Hey all check out this latest battle report.


Eldar list:
HQ: Farseer on Jetbike with Stones, Runes of Wit, Runes of Ward, Fortune, Doom.
HQ: 10 Warlocks on Jetbikes with 8 destructors, 1 enhance, 1 embolden
HQ: Farseer on Jetbike with Stones, Runes of Wit, ES, MW, Doom, Guide
Troops: 10 Pathfinders
Troops: 10 Pathfinders
Troops: 10 Pathfinders
Troops: 3 Guardian Jetbikes
Troops: 3 Guardian Jetbikes
F.A.: 5 Swooping Hawks with Exarch and skyleap
Fort: Aegis w/Comm-link

Necron List (I lost the copy that Jesse gave me so this is approximate until I can get another one)
HQ: Anarkyr
HQ: Overloard with Mindashackle, Res Orb, Phylacktery, 2+, 3+, warscythe
Chrono-tek, haywaire-tek x3
Troops: 5 Warriors in a night scythe
Troops: 5 Warriors in a night scythe
Troops: 5 Warriors in a night scythe
Troops: 10 Immortals
Troops: 10 Immortals
HS: Doom Scythe
HS: Doom Scythe
HS: Doom Scythe
HQ: Rune Priest
Troops: 5 Grey Hunters w/plasma