
Check this out guys. I match up against Paul over at “For Holy Terra.” We played mission 5 for those of you that remeber that strategy post, you can see it played out in action. If you have some ideas for more reports let us know. Any other armies you want to see played, just post below.

Check back soon for a strategy discussion video about this match. I will sit down and give you guys some commentary about how I decided to go about playing the game and the strategy that I had in mind.

Thanks to incompetek for the soundtrack.

Here is the Salamanders with Blood Angels army list.

HQ – Pedro Kantor

Troops – 5x Scouts w/Telion, 3x Sniper Rifles & Missile Launcher

Troops – 5x Scouts, Sergeant w/Sniper Rifle, 3x Sniper Rifles, Missile Launcher, Camo Cloaks

Elites – 10x Sternguard, Sergeant w/ Power Fist & Combi-Melta, 2x Meltaguns, Combi-Melta, Combi-Flamer in Drop Pod

Elites – 5x Sternguard, Sergeant w/ Combi-Flamer, 2x Meltaguns in Drop Pod

Allies: Blood Angels

HQ – Librarian

Troops – 10x Assault Marines, Sergeant w/Power Fist, 2x Meltaguns, Jump Packs

Heavy Support – 10x Devastators, 4x Missile Launchers in Drop Pod

Here was my list:

H.Q.: Farseer, Stones, Jetbike, Fortune, Doom
H.Q.: Farsser, Stones, Jetbike, Mind War, Storm, Guide
8 Warlock on bikes with 1 enhance, 1 embolden, 4 destructors

Elites: 6 Fire Dragons, 1 Exarch w/ tank hunters, crack shot
Wave serpent w/ Shuriken cannon, spirit stones

Troops: 5 man Rangers x 3 (forgot I payed for the pathfinder upgrade on these guys)
Troops: 3 man Guardian Jetbike with cannon x 2

Thanks all. Make sure to subscribe and like. Stop by our site to see some strategy articles and army showcases.

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