New Venjetta - "Bug Zapper"

Thread: New Venjetta - "Bug Zapper"

  1. isotope99's Avatar

    isotope99 said:

    Default New Venjetta - "Bug Zapper"

    As I am apparently completely incapable of focussing on one thing at a time, here is my venjetta conversion.

    Whilst I like the classic valkyrie as a valkyrie, I've never been a huge fan of it as a fast attack gunship. This conversion is pretty much just the valkyrie with extra lascannons (baneblade sponsons + bastion heavy bolters) and an optional deathstrike nosecone. Took me a few attempts to get it right, hence the green stuff patching everywhere.

  2. geekymike's Avatar

    geekymike said:


    i like everything ...but something about the nose cone just doesnt work for me... other than that it looks awesome
  3. Kirsten's Avatar

    Kirsten said:


    good modifications, makes a suitably different shape. the issue with the nose cone is that you have an angular nose, then a circular cone, so it does look like a piece glued to the front, rather than a natural hull progression, if you could find a way to make the cone more of a pyramid it would work well
    Twelve monkeys, eleven hats. One monkey is sad.
  4. SotonShades's Avatar

    SotonShades said:


    I'm beginning to get the feeling you really hate 'Nids :P

    Love the change of shape to the valk hull. I've done something similar, though less extreme, with one of my valks; the engines under the wings and missile pods on the top but sweeping the wings back as you've done.

    Only negatives from me would be that the tail looks a little stubby and the same as Kristen said about the Nosecone. I'm sure you could build up the nose from the transition of the square to the round, similar to some of the curves on the FW Lightnings, easilly enough. Might look more like a SoB vehicle than a guard one but I'm sure it could work
    Always thinking 2 projects ahead of anything I've yet to finish
  5. Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer's Avatar

    Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer said:


    Same comment as everyone else, good changes overall, but tweaks to the tail and nosecone would make it awesomer. Not sure about making any part of the hull rounded; aerodynamics is for pansy Xenos. :P
  6. isotope99's Avatar

    isotope99 said:


    Thanks guys, I think I can live with the shortened tail as it was a real challenge to get the lines over the back to work for a single tail design but the nosecone certainly could do with some work if I can find the right bits. I like the tapered front so I'm not going to scrub it entirely.

    The slightly unusual angles on the valkyrie make it harder to convert than I expected, nothing quite fits as neatly as I was hoping.

    Also some decoration for the side of the cockpit when I'm finally ready to paint it.

  7. isotope99's Avatar

    isotope99 said:


    Made some amendments to the nose:

  8. Col.Gravis's Avatar

    Col.Gravis said:


    The modificatiosn work a treat, nice job, reminds me of the Sea Harrier actually.
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  9. DrLove42 said:


    Yeah the smooth nose is much nicer. Incredible work!
    Autarch, Shas'o, Chaos Lord and Decadant Lord of the Webway. And a Doctor!
  10. ElectricPaladin's Avatar

    ElectricPaladin said:


    Well done! The new nose looks very natural and very jet-like.
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