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  1. #41


    Because Johnson was such a good judge of character, it isn't like he gave a bunch of siege engines to a fully fledged traitor primarch without realising it or anything
    Ask not the EldarGal a question, for she will give you three answers, all of which are puns and terrifying to know. Back off man, I'm a feminist. Ia! Ia! Gloppal Snode!

  2. #42


    Herp derp derp
    Red like roses, fills my dreams and brings me to the place where you rest...

  3. #43
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    Jun 2012


    Eh, I still laugh how Roboute said he killed Alpharius.
    "Are you sure you killed Alpharius?"
    "Which Alpharius?"

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Sacramento area


    Quote Originally Posted by Learn2Eel View Post
    I'm still in 5th Edition mode with some of my posts haha, I'm actually not too clued up on what tournament lists still do well. I was under the impression Purifier-spam and Coteaz/Razorspam lists are still relevant, although I am aware of the daemonic flying circus and the night scythe spam lists.
    You'd be surprised. There's a huge range of viable options, now. Flying circuses are notorious because the flyer rules are terribly thought out, but they're not actually super common and they're more annoying than OP because flyers have some weaknesses. Unfortunately, the Chaos codex seems to indicate GW doesn't understand how stupid the flyer rules are, because they sure didn't include a lot of means of dealing with flyers like they should have, but whatever. I've been pretty impressed with how well 6th ed has opened up the playing field, with the sole exception of the opportunity for flyer spam. In particular, light vehicle spam is almost dead now. No more 6x5 Purifiers with Razorbacks.
    I am the Hammer. I am the right hand of my Emperor. I am the tip of His spear, I am the gauntlet about His fist. I am the woes of daemonkind. I am the Hammer.

  5. #45
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    Jun 2012


    That's great to hear. Hopefully the new Chaos codec gets represented through balanced army lists, and that sets the theme for future releases.

  6. #46


    it is down to the fact that space marines sell they sell books they sell models they are in truth what GW makes much of there money on

    BUT space marines need enemys apart from other space marines so we have the xenos races eldar dark eldar tyranids necron orcs and the Tau

    Now look at the typical cycle of codex releases they tend to be a marine codex an alien codex a marine codex an alien codex so yes some of your xenos codexes are quite old now but let me also highlight a fact for you when that codex was released it was probably the most potent codex at the time as all codexs seem to be this is NOT a mistake as of course GW wish to max profits from the release of any nex codex so yes shockingly enough the latests codexs tend to be the best out there look at necrons grey knights dark eldar and blood angels for examples so guess what when GW do the new eldar or tau tyranid and orc codex guess what they will be probably the best army to use in 40k

    now this is where the hate is marines get more codex releases than aliens well yes and no its kind of true but the truth is that there is a waiting list for codex releases as usual xenos players are allways waiting for a new release where space marine players have ample choices to make a good army from either the space marine codex ar any of the more recent space marine codexs so marine players can allways find a force to build where as xenos playes can be kind of locked into a codex for years

  7. #47


    I'm with ElectricPaladin here, why the hate? I play SW and continually get it..... Yet I also fail to win in a spectacular and bloody fashion more often than not. I'm going to verge on 'people will whine about anything' :P

    And as for xenos races not getting the love, some people need to add a FW dex or twelve to their book collection.... the newest Tau options are utterly terrifying! Battlesuits for HQ, Elites, Fast Attack and Heavy Support? Yes please!

  8. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by DarkDesigner View Post
    I do tire of going into Games Workshops and seeing two marine armies facing off.
    This is really where the marine hate stems from, I think, and it isn't relegated to GW stores, it is the vast majority of gaming groups. I've played in many places over the years, and I've run a lot of leagues/campaigns/tournaments at stores and as a GW staffer. I'm sure most of us have played somewhere where a particular army is so rare that it is often synonymous with a particular player(Chaos Jim, Ork Tom, etc). I remember having as many as 25 marine players for an event out of 40+ players, and several armies went unrepresented. For some players, that gets stale, and the options are either to switch to Xenos, or leave the hobby out of boredom. Those that switch often harbor some form of 'marine resentment'.

    I myself was a marine player for the first 10 or so years that I was in the hobby, and as I played in new places and groups, started playing Xenos off and on for painting variety, but also to prove that the other armies were viable, as there was a common misconception that other armies had difficulty beating marines. When the Tau came out I started using them almost exclusively for most of my games until last year, when I started using Inquisition for most of my games.

    I have some excitement for the new Dark Angels Codex, as they were my army in my early years of the hobby, most players in the area knew me as a Dark Angel player. But, I have not painted a marine for myself in close to 12 years, and I'm not particularly looking forward to it. I'm kind of hoping the new Codex blows me away to the point where I am excited to paint them.

    If your gaming group only had one or two marine players, and had an even mix of other armies, I think there wouldn't be much marine hate, other than: why are the marines getting new units not in the Codex, and replacements for existing models, when my army still doesn't even have all the units in my Codex represented?

  9. #49
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    Southampton, England


    Quote Originally Posted by Kurnost View Post
    I'm with ElectricPaladin here, why the hate? I play SW and continually get it..... Yet I also fail to win in a spectacular and bloody fashion more often than not. I'm going to verge on 'people will whine about anything' :P

    And as for xenos races not getting the love, some people need to add a FW dex or twelve to their book collection.... the newest Tau options are utterly terrifying! Battlesuits for HQ, Elites, Fast Attack and Heavy Support? Yes please!
    It's often the fact that Space Marine codices (Space Wolves and Grey Knights mainly) usually give you much more for your points than other codices because GW know people will buy them. You might not play the cheapest, spammiest Space Wolves list, but lots of people do, same with Grey Knights, and that's where a lot of it stems from.

    As for your talk of Forgeworld, Forgeworld have blatant Imperium favouritism, pretty much all of the Xenos stuff pales in comparison to the Imperial stuff. Most of the Eldar entries are a joke other than the Warp Hunter. This is another reason many players dislike them. Once again, not so much the Marines as the writers.

  10. #50
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    Cold and Miserable Scotland


    Quote Originally Posted by Anggul View Post
    As for your talk of Forgeworld, Forgeworld have blatant Imperium favouritism, pretty much all of the Xenos stuff pales in comparison to the Imperial stuff.
    If you're talking about Imperial Armour then that's obviously going to have an Imperial bias as they're supposed Imperial records (as well as gaming aids). As for the Imperial stuff being superior to Xenos I think you'll find that highly relative. A good example would be the points cost of early Imperial stuff that didn't see revisions for years such as the Hydra which was rounded down by over a hundred points!

    On the other hand a Forge World book written from the Ork perspective might be fun - just pages after pages of faces having been dipped in ink and smashed against the paper bound in riveted metal and wood. I don't think you've got enough teeth to afford one though!

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