the warp from 40k - true.
    Faction reduction to 6 - true

    As for how it interacts with the current rules.
    9th edition takes place after the sundering that brought about from the End Times.

    So for the purposes of compatibility, you can use your 8th edition hardback book, representing a section of the culture that hasn't been horrifically changed by the End Times (Recognizing it will have the same drawbacks of using a dated book that are experienced elsewhere).

    You can use End Times rules/concepts, representing a section that is still being torn apart.

    You can use the new, post-end times rules to represent what is "current."

    All the books (again, with the caveat that older books may not be optimal for the new core rules [but truthfully the core rules aren't changing wildly, like 5th to 6th edition 40k, really more of a tidied up 8th edition with a brand new setting]) are designed to be compatible.

    Support will be towards the new book, new setting, however, with End Times being in the past. Viable, but not current.

    Expect armies to have fewer units in their core books, which will be heavily focused on the fluff for where they are now, what they've been doing in the centuries immediately following the sundering. This will create a more "balanced" pool as they will be rapidly produced and released (consider a scale even somewhat faster than what we've had for 40k these past few years).

    These will then be expanded on with supplements, not intended as money-grabs (as I am sure they will be received by the majority of your readers), but more as guided hands to acknowledge deficiencies in books, or even "global meta" changes. The first time that Games Workshop will be openly acknowledging things that need changes.

    These units will typically get white dwarf rules treatments heralding the release in hardback of all of the new units from the previous month(s), for a new setting expansion, which will pit several of the races together (representing a collision).

    As these expansions are not permanent in the world, so too will these models not be. They are intended to only get one template injection mold life-run, the same as the books will be printed only once in hardback, then delayed paperback.

    They will of course remain legal throughout all of 9th, they will just be more limited eventually, the same as the end time models will not be available forever, the same as XYZ model is no longer available (just with a shorter life span than previous experienced). I mean... you can't get albion models anymore either, but that campaign was before people whined on the internet, so I guess that's why no one's complaining.

    This will allow for more new models, as contrary to common belief, the storage and rejuvenation of these templates takes a lot of resources which can be instead dedicated to new ones.

    On the topic of round bases. The latest version I saw used round bases, but units had the option of ranking up to receive the typical bonuses. To rank up using round bases, it is intended to use new movement trays which have circular cuts to hold the bases of the appropriate size.

    Nothing stops you from (and in many ways you are encouraged to) maintain unit formation the entire game. But you don't have to. Note that throughout all of Warhammer Fantasy, changing width/depth was an option, it's just rarely seen.

    So to summarize - you can skirmish, but it's in your interests to rank up for different reasons, like shield walling before a charge for instance. You can alternatively always hold a formation and move the way we're all used to.


    This will be a very big change. It is not because GW doesn't care about its old players and just wants to attract new ones. It is not to fill a void that will come from the fading of Lord of the Rings (which will remain in stores and be supported for a long time due to the agreement with New Line Cinemas).

    It is just a very fresh look at a game that hasn't changed dramatically in how it's played since the dawn of the game and company. It will give everyone the opportunity and hopefully inspiration to do something new, but without invalidating everything from the past. It is opening room for creativity, not closing doors.

    Yes, army books will eventually feel too out of date to play, but that's the same with any new edition. And new Army Books will typically allow people to recreate what they're "used to" it just might not be the most effective thing they could do with their new book.

    The new faction are basically the opposite of warriors of chaos, but good the way chaos marines are the opposite of space marines but evil (in terms of broad tropes, I really hope this doesn't spawn some kind of debate about the morality of space marines).

    Lastly, nothing stops you from just playing 8th, and ignoring 9th the same way some people ignore End Times. Just understand that unlike Storm of Chaos which was post-production looked at as an "alternate timeline" where the clock was turned back to right before it took place for the purposes of the setting, the End Times are real, and 9th will begin where it left off.
    And [URL=""]Earlybird[/URL] chimes in:

    from the horse mouth

    factions :

    1) Chaos : Demons + Beasts + Mortals
    2) Elves
    3) Empire
    4) Undead
    5) Orcs and Goblins
    6) Skavens

    Lizards are gone in space.
    Dwarves survivors join the empire with the ogres.

    1) Chaos core : Warriors of chaos/chariot/Hounds
    Demons figs will be kept as they are usable in 40k
    Bye bye marauders, ungors, centigors, razorgor etc

    2) Elves core : spearmen/archers/cavalry on horse
    No more xbows
    the 3 elves will blend in one faction
    dark elves monsters are gone : cold ones, hydra

    3) Empire core: Hallberds/Handgun/Canon
    Some dwarves survivors and ogres are included
    Imperial and bretonnian knights are merged

    4) Undead core : Skeletons/Ghouls/Spirit host
    bye bye bone giant, scorpion sphinx, chariots and everything too much egyptian

    5) Orcs and goblins core : Goblins/Orcs/Black orcs
    no real change for them

    6) Skaven core : Clanrats/Plague rats/Rat ogres
    no real change for them too
    via DakkaDakka's [URL=""]WhisperofTruth[/URL]: 2-15-2015
    [URL=""]Oloh[/URL] said:
    List of current model kits that will be officially included in Warhammer 9th. He later posted that this list is accurate, but incomplete, meaning there may be additional kits that survive that are not listed, with the implication being that you should be OK to purchase and paint these kits (but not base).
    Cauldron of Blood/Bloodwrack Shrine
    Eternal Guard/Wildwood Rangers
    Sisters of the Thorn/Wildriders of Kurnous
    Witch Elves of Khaine/Sisters of Slaughter
    Savage Orcs
    Night Goblins
    Night Goblin Fanatics
    Mournfang Cavalry
    Thanquol and Boneripper
    Vermin Lord
    Grey Seer
    Screaming Bell/Plague Furnace
    Hellpit Abomination
    Coven Throne/Mortis Engine
    Terrorgheist/Zombie Dragon
    Maggoth Lords
    Gutrot Spume
    Chaos Spawn
    Chaos Warshrine
    Chaos Daemons
    Grimm Burlockson
    Josef Bugman
    7 Champions and an army of light.

    No more Lizardmen, but still playable.
    No more Gnoblars/Skinks. They become Goblins.
    No more Beastmen.

    Elves become more Eldary, units take on aspects of their gods.

    There are some units like the Blood Knights that I expected to survive into 9th, but the events of the books have made me doubt this is going to happen anymore. They were due to be updated. Plus it fits with the new merging unit policy, not sure that's happening anymore though. Something similar happened to the Bone Giant, that being said I heard the Bone Giant was getting a redesign and a release some point in the future.

    The game will become more Fantasy like, less cannons and warmachines. More magical. It's not just the "Humans" that get empowered by the gods all factions will experience this.
    WFB 9th Rules and Faction Changes
    OK, this one takes some explaining:

    This is a conversation between [URL=""]Harry, and Ikitlagriffe over on Warseer.[/URL] Ikitlagriffe initially wrote up a list of information on WFB 9th which was unclear. Harry then condensed the initial information (the black standard text), and invited the original poster to verify the re-written information and add clarifications. Ikitlagriffe did so (THE RED ALL CAPS TEXT).

    Then Harry offered some extra information and insight at the bottom.

    Here goes:

    Are these from your own sources YES, FROM DIFFERENT SOURCES.
    or simply your interpretation of what you have collected from the interwebz? SERIOUSLY ?... NO.

    I am pretty sure you speak English very much better than I speak any other language NOT SURE ! SORRY FOR THAT.

    9th edition will be 90% the same as 8th edition YES, ABOUT RULES, SAME OPINION FROM 2 DIFFERENT SOURCES.
    The new 'Factions' ...
    ...will look so different from the existing armies they might as well be new armies YES
    These new armies will be made from new units/characters MAJORITY YES
    The new units will have a very different aesthetic from existing miniatures. 200% YES
    The new units can be used by one or more of the existing armies. YES
    OR can just be used as units for generic 'Forces of order' Or forces of destruction' armies. NO
    I can keep my "OLD COLLECTION" YES
    ... but don't expect any new miniatures for a while? I CAN'T SAY THAT FROM WHAT I KNOW BUT LIKELY DEDUCTION
    9th Edition will get a boxed set.I HEARD ABOUT A BOX OF BOOKS
    In the box will be a rule book? YES
    a skirmish Rule book YES / and a Warhammer armies book NOT EXACTLY : but a listing of playable units or pre-constructed groups YES.
    The warhammer armies book will have a limited army list for each faction. YES, but I HAD NO INFORMATION ABOUT "FACTIONS"(and this number of "6" ??), so I would say "for each army".
    There is a points system. YES
    But it is not compulsory (So you can pick 'X' number of characters/units from the selection) SOMETHING LIKE THAT.
    Skirmish is not intended to be the main way to play Warhammer ... but an alternative. YES
    This will be a simple starter game without a lot of complex special rules. An introductory game. YES
    Some fantasy miniatures will be supplied on round bases due to rules changes YES
    ... but not all.... just skirmishing units DON'T KNOW and units attached to ranked units? YES
    ...and big Warmachines? ATTACHED TO RANKED UNITS YES
    Characters will be on round bases. (Or oval bases for cavalry) YES
    ... and so characters can no longer join ranked up units. PERSONAL DEDUCTION, BUT YES
    I do not need to re-base my existing characters to use them YES - two times confirmed
    Round bases are nothing to do with the new skirmish game YES.
    You don't know what is going on with round bases EXPLAINED BY MINOR CHANGES OF RULES, FROM WHAT I KNOW.
    Bretonnians will not get a new army book and will not get any new units STRICTLY SPEAKING YES
    There will be some units which are a bit like Bretonnians in a new 'Forces of order' book YES
    Loads of stuff coming for Skaven but you don't know when. YES
    New skaven stuff will not look like the existing Skaven stuff but an evolution. YES
    Beastmen ... future is uncertain but you guess they will find a place in Chaos. YES, I GUESS.
    Lots of new stuff to come for Fantasy. YES
    Most stuff will be new units monsters or characters. YES
    Elite units will be smaller 2-5 minis.YES
    Look of armies will change. OH YES !
    Smaller armies with less miniatures and more big stuff. LOGICALLY
    No information about new rules. NO DETAILS YES, BUT IT SEEMS TO BE MINOR CHANGES.
    Then Harry offers up his response:
    Firstly thanks for taking the time to do that is much appreciated ... and not just by me I am sure.

    It confirms a lot of stuff we have already heard ....

    Whilst it would be great if 9th was 90% the same as 8th ... my worry has always been about the miniatures.
    I guess I don't much like the new aesthetics what I always liked about Wahammer was the whole low tech, low fantasy, up to your knees in mud, feel it had. So I weep for the background ... but the real question for me remains will the new factions get 90% of the attention in terms of the releases. I have heard some armies will not get anything new .... Will any of the existing armies ever get anything else that matches the current aesthetcs in the future ... beyond the stuff that is already done and awaiting release window.
    via Voices in the Wind 2-24-2015
    WFB 9th Box Content

    - WFB 9th Starterbox follows the "Stormclaw/Exterminatus", with almost all existing minis and a unique boxed-set only hero model.


    2 Warriors of Chaos units

    1 Daemon unit

    1 Chaos Warmachine

    2 Lords (1 unique)

    Forces of Light:

    2 Empire infantry units

    1 Empire cavalry unit

    1 Elf unit

    1 Warmachine (Dwarf possible)

    2 Lords (1 mounted, 1 foot)


    2 Rulebooks

    Painting guide book

    Army lists book
    via Voices on the Wind 3-3-2015

    - Modular Terrain is Coming to WFB
    - Similar in concept to the recent 40K interlinking modular terrain system, but Fantasy themed.
    - To be released with WFB 9th, or shortly thereafter.
    - Designed to to support the skirmish game.
    - Look for aesthetic and stylistic cues taken from pieces such at the current WFB Watchtower and Chapel
    via [URL=""]DVeight[/URL] 4-22-2015

    Warhammer 9th Timing
    The source is a GW employee in a senior position. Not design team. Very good friend of mine that has for years been trying to get me to play Warhammer and 40K which I started year ago. He let the cat out of the bag when we discussed teeing up a social game. His words were "Let's organise a game soon and also some time get together with the other guys for a last game of 8th edition triumph and treachery. 9th Edition is locked in for release on 11th July."
    via [URL=""]Harry[/URL] 4-22-2015
    Regarding the initial 9th "Starter Set"
    via jtrowell
    If it exists at all, for now the only thing that I consider confirmed is that there should be a box with Chaos against "Humans" (thanks Harry ), but it might well be just a normal starter box released in fall like for the previous editions, and not a separate skirmish game at all.
    via Harry
    You are most welcome.
    I have posted about this. It is not a 'normal' Fantasy box set. It is more like the recent 40K Box sets. The rules "book" is tiny... barely a booklet even a pamphlet is being over generous ... more of a leaflet ... well I say leaflet, it's closer to a 'post it note'. There is not enough paper in this to wipe your own @rse ... never mind space for enough rules to call it a skirmish game. If Fischer Price made wargames this would be Fischer Price my first wargame. It's good but it's not quite Carling.

    (I may be overstating just how small the rulebook is for comedy effect. )
    via Arthurius11
    I can agree with Harry's last post as this is the information I have also.
    ~and also confirms round bases for the models.
    [URL=""]via Games Workshop Lille on Facebook[/URL] 05-6-15

    The sun goes down, teintant the sky of rubis and blood...

    The elected will get together in the heart of the sanctuary, bringing with them the hopes of their people...

    They will fight for the glory, for the honor, at the edge of the abyss...

    Will the lowest in the abyss while the strongest will be brought to the naked...

    Then they will fall in turn, victims of their pride until it is more than a glorified, glory, lying in the blood of his own nation, deaf to the supplications dying while he will recover this rightful Right, Sacred Eternal Champion in the heart of the Night, Supreme Lord in the land Devastated, King Nocturne acclaimed by the ghosts of his enemies... Until dawn...

    That the forges revolve nights and days, that the prophets look through the future, that your armies are amassing around your banner. Prepare yourself mortals!

    Because I am khorne! The Lord of the blood! The archi-commander! The forge-war!

    You are my guests... Enter in my arena. The rules have changed, prepare yourself!!

    Information directly in store!! You do not want to miss this, believe me on floor
    via[URL=""] Darkpignouf on Warseer[/URL]

    Just coming back from my local store following some strange message on facebook and inviting us to pass by .

    9th edition will be released on saturday the 13th of june .

    My local store is organising on friday the 12th a warhammer tournament beginning at 8.00pm for thoses who will have reserved their 9th edition rule book ( If I correctly understand there will be 2 weeks of preorder )

    At 0.00 , He will give to players their books .

    Il will be a 8th edition tournament but the local manager will release a summary of the changes if they are not to numerous in order to play in 9th edition . If it changes too much , he says that it will be a 8th edition one

    The Original.....Games Workshop Lille on Facebook (en Francais)

    Games Workshop: Lille added 15 new photos.
    May 1 at 1:41am · Edited ·
    Le soleil se couchera, teintant le ciel de rubis et de sang...
    Les élus se regrouperont au cœur du sanctuaire, amenant avec eux les espoirs de leur peuple...
    Ils combattront pour la gloire, pour l'honneur, au bord de l’abîme...
    Les plus faibles sombreront dans les abysses pendant que les plus forts seront portés aux nues...
    Puis ils tomberont à leur tour, victimes de leur orgueil jusqu’à ce qu'il n'en reste plus qu'un, auréolé de gloire, baignant dans le sang de sa propre nation, sourd aux supplications des mourants tandis qu’il récupérera ce qui lui revient de droit, champion éternel sacré au cœur de la nuit, seigneur suprême en ces terres dévastées, roi nocturne acclamé par les fantômes de ses ennemis... jusqu’à l'aube...
    Que les forges tournent nuits et jours, que les prophètes scrutent l'avenir, que vos armées se rassemblent autour de votre bannière. Préparez vous mortels!
    Car je suis Khorne! Le Seigneur du sang! L'Archi-commandeur! Le Forge-guerre!
    Vous êtes mes invités... entrez dans mon Arène. LES RÈGLES ONT CHANGÉES, PRÉPAREZ VOUS!!
    Renseignements directement en magasin!! Vous ne voulez pas louper ça, croyez moi sur parole
    via one of Gary's [URL=""]birds[/URL] 5-9-2015

    "Warriors of Order" - New Faction for WFB 9th

    WFB - I'm in Nottingham for the week to visit friends, and one who has seen a new army book for Fantasy, says that the Warriors of Order are really cool, Core - Hammers of The Edge - like chaos warriors but with more straight edges
    HOAX ALERT: This rumor has turned out to be a Hoax on Faeit212. The website has not issued a retraction, but has instead has removed their original reporting on the rumor and replaced it with a "rant". See the image below for the current state of the original post on this rumor:
    Click image for larger version. 

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    Via [URL=""]El Taller De Yila[/URL] 5-11-2015

    MarcusBeli translated a number of entries removed from the Pacific Ocean:

    Basically, it says that it is a rumor, we did not believe it. More or less, a translation.

    9th edition rules will not be the big leap was the passage of 7th-8th.
    There will be 3 versions of warhammer. The era of Sigmar , recommended to play 500-1500 points and will be a skirmish style game. The era of steel , will be warhammer as we played the last five years. The end of time , magic and 50% to sack commanders and heroes (and know of undeath).
    Power dice are based 2d6 (4d6 ET) to 2000 points and another die for every 1000 points, so that playing at 4000 points 4d6 winds of magic would throw (6d6 ET)
    Many new spells, although all # 6 allow special salvations
    New magical items. Some leave, new ones arrive.
    The measure of 8th remain
    Regeneration works like a hydra of war. Minis dead back with a single wound to 4+ (I think that carriers just won Warhammer)
    Lances make impact hits
    +1 Strength spears against mounted units
    Always attack first change. Charging units obtained ASP against the charging unit.
    Fear as now, but checks are ld -1, -2 terror is ld (battle standards remain unbalanced)
    Lethal blow does 1d3 wounds
    Death Strike continues heroic killing all
    Characters riding monsters have combined profile (which I assume is because the guns were still yelling at them "10 um in the back!")
    Impassivity can be lost with a single row of 5 on the sidewall. Units can not be unmoved against anything that might make thunderous slam.
    2d6 scenarios and a table of far greater land
    The minis lose half its load roll away if they pass spot (I think it is a simplification of the rules of land 7th) but dangerous ground remains in effect (1s to hurt the minis that make checking)
    Building new rules, although still look bad
    Combat resolution - numerical superiority again
    Table quadrants have also returns.
    We'll have to wait to see if the rumors are verified at the moment I do not excite me much !!!
    Last and not least I have a friend in Nottingham who left rods with no man .... no, this is serious. I said my confidence shopkeeper had informed him from the official store of GW Valencia will have two weekends red coming week.

    Recall that for the purposes of red GW week is the usual way to warn shopkeepers GW of which will have a weekend with many sales due to a special event such as the launch of a special product.

    Thus dependent they not know what is coming but if they have to prepare for that something big is about to arrive. Well, so red are scheduled one week for the month of May and another for June.
    via warseer's [URL=""]silveralen[/URL] 5-14-2015

    I have more stuff about factions. Usual disclaimer, this is second hand stuff take with a grain of salt etc.

    1. Empire Remmanents: Mainly humans, with some dwarfs, ogres, and vampires. Humans units tend towards elite holy warriors (focus on priests, Knights, and witch hunters). The dwarves are mainly steampunk flavored, some of which bleeds into the rest of the faction. Vampires tend towards the human aesthetic, ogres have elements of both.

    2. Chaos: all three chaos armies mixed together.

    The warriors/humans have the same general design as now, except more obvious demonic gifts. Winged units of warriors was mentioned as an example.

    Beastmen will come in more flavors, for example reptilian and avian variations. Also a variety of more animalistic units.

    3. Orks/Goblins: More or less the same. They get ogres as per end times.

    Also, possible mention of dwarf slaves either as units or as justifcation for some steampunk elements in the army. So possibly a bit more 40kification of the army overall, including more squigs.

    4. Skaven: two major changes. First, more warptech, notably more apparent in modeling if not in rules.

    Second, lizardmen slaves apparently bound using magic/warptech and mutated.

    5. Undead: End times undead. More feral in feel. Beyond that, nothing.

    6. Elves: End times elves, slightly more unified in appearence, takes cues from all 3 armies. Nothing much else known.

    The last two are possibly due to ignorance rather than an actual lack of changes.

    I don't know if any of this is really new besides a couple orc and skaven bits, some of it I read in the round up already but I just put it all down.
    Via [URL=""]El Taller De Yila[/URL]and [URL=""]Tozudos a Dieces[/URL] 05-16-2015 (translated)

    "you noticed in the bases"?

    Round bases for the latest news, even could be understood ^ _ ^ then came more and more images.

    Thumbnails of Khorne Daemons and Skullreapers with round bases with similar models with a square bases.

    For the Skaven saw guns with oval bases but instead kept his abomination rectangular base !!! (What is the criteria?).

    Finally I left pretty pictures army of Men Lizard (if HLs, for those who are still turning to go away ^ _ ^) has the Bastiladones and Stegadons with round base and cavalry !!!! but it does not stop there, the temple guard is also fitted with round bases. Perhaps infantry miniatures will also form as bullies? it makes me very mad about that Skinks are still in square bases !!!!

    Finally !!!! I think the 9th will bring big changes, not look for pictures of the end of the battle. GW has changed the way of mounting the units much more realistic aside rows

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    via Bird in the Trees 5-22-2015

    - WFB 9th is simply called "Warhammer'

    - New rules provide for two games in one:

    a) A small scale game with few models

    b) A full scale game like the previous WFB

    - The small scale game has heavy limitations on models that can be used such as exotic units and units that would be unbalancing at a small scale.

    - Triple book format with rules and history split up ~Editor, this sounds like the current 40K format

    - Round bases

    - June 20th

    - 6 Factions

    - Game picks up after the End Times series, taking it into account.
    via[URL=""] Marcus Belli [/URL]5-27-2015
    Via Marcus Beli by Zamerion. The rumor comes from a guy who confirmed some things from GW, I do not care who is taking canes or who would be retail, for me it is the same !!!!

    The 9th edition of Warhammer th come for summer
    On the Bases: We play with square bases but after the departure of the 9th edition sold all models come with bases You round.
    You can play with everything in the skirmish game mode. GW will bring movement trays for this mode.
    For the listing will be much more freedom than now but using consolidated lists will be encouraged. There will be scenarios and objectives to keep (such as 40k) if you have a list of a consolidated army you will maintain the target enemy unit while having a close but instead if you have a more open not ready. They said something about a bonus points by killing the enemy commander. It will encourage play both styles but in different ways
    A new faction, the humans will consist basically of Empire, Bretonnia and some new troops confirmed. It was very clear that is not going away any army.
    via Steve the Warboss 5-27-2015

    WFB 9th Release Window Details
    -6 Weeks of Releases
    -Rulebook and Accessories
    -Starter Set
    -First Armybook (Empire)
    -Released in quick succession
    -"Sigmarites" are only another Knightly Order
    via Warseer's [URL=""]Lord Dan[/URL] 5-26-2015

    Latest WFB 9th "Overview"

    Originally Posted by Neo-birdy
    Hey Dan, don´t want my name associated with rumours since I don´t know how much GW actually check stuff on forums, but anyway to make a long story short, a guy at GW HQ phoned me today & we had a long conversation since he wants me to become a GW retailer. I told him I was unsure due to recent warhammer fantasy rumours & GW not letting the public know anything, so after a while I got the following things confirmed:

    9:th edition is coming out this summer.

    Round bases is a go, you will be able to play with Square bases, but after 9:th edition hits, Everything will be sold with round bases.

    Everything will be able to skirmish, but many units will be able to rank up as well, GW will releasemovement trays made for this

    Unbound will exist, as will bound lists, basically what he told me is that it´s what the public wants, however to avoid powergaming there will be scenarios which require you to hold objectives etc etc & units in an unbound army can´t hold an objective as long as an enemy is within x inches, while bound armies can. He said something about getting bonus points for killing the enemy commander as well, something unbound armies couldn´t get. So they will encourage both styles but in different ways.

    He only confirmed one new faction, which was humans, he said it will basically be Empire + Bretonnia & some new troops. He was very clear about no army being squatted though.
    via [URL=""]Atia[/URL] 5-28-2015

    Regarding the new "Age of Sigmar" product for WFB 9th:

    ladys and gentlemen

    i confirm the upcoming release of Age of Sigmar
    Attachment 14330
    That image indicates a product page for "Age of Sigmar" exists on the GW website, but is currently not redirecting to another placeholder page until it is used.

    via one of gary's [URL=""]birds[/URL] 5-29-2015

    Age of Sigmar will be not the first part of a Three-Part Ruleset in the 9.Edition, it will be the Name of the first Starter Set. The Set includes Simplyfied Fantasy Rules, based on the new Edition with Skimisher Rules. Age of Sigmar will be an easy and "cheap" introduction for new People and the first Release of the new Edition. Soon after the Set GW will release the Full Rulebook with full skimisher and standard Rules. Later in this Year, there will be a classic Starter Set like the previous with two Armies and a Full Mini-Rulebook.

    Via Steve the Warboss 06-02-2015

    Age of Sigmar is not the Starter Set of the 9th Edition. It will be a Board Game like Space Hulk or Execution Force and with this Set, the Releases of the 9th Edition will begin.
    via [URL=""]Hostingpics[/URL] 6-2-2015

    Age of Sigmar
    Pre-order July 4th
    Streetdate: July 11th
    Attachment 14422
    via[URL=""] Atia on B&C[/URL] 6-3-2015

    Age of Sigmar
    - new start for warhammer fantasy, some big changes are coming
    - round bases - yes
    - if you want something important - you should buy it now - starting with saturday, some products will vanish
    WFB Age of Sigmar - MAJOR PRODUCT CHANGES Coming:

    via [URL=""]Harry[/URL] on Warseer 6-3-2015
    yeah .... about the army books .... there is some good news and some bad news. The good news is ..... OK .... actually ... there is no good news.
    ...I have been trying to describe a "full on reboot" for months ... or is it years now.
    ...You are still assuming there will be army books as you know them.
    ...I would not be surprised if it was one book ... or two books one for the good guys and one for the bad guys or one for the good guys one for the bad guys and some sort of additional book for the four factions.
    via [URL=""]RaffazzaTime[/URL] 6-3-2015

    The first big date: June 6th

    What's happening:
    Stores have been told to remove the following from their shelves:

    Island of Blood
    Warhammer Rulebook
    All WFB Army Books
    All WFB End Times Books
    All WFB Campaign Books/Boxes
    All magic cards
    Movement trays
    Deathknell watch

    No models or Black Library novels will be affected

    Age of Sigmar preorders: 4th July
    Age of Sigmar release: 11th July
    via reader [URL=""] Sleibniz[/URL] on BoLS 6-11-2015

    A quick summary of the Age of Sigmar Novel by A.Lanning:

    I had the chance to spend about 20 minutes with the upcoming book Age of Sigmar by A. Lanning (a novel, not the game) that deals with the aftermath of the end times. The prologue makes it very clear that Sigmar survives and the whole plot takes place after the end times. Nothing that I have read suggests that there is any time travel involved. It is just a continuation of the story on a much broader scale. I think it is safe to say that the game of the same name follows the story of book and doesn't establish a totally different setting.

    In the prologue Sigmar survives and pulls the winds of magics through the gap into the warp. In the process the pure untouched currents of the warp are tainted with the personifications of the winds - the Incarnates. This is the birth of eight new minor gods.

    But most of the book is not about sigmar or the incarnate gods directly, only three chapters as far as I could see were written from their perspective. The rest of the book is an ordinary fantasy adventure story. The book follows Martellus Mann, a reikguard quartermaster who was slain in the end times, but is reborn in Sigmarshall, the domain of Sigmar.

    I then skipped some hundred pages forward so I don't know what happened in the aftermath, but in the middle of the book, he has gathered a large party of heroes from many realms and realities in a quest for something called the spirit mill or soul mill or something like this. I know for sure that there are several worlds and that the protagonist can travel from one to the other but I didn't read a chapter where this was described in person and I don't know if this is part of the game world.

    In the middle of the books there is a huge betrayal, sigmarshall is under siege by the armies of the chaos gods. incarnate fights against incarnate and all are cast out from the warp. Mann starts a search for sigmar in the believe that he was reborn somewhere. The second half of the book is set on a world called Regalia. And here it gets interesting: Regalia is the only area/realm/world that has a map in the book. Regalia looks like the old world or earth and has very familiar regions and city names, etc. But there are some huge alterations: there is no Ulthuan, but a huge landbridge that connects Canada with Scandinavia.

    There are no elven or dwarven sounding cities or lands but strange sounding names in the Americas and Africa that don't fit any race of the old setting. There is no empire, but lots of different states in Europe and Asia - Nuln, Middenheim, etc are there, but Altdorf is not. There are more things you can deduce from the map if you assume that it represents the setting of the game, which I strongly think it does. Mann finally arrives in the city Heldenheim that is build in the Worlds Edge Mountains just in time to visit the crowning of emperor Karl Franz where he announces his plan to conquer the whole world. Mann thinks that he has found Sigmar and the book jumps to the epilog.

    Sigmar is chained somewhere and starts to dwindle, but then he smiles and proclaims that his great work to eliminate the chaos once and for all has only started. He vows to conquer the warp.

    I think it is pretty obvious that the game will be set in this new world. Why would they establish all this in the book when the game doesn’t use it at all, but I haven't seen any actual game material (though there is a slim chance that I get a glimpse this weekend - fingers crossed), so take this into account.
    via Dakka's [URL=""]Sinalelbniz [/URL]6-16-2015

    +++MAJOR NaCl Alert - You Have Been Warned+++

    Age of Sigmar Description
    No, no, no. No square bases, no rank and file, no two game systems.


    I had the chance to look thoroughly through the proper Age of Sigmar rulebook (the one that consists of three books) yesterday evening. Spent my time with the three books and ignored the novel in favour of the real interesting things. So I cannot fill in the blanks there. But maybe I have the opportunity to look at the rulebook and novel again and hopefully the age of sigmar box, too. But now I have a way clearer picture what’s coming and I’d like to share with you because I am very (!!!) excited, but I cannot provide any photos for obvious reasons. So if you don’t believe me, I don’t blame you. But please don’t attack me personally.

    - Title of the rulebook is: Age of Sigmar: a Warhammer strategy game
    - first the basics (most of which are already known):
    - full fledged rule system; no skirmish game - meaning not restricted to low miniature count: 50 models on average, way lower possible, in general you use units but you can field an army consisting of only single models
    - everything is on round or oval bases (there paragraph that explicitly allows legacy and diorama bases, though);
    - 2 books: the rules (rules and scenarios) and compendium (pictures, unit cards and fluff)
    - there are unit cards for every (as far as I can see) old unit in the second book, including warhammer forge models and most or all special characters. Some units get the full treatment with a small fluff text, pictures of the actual miniatures and rules, some units get only rules with nothing more.
    - all new rules with complete new mechanics: think not of 40k 2nd -> 3rd but Warhammer 8th -> Bloodbowl, very compact and fast paced, huge emphasis on individual champions, magic and gods (don’t know how powerful, but these have the most rule pages)
    - no photos (and no artworks except some very generic drawings) of new miniatures except a couple chaos and human miniatures that are very likely from the Age of Sigmar box.
    - all the races are in, but some are clearly favored. There are few pictures of beastmen and lizardmen for example and some units like steamtanks, gunpowder units (Skaven and new-dwarfs use them still), etc. can only be fielded as mercenaries from a different world or summoned units (in case of most special characters, there is even a picture of a Teclis painted in ghost colors)
    - the tech level is between and ancient roman empire and early medieval times, lots of nomadic barbarian tribes, etc. But judging by to the age of sigmar miniatures the armour design draws only a little bit from history and is has a very stylized high-fantasy design instead
    - there are lots of different people, races, gods and lots of different alliances. The world is a lot more open minded than the old one, Empire-Orc Alliance would be unthinkable, but a human-waaghkin force is nothing unusual in this setting

    Army building
    - you pick one or more gods that determine the theurgic or magic schools (don’t know what the difference is, sorry) you can use and how your champions get power-ups during the game. You can take several gods, but they have to be from the same pantheon - so no nurgle-sigmar armies, but Nagash-Morr is possible.Then you choose whichever unit you want - from every race. There is no limit as far as I can tell.
    - The only mechanic that I have spotted that limits the useful choices somehow is that most spells and special rules only affect units with certain traits, the powers of Grimgor (magic and gods are always connected, each lore has a patron god that grants the power) affects only mortals or enemy units in the proximity of mortals.
    - There are only rules for one pantheon in the rule book, all the other gods and pantheons are only mentioned in the fluff
    - Guardians of Regalia, a conglomerate native spirits and gods and lately some new gods, the incarnates Grimgor, Gelt and Nagash, there are thousand of gods and their relevance changes over time and in different regions, but there are seven big gods that have seven schools of magic associated with them and have rules in the book
    - Geshemet or Gesheket or something like this (male and female, fertility, natural disaster) is the head of the pantheon, the other six gods are dual pair of good and evil:
    two death gods: Nagahs and Morr
    two smith and labour gods: Hashut and Gelt
    two war gods: Grimgor and Myrmidia
    - five other pantheon get a page of fluff each, and additional minor pantheons/deities are mentioned in the fluff. The big five are Chaos, Sigmar, Cuth’adai (elven gods), Exoatl (old ones) and the triumvi-rats (Horned Rat + 2 more)
    - all characters can earn favor of their gods and get promoted just like the chaos champions until they reach apotheosis, this is also a huge mechanic in the game + you can field gods or at least their avatars, but only three incarnates have rules in the book

    - there is only one ruleset (don’t know what is in the AoS box, but in the book there is no distinction between skirmish mode and battle mode or something like this)
    - rules have nothing to do with the old warhammer rules,
    - profile is: Melee, Range, Might, Armour, Initiative, Resolve, Wounds, values from 1-6, lower is better
    - simple turn sequence: initiative -> player 1 unit 1 moves, shoots, casts -> p1 unit 2 moves, shoots, casts -> ... -> player 2 moves, shoots, casts -> melee
    - players roll always against each other, for example Melee vs Initiative and Range vs Initiative, Might vs Armour
    - units regenerate all lost wounds at the end of the phase
    - both sides in a melee fight simultaneously, winner can roll to fight instantaneously another round until one side is extinct or one side chooses to break from the combat
    - there is no moral system or combat resolution whatsoever, but unit can be bounced back
    - units use a 1” 40k formation without any facing
    - magic spells are all one-use only, when you use it, you have to discard the card
    - you can collect ascension points throughout the game and spend the point to buff your champions, mechanic depends on your god(s)
    - unit costs points as before, you are not allowed to field multiple units of the same kind unless the former unit have full strength - there are all kinds of unit sizes from 1-3 to 3-15 (that’s the highest I have seen), but you can field lots of different 1-man units
    - you don’t buy champions, a set number of models are automatically upgraded to champions, but you cannot exceed the limit
    - there are rules for different weapons, magic items, war engines, monsters, special rules, etc and a large section for scenarios and terrain, larger than the actual rules

    game is set on world Regalia that is connected with other young realms through portals of the old ones. Young realms are realms that were populated by the old creators and were guided on similar historical paths. They were untouched by chaos but this has changed since the arrival of sigmar (as a new faith) and archaon (as an actual emissary in flesh and blood)

    there is no explanation (or just a brief one so that I have missed it) how this all came to be, just a description of the history of Regalia (and to a lesser extent some neighbouring realms)

    On Regalia is dominated by hundreds of human kingdoms. Fast travel is possible through a number of stone circles that allows mages to open portal from one to another and a system of streams and seas under the earth that can be navigated by ship. There were a long period of peace curated by the Exoatl (Old Ones) that watched over the world from the North and Southpole. But then suddenly new faiths arrived, lots of human tribes started to pray to Sigmar and to conquer their neighbouring kingdoms. These lands are each independent, but are united in their faith to Sigmar. The history ends with the conquering of the Worlds Edge mountains and the crowning of the first emperor. At the same time, the first agents of Chaos arrived and began to corrupt the native people. A part of the Waaghkins rebelled against the old ones in favour of new gods, the Skaven arrived the first time, and in the south and east a death cult began to spread. The world is in turmoil. There are lots of unfinished story hooks so I think the story will be continued, but that might be wishful thinking.

    humans are the majority in this world and they have kingdom and tribes everywhere, most of the known earth-inspired regions like cathay are there, but they are not described as fully flegded feudal nations but constantly changing petty empires and nomadic people ruled by warlords and champions of the gods. there are two factions of humans, the worshippers of sigmar and the polytheistic rest, both are not monocultural, but have different skin colors and cultures. Women fight beside men!

    The dominion of sigmar is special, because they are the only ones that are reluctant to allow any other race than humans. They have only one god and their goal is to destroy all other gods and conquer their domains - for the greater good of the world of course. This has nothing in common with the Empire of the old world, except the heraldry, griffons are still en vogue. All tribes and city states and kingdoms are independent, the only common ground is their faith, the emperor is only a warlord with the purpose to expands the dominion towards the east. There a still knightly orders, zealots, witchhunters - so they retain some of their medieval flair but there are no state troops. There is no gunpowder, except from some dwarven imports, but they are known for using large warwaggons on their trek to the east. Kislec, Estalia, Araby, city states of Bretonnia, Norse and tribes of the Reiklands are part of the dominion. There are also some enclaves scattered across the world that are connected with magic portals

    The Skaven arrived on their own on Regalia and are basically the same. Haven’t spent much time on them. They have now three gods called the triumvi-rat …..

    Dawikorr (dwarfs) and Inneadim (elfs) have their own realms that are connected with Regalia. The Inneadim have outposts in America.

    Dawikorr are only a legend on Regalia and nobody has seen them, but there are legends that they aid whorshippers of Sigmar in peril. They deliver the dominions of Sigmar with artifacts. They live underneath the world Karak Korr and guard the Soul Mill. Dawikorr have rules, so they can be fielded.

    The Soul Mill is a huge machinery that allows minor deities to feed on the power of dead spirits or let them reincarnate or serve them as guardian hosts. It was built by the surviving dwarves of the old world on command of the Incarnates on a older machinery of the old ones. The dwarfs guard the soul mill and are aligned with Sigmar after the shattering of the Incarnates, but are under siege of the skaven that have found their way on this world and managed to steal two mighty souls that formed their new gods.

    Inneadim whorship the dreamers, gods that have dreamt themselves, basically the elven gods. They live on their own world and protect the dreamchild. Under Araloth they founded enclaves on Regalia in search for the archelves, lost gods of their pantheon. They are a darker take on the elves, nightmare are as much part of their culture then dreams. They use necromancy and the death god Ynnead is at the centre of their pantheon. But they still live in symbiosis with the nature. The artwork shows an elf on a feathered mount, not like a chocobo, but more like a feathered raptor. the artbook shows pictures (and rules) from all existing elf armies.

    Skaven and Dawikorr are the only races that use blackpowder, the rest of Regalia is on stuck on an ancient/medieval tech level. The Exoatl use magic techno gear. There is a certain level of anachronistic gear but it is not steampunk but powered by ancient magic. The only steampunk elements are in the Skaven and to a lesser extent the neo-dwarven fluff.

    Chaos has no foothold in the north but is anywhere and consists of corrupted tribes and companies from every region of the world. The barbarian theme of the nomadic tribes is more associated with khorne than with chaos as a whole. Beastmen and demons are likely part of their faction because they are described in the same chapter (both in the fluff and unit cards), but demons can be summoned by everyone, so I don’t know for sure. And beastmen have very few pictures, so that’s a bad omen.

    Waaghkins: orcs, goblins and are the servants of the old gods and live in a strict caste system, orcs are the manual laborers. There is a new race called nigmos: a tall and slender priest caste. Waaghkins travel the undersea, a system of flooded caverns that connects the whole world, on longboats and do the dirty work for the Exoatl. There is an artwork of the three different kinds of greenskins (no squigs and snotlings mentioned): an ork in very strange armour, very front heavy, textured like a symmetric turtle shell, he wields is an axe with multiple disc shape blades, goblin looked like a viking but has a futuristic looking handgun, the third was taller than a ork, female, slender - probably a nigmo. But in the photos of actual miniatures only show the old orc style. There is a subfaction of waaghkins that changed allegiance from the old gods to grimgor incarnate and are much more ferocious than their cousins.

    undeads, deamons and spirits, and guardian hosts are used by every faction of the game, necromancy but not summoning is common in the dominion of Sigmar. The Inneadim are famous for their use of animated constructs. These things are not a big taboo in Regalia. However the most fearsome necromancers are (obviously) employed by the Empire of Nehekhara (which is not a desolate wasteland and has no egyptian vibe but is a rich and green country and feels more babylonian to me) and their death gods. But there is no Undead faction per se anymore. Vampires are called Necrarchs now.

    Guardians hosts are troops that were granted by a god from another realm or the realm of the dead. They are living beings and have free will, but were brought to Regalia on the command of a deity.

    - Lizardmen are not gone. There is a race called Servants of the Exoatl that guard the pole portals on flying pyramids, but no drawings and no fluff page (other races and tribess get at least half a page). They get unit cards for their old units (which confirms that they are simply lizardmen with a new name), but instead of beautiful pages with pictures like the rest of the bunch they get a simple list in the appendix of the compendium book.

    Beastmen get the same lowkey treatment, but ogres get pictures and all, but I cannot say with which pantheon/faction they align. They are mortal, so you can use them in any the guardians of regalia army, but I don’t know if this is a stop gap solution or not.

    Age of Sigmar box content:
    Extrapolated from the pictures, they are the only new models. If you think you get 3-5 UNITS for each side, you are wrong. you get 10-15 (haven’t counted) CHARACTERS per side. Each model is really individual and it is in no way possible to field the majority of them as a visual coherent unit. It is late and this summary is long as it is, so I make this brief, but I will come back later and add some info on the miniatures. Chaos looks very similar to the old style except the berserkers, the Sigmarite Force is completely different.

    Missionary Force:
    3 Knights of the Order of Sigmars Blood, Roman looking armour but more bulky, leather Bands, swords and teardrop-shaped shields, champion is a woman
    a pair of vigilantes: Male and female, leathercloaked, tricorn, 2 hand-crossbows
    a hand full of heavy armoured warrior with different weapons and cloaks, almost knightly in appearance but completely over the top bulky, some have eagleshaped helmets
    One hooded, chainmail wearing, hammer wielding girl
    a bulldog
    standard bearer: naked, chains that are hooked into the flesh, very archaic looking
    one arabic looking guy with a two-handed scimitar and full armour
    one guy in rags that wields a chain that burns at both ends, very impractical looking

    Chaos Cult:
    two outriders, basically chaos barbarians as we know them, but female
    ~5 berserkers: african looking, no armour, barefeet, clad in cloth stripes, two axes, bald and gaunt looking, not overly muscular, bone chain, both male and female
    three pristesses: flowing robes, sacrifical ziggzagged daggers, skullmasks
    two armoured harpies with spears and shields, crooked looking, feathered wings
    at least five chaos warriors similar in appearance to the old chaos warriors, very dynamic fur cloaks and poses, one of them bigger on a larger base, all male as far as I could see
    one large bloodletter, almost twice the size of a human
    the leader has armour that looks like a chaos dwarfish, very babylonic, rides a demonwolf, a juggernaut, but with flesh and fur and spikes
    some more viking-like infantry but with more chainmail
    That’s only a broad description. Every model is highly individual.

    Sorry for the chaotic nature of the info, I spent the evening writing this in a very fast manner. This is only the tip of the iceberg and I will come back with a little bit more soon - hopefully in a more ordered fashion. If you have a questions or need specifics and a topic, feel free to ask, maybe I remember something of use.
    via "Mikhael" 6-22-2015

    Regarding Age of Sigmar Product Changes

    Retailers have been informed that these kits are will be pulled shortly after Age of Sigmar ships:

    Empire Free Company
    Empire State Troops
    Empire Handgunners / Crossbowmen
    Empire Great cannon / Mortar
    Reiksguard / Knightly Order Box

    Khorne Chaoslord on Juggernaut
    Marauders of Chaos
    Warriors of Chaos
    Dragon Ogre Shaggoth
    There has been regular talk of BIG core product and range shakeups with the new Warhammer. This is only further fuel to the fire.

    via Steve the Warboss 6-24-2015
    Age of Sigmar Contents

    1x Empire General on Griffin
    5x Knights of Sigmar
    10x State Troops with Spears
    10x State Troops with Muskets

    1x Lord of Khorne on Daemonsteed
    5x Chaos Knights
    10x Chaos Warriors

    -No small rulebook
    -Full rules for all models
    -Small intro of the fluff (Humans only)
    -5 Scenarios to introduce players
    -Text is written very childfriendly
    Last edited by Bigred; 06-24-2015 at 02:18 PM.
    Got some Juicy News? Email BoLS

  2. #2


    via [URL=""]Mengel Miniatures[/URL] (facebook) 6-2-2015
    Age of Sigmar
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    via [URL=""]Atia [/URL](twitter) 6-25-2015

    Age of Sigmar Teasers

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    Via [URL=" _campaign=Feed%3A+ElTallerDeYila+%28El+taller+de+Y ila%29"]El Taller De Villa[/URL] 6-26-2015

    The First Shots of the Age of Sigmar Miniatures are HERE.

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    Via [URL=""]Spikeybits Hobbies Page[/URL] 6/27/2015

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    Via [URL=""]Warseer (Darnok)[/URL] 06-27-2015

    The official part first: "Age of Sigmar" is the first box set in the "remake" of Warhammer, with the first pre-orders up on the 4th of July, to be released on the 11th.

    The most recent of my bird singings:

    Quote Originally Posted by Some Birdy
    Concerning models:
    humans much larger in scale than standard WHFB humans
    not just more bulky and differently proportioned, but I mean the models themselves stand taller, they're just a different scale as WHFB humans (each about the size of a Terminator)
    about the model compatibility, and they just went like "yeah well if someone really wants to use their old armies they can, but we didn't intend the new models and old models to be compatible, we think larger models are the way forward, blah blah"

    Concerning rules:
    it's really for small battles and not as deep and strategic like LOTR was
    very simplified, seems intended for short quick beer & pretzel games, lots of random and little strategy
    no way you can use it for existing warhammer armies, so with the scale difference and incompatible rules I don't think there's any point in rebasing your existing collection
    'post it note' size of the rulebook is pretty much accurate
    very much revolves around your commander, which has elaborate special rules
    rest of the squads feels much as filler for the commanders to smash up and feel good about
    no info yet about anything planned for really large-scale battles

    This box set is not the full deal though. There will be a "big rulebook" coming shortly afterwards. That one should cover larger battles, I have yet to hear anything definite on it though (unless I missed something ). Also, even if only a guess:

    Quote Originally Posted by Harry
    Oh .. this is just the tip of a very large pile of ... I mean iceburg. There is a a lot of stuff backed up ready for release. Did you mean weeks or months?
    I would expect to see nothing but more Humans and Chaos stuff for a couple of months along with a bunch of terrain (so folks can build 'new look' tables) and then the Skaven stuff to hit.
    Comment of mine: I have been told it'll be weeks rather than months of new "WHF" releases. And early August will see the "big Warhammer version"; this AoS is some kind of a game on its own - specifics should leak as soon as the GW store managers had their meeting on coming Monday.
    Via Turgol on [URL=""]Warseer[/URL]

    New rumour on Dakka, from Sad Panda: one free Sigmarite coming with White Dwarf.
    I have not seen that since like 94 with one... Space Marine!
    Original Post:


    I don't buy it. Ditching all the army books, but holding release off until they've all been done? Seems counter productive to me.
    Last edited by Kesher; 06-28-2015 at 09:05 AM.
    Fed up for Scalpers?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Via Games Workshop and [URL=""]Lady Atia[/URL] 6/29/2015

    New Age of Sigmar Sale Sheet. Checkout these highlights folks.

    "Don’t worry. Warhammer Fantasy miniatures stay relevant. Old miniatures can still be used, however how you will play them has changed."

    "On the 4th of July all the new rules will be available digitally on the GW website for FREE – It will explain to you how the new game works"

    "The new rules for each miniature will also be in the newly rebranded boxes.
    Square bases and movement trays are gone."

    "The new and rebranded products will now come with oval and round bases. However don’t worry, as you can play the game with any base shape"

    Looks like a new e-Book experience is on the way as well! Exciting times indeed!
    ----------- Original Post-------------
    Yeah, I'm going into toxic shock from all the salt that comes with those rumours. Even if it is being worked on at the mo, there won't be anything concrete to speculate about. I don't get why hastings is suggesting O&G instead of Skaven; O&G already have an 8th edition book, Skaven are still on 7th ed. Not to mention WE wont get done in 8th.
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    Last edited by Kesher; 06-29-2015 at 07:53 AM.
    Chief Educator of the Horsemen of Derailment "People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought, which they avoid." SOREN KIERKEGAARD

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    The Phalanx



    Via Captain Citadel

    Age Of Sigmar Latest Prices & More

    Age of Sigmar will be rather large gents. No armies will be phasing out, no army books for that matter. It will be a bit like chess, easy to learn but difficult to master. It can be played to any scale almost, small or large.

    Rules will be free and releases this Saturday the 4th.

    The story revolves around Sigmar's disappearance from the Fantasy world as he set up kingdoms of warriors to battle Chaos in this new age.

    The starter will cost $125 and contain the two factions that has been rumored previously. The models will all be on round bases to be more dynamic (similar to 40k's stance).

    And today's sales sheet that seems to support what were hearing currently.
    New Age of Sigmar Sale Sheet. Checkout these highlights folks;

    Attachment 14842

    Via Games Workshop and Lady Atia 6/29/2015

    “Don’t worry. Warhammer Fantasy miniatures stay relevant. Old miniatures can still be used, however how you will play them has changed.””On the 4th of July all the new rules will be available digitally on the GW website for FREE – It will explain to you how the new game works”“The new rules for each miniature will also be in the newly rebranded boxes.
    Square bases and movement trays are gone.”“The new and rebranded products will now come with oval and round bases. However don’t worry, as you can play the game with any base shape”
    We have been informed the Age of Sigmar rules will include rules for EVERY EXISTING WFB miniature. So there will be zero miniatures that become obsolete.


    Whether the 2015 date is right or not, I would like it if every army was covered before the ruleset is updated again. And yeah Orcs & Goblins have already been done this edition, they were the first to be done even, and there are many armies that are (or should be) ahead of them in the queue to get a new book. Considering how much errata there is for the Skaven book I wouldn't be surprised if they were sooner than listed.
    Last edited by Bigred; 06-29-2015 at 10:34 AM.
    Either there is life in the universe more intelligent than us, or we are the most intelligent form of life in the universe. Either way, it's a worrying thought!

  5. #5
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    Dec 2010


    Not to mention the fact it is unstoppable in low points games. Still, I don't think it will get done until late on; they are a good selling range which is pretty much all plastic and they have a very competitive book. No real need to do them before the end of the cycle. I've also just notice that hastings' rumour about getting all the armies done doesn't include Beastmen, so I think it is safe to assume that Beastmen are going the way of SoB.
    Chief Educator of the Horsemen of Derailment "People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought, which they avoid." SOREN KIERKEGAARD

  6. #6


    As others have mentioned I find it weird that GW would worry about producing an Army Book for every army in 8th edition only to release 9th edition and say, "All previous Army Books are invalidated". They've certainly done strange things in the past but that would top the cake if true.

    Skaven really just need a newly printed book that incorporates all the existing errata. It drives me nuts that probably half the rules section of the book is either ignored, replaced, or otherwise altered.

    I also wouldn't be too quick to say Beastmen are going the way of SoB. While they certainly have a weak book, they are still playable (unlike a certain other army) and have several strong points within the book. They received the last 7th edition book so as far as timelines go, they are probably not a pressing concern.

    O&G replacing Skaven in the timeline would be weird... the O&G book is fine, a bit bland, but a solid effort that still performs very well and that also brings the army to the 8th edition baseline. If that part were true the only two armies that wouldn't be at the 8th edition baseline would Skaven and Beastmen.
    Armies - Skaven, Tomb Kings, Eldar, Iron Snakes, Dark Eldar, Retribution, & Legion
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chronowraith View Post
    Skaven really just need a newly printed book that incorporates all the existing errata. It drives me nuts that probably half the rules section of the book is either ignored, replaced, or otherwise altered.
    Not to mention very unclear rules galore. I definitely think the book could do with a good dose of cleanup and fixing some of the weak units. I don't think they need a big rewrite, in fact I would be very sad if they removed the flavour of Skaven (horde, cheap slaves, wacky rules (just make them clear!)) instead of adding more.

  8. #8


    I believe what Harry and Hastings say, so 9th in 2015 and more than just tweaking 8th. Until they say something abotu dropping all army books and a Ravening Hordes type set up then I'm burying that under a mountain of salt.
    Ask not the EldarGal a question, for she will give you three answers, all of which are puns and terrifying to know. Back off man, I'm a feminist. Ia! Ia! Gloppal Snode!

  9. #9


    Not sure it can be all that radical. Perhaps new flier rules, that could be fun. And something done to Cavalry. Perhaps some kind of 'breakthrough' rule for combat res.
    Fed up for Scalpers?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chronowraith View Post

    I also wouldn't be too quick to say Beastmen are going the way of SoB. While they certainly have a weak book, they are still playable (unlike a certain other army) and have several strong points within the book. They received the last 7th edition book so as far as timelines go, they are probably not a pressing
    Sorry, I was trying to be humorous. I don't thnk they are for the chop, just pointing out the flaw in claiming all books will be done and then missing one of the armies from the list. Makes rumours harder to believe when they contradict themselves.
    Chief Educator of the Horsemen of Derailment "People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought, which they avoid." SOREN KIERKEGAARD

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