Painted Ogre Butcher.

Thread: Painted Ogre Butcher.

  1. Randroid's Avatar

    Randroid said:

    Default Painted Ogre Butcher.

    (cross posted from my blog where you can see a bigger pic - [url][/url])

    Yup. There he is - one Ogre Kingdoms Butcher. All painted and stuff. I still need to do some touch ups and seal the model (gotta find some Dullcoat!) but otherwise I like how he turned out.

    I wish I had put some extra bits and bobs on his base, but live and learn. I really like how the blood/gore turned out (especially on the hammer) and the model as a whole is one of my favorites from the Beer Gut Tribe. Comments and critiques are welcome and appreciated!
  2. Ardousius's Avatar

    Ardousius said:

    Thumbs up

    looks good, nice details
  3. lobster-overlord's Avatar

    lobster-overlord said:


    I run Ogres myself, and I've never been a fan of this model, but I think you've done an excellent job with it, especially the little details.

    John M.
  4. Randroid's Avatar

    Randroid said:


    Thanks Lobster. I hated this model until I got this guy painted... now it is my favorite. - A WHFB Gnoblog
  5. j-orge-287's Avatar

    j-orge-287 said:


    Great model and paint job
  6. grey_death's Avatar

    grey_death said:


    A bit more definition and variety in some of the colors would go a long way toward picking out the details here and there. But overall it's a great job, nice extensive use of washes all around.
  7. RocketRollRebel's Avatar

    RocketRollRebel said:


    Nice Butcher and 'grats on 2nd place! (read the blog lol)
  8. Hephesto's Avatar

    Hephesto said:


    Excellent detailing, rather like the clean base. Really keeps thing focused on the work you did on the mini. _______________
  9. Slann's Avatar

    Slann said:


    Looks good catches the feel of the ogre butcher .
  10. PostWarFolk's Avatar

    PostWarFolk said:


    Nice work. He definitely says butcher with a blood matted apron.