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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Under your bed

    Default Gotrek sculpt help

    I'm looking for some help in sculpting Gotrek.

    Well, to be more specific, I'm looking for help in what pose to give him (ideally I'm looking for artwork) something so I can structure and armature and then go from there.

    Additionally, to anyone who has or is in the process of reading the slayer series, what is your favourite scene from the books?

    So far I'm on manslayer and the fight in big Nob's warehouse with Gotrek wielding two sturgeon tickled me pink (it would look awesome in diorama form).

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    The Phalanx


    Can't offer any help sculpting wise, but wish you the best of luck with doing that. As for favourite scene, mines a very simple one from the very first sort story I think. Felix is in a bar being roughed up by some human thugs (I think cos he tried saving the barmaid from their rude attention or some such noble/chivalrous thing) and the door slams open and Gotrek is stood in it, and says in his usual gruff manner "The first one to harm the manling dies instantly... the second one I'll take my time over". The thugs are full of bravado right up until they turn and see him and then they are terrified! I've loved the character ever since reading that.
    Either there is life in the universe more intelligent than us, or we are the most intelligent form of life in the universe. Either way, it's a worrying thought!

  3. #3


    Favourite scene, barmaid brings two steins of ale to Gotrek and Felix' table, Gotrek takes hold of both and says: 'Bring beer for my companion too'.

    Pose wise, I'd have him with with his hands wide, axe in one hand, beer jug in the other, yelling to the sky for a worthier foe,

  4. #4


    One outstretched claw, tense and quivering with rage like something from [url=]Ren and Stimpy[/url].

    That, or the time in Trollslayer when he lost his memory and sat around like a goof.

    Or just when he got his memory back.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Under your bed


    Quote Originally Posted by Vermis View Post
    One outstretched claw, tense and quivering with rage like something from [url=]Ren and Stimpy[/url].

    That, or the time in Trollslayer when he lost his memory and sat around like a goof.

    Or just when he got his memory back.
    Hey mate!

    Both sound good, different, not something people would normally see with a sculpt.

    I feel a little torn in two as it's tempting to sculpt a diorama (my GD oxayotl diorama has kind of fallen through).

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