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  1. #1

    Default Eldar Wraithstar

    So I've been fiddling with the idea of building an Eldar Wraithstar. I really like Wraithguard, and I dig the Wraithseer. Feedback and thoughts are encouraged, please.

    Wraithseer w/D-Cannon
    10 Wraithguard, Spiritseer w/Conceal
    6 Pathfinders
    3 Jetbikes
    3x Warp Hunter w/Shuriken Cannon

    Baron Sathonyx
    5 Wyches w/Haywire in Venom
    5 Warriors w/Blaster in Venom
    Voidraven w/2 Shatterfield Missiles

    Total: 1996 pts

    The plan is to run the Baron and Eldrad with the Wraithguard for a 4+ Fortuned cover save (and Shadowfield). The Baron also grants the unit Hit and Run, which is a HUGE boon for Wraithguard. The Wraithseer follows behind granting the Wraithstar FNP and being generally awesome. The Voidraven is for AA, and the Warp Hunters kill everything else.
    What do you guys think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Lincoln, England


    On the fun scale I think this rates pretty high. On the competitive scale....

    First thing to mention, you're slow. You have a lot of flying models but other than that your only transported units are 5-strong DE units that will be shot down easily. Once an opponent is finished putting down your other units (which honestly won't take long) it leaves them free to dance around your wraithstar as they please, shooting you down slowly but surely. Close combat will also be a major risk for you as, despite a wraithguards high T, their combat ability is shocking.

    This list looks like it'll suffer from the same weaknesses as draigowing, but without the support that the wing can get from the GK codex.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Memphis TN


    Just coming from a experienced dark eldar player any unit under 10 man strength is going to be blown off the map even if they are in transports.

  4. #4


    You may be right that it's too slow. However, I have been having phenomenal success with my Harliestar list, which is also slow. As for the small squads, their whole point is to hold objectives at the end game, and not much else. I love Venoms, and small cheap squads are the best way to get them, IMO. As for CC, as long as I can tank with the Baron, it won't be that big a deal, as the unit has Hit and Run to get out of it.

    Anyway, I have Wraithguard ordered and they should be here soon. The rest of the army is already in my possession. I am anxious to see how it turns out.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Plymouth, England


    If you've got your heart set on Wraithguard nothing I can say can stop that.

    But a 10 man Wraithguard unit is 350 + Warlock. They will never come close to making those points back. Yes they're durable as hell, especially if the Wraithseer gives them FNP, but they will never get their points back.

    I took mine to a 6 game event once. Adding all 6 games together, they still didn't make their points back. They get wiped in CC and the range is too short to be effective.

    Speaking of CC. Don't use conceal as the warlock power. Use Enhance. They will probably not have any trouble finding a 5+ cover save, and the increase in CC can be quite large. Also hope Eldrad gets the full BS on overwatch power for them
    Autarch, Shas'o, Chaos Lord and Decadant Lord of the Webway. And a Doctor!

  6. #6


    From my personal experience a full 10 man wraith guard squad as troops never make their points back


    they can take alot of punishment for your army esp if you get invisibility with eldrad

    conceal plus shrould, steath = 2+ cover saves and ws 1 opponents on CC with no charging bonus

    oh and add lelith as the allied HQ


    its pure RNG to get the right spell though, still with eldrad decent chance to get it

    PS add a second normal farseer with fortune and doom
    VEERY expensive but one heck of a wraithstar

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Durham, NH


    troops choices often don't make their points back. That's why GW invented Elites, HQ, Fast Attack, and Heavy Support. And now Allies and Emplacements.
    QUOTE Jwolf: "Besides, Tynskel isn't evil, he's just drawn that way. "

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Sacramento area


    I played a guy who took Eldrad, 2 Phoenix Lords, 10 Wraithguard, and a Warlock as one big super-unit (~1000pts). My 5 Paladins, Coteaz and a Grand Master (~700pts) killed them off in assault, though it did take a long time and only my Grand Master was left thanks to the Pheonix Lord with a power fist.
    I am the Hammer. I am the right hand of my Emperor. I am the tip of His spear, I am the gauntlet about His fist. I am the woes of daemonkind. I am the Hammer.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    I think you have your fingers in too many pies. This is just me but when I think Wraith armies, I think Wraithwall with lots of screening units (bubble wrap guardians with scatter lasers, harlequins, and even dire avengers on foot) that giving cover to you Wraithguard, and also a triplet of Wraithlords in the heavy slots. If I were you I'd forgo the Dark Eldar allies (unless you take a super cheap haemonculus/archon, small troop selection, and a talos to really go Eldar-Zilla).

    I just think the fast units are going to leave your foot units in the dust, disjointing the all-hands-on-deck, coordinated attack that Eldar live and die by.
    Check out my army!

  10. #10


    The problem for me with trying to get Invisibility is that it means I lose Fortune, Guide, and Doom. Those are three powers (especially Fortune) that I want to hang on to. I know that Prescience is a superior version of Guide, but for me, there is no equivalent to Fortune.

    At 2500 pts, which is a size played fairly regularly at the local stores, I plan to add another Farseer in order to take the BRB powers.

    As for the unit never earning its points back, I fully expect that to be the case. My Harliestar almost never makes up its points either, but is still an effective army. An advantage with the Wraithguard is that it is a rock-solid Troop, thus making it very good in for holding and taking objectives.

    I will definitely post how well this army does once I get the Wraithguard in. If nothing else, it should be a fun army to play with.

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