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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Vallejo, CA


    Vendettas all the way. Two chims for a scouting fast skimmer with three TLLC? Excellent trade off.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Hove, Sussex


    I've found that the flyers, in addition to ven's anti tank role, actually do a great job of keeping the heat off the chimeras, which can then get close enough to mop up the remaining vehicles and higher AV things with melta vets. Thing is, those gunships cause more concern than the little transports sneaking into position: usually they'll hurt something badly then get shot down rather than being around into the late game, so I say use both, make sure that your chimeras are in position for the second strike as it were.

    Either that or take nine flyers in a 1500 point list. Everyone's favourite

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Minneapolis, MN


    They way I've experienced it (as an IG player), is that you should really never take more than 3 Valks/Vendettas because you don't want to squadron them. You should really be running 5-6 troop choices and at least one CCS, so you're going to have put them in Chimeras anyway (unless you're running a power blob). So 2-3 Vendettas alongside 3-4 Chimeras, plus probably another Chimera or two with Psyker Battle Squads in them. Add heavy support to taste, and you're good to go.

  4. #24


    Vendetta's are the way to go! Totally worth their points, but they fulfill different roles, A vendetta makes a nice tank hunting support unit, who can also drop a squad off somewhere, which is a nice tactical option for veterans, or storm troops, or even just a ten man squad to grab an objective. Chimera's are a lot better for your standard ground support and using to block line of sight as well as being combined with other vehicles to form an armoured wall. Personally, if someone wanted me to pick one over the other regardless of situation and army build I would say Vendetta, but they both have their uses.

  5. #25


    The thing is, I'd limit you to a maximum of 3 Vendetta's or Valkyries and then however many Chimeras you want given the amount of remaining points. I would probably take Vendetta's over Valkyries as getting that many lascannons in one unit is hard to do for a similar points cost (It's 105 for a heavy weapons squad with 3 lascannons, which aren't twin-linked) Though multiple rocket pods aren't bad against hordes.

  6. #26


    I usually field at least one valk/vendetta in my list. I favor the chimera for the ability to fire out of it and I can use them as a wall to protect things behind them. i usually throw some melta vets into a vlak and skim them around the table hunting artillery or slower vehicles, but I don't really on them. they are a fun surprise for my opponent, but not one that i put much faith in.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Los Angeles


    Chimera and Valk/Vendetta are two completely different things. The Chimera is a transport that can carry some weapons and has some great features, including being able to fire special weapons from inside. They give guard mobility, protection, and the ability to make your opponent divide his fire and make choices. The skimmer, especially the Vendetta version, is a pure mean as hell gunship that delivers the pain to any target on the board, and has the extra feature of carrying a unit inside to cause additional issues.

    I really think the Vendetta is the best vehicle in the whole game. But it doesn't replace the Chimera, it complements it.


  8. #28


    I use chimeras to make my scoring units relatively save from enemy fire. They are main vehicles in my vehicle-heavy lists - cheap, well armored and armed strong enough to destroy light vehicles/kill some infatry. I usually run them with multi-laser and heavy bolter although I plan to check if pintle-mounted heavy stubber is worth its points
    Vendettas on the other hand are more specialised. I always load them with shotgun meltavets so if enemy's firepower is greater than mine (but it happens rarely ) they can outflank and bring nice amount of anti-tank shots.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Northern Quebec, Mistissini (near Chibougamau)


    It is all about preference and play style. Myself, I got 4 valks day one, but as you mentioned, size and shape forced me to sell and trade them out for chimeras when I had to move long distance. Awesome models, I will admit, and the one I got painted (moved not long after release sadly) looked pimp on the board. But Chimeras are more cost effective when you factor in the model is slightly cheeper $$$, annd can fit eaiser into storage solutions. And on the board it is half the cost and still very usefull. I field a a third company in chimeras (2 platoons of 6 and company cmd, so much fun lol) when the game is big enough, and it makes people lose it more often than not, especially if I add HKMs to all 13 of them.

    But seriously, go with what you like.

  10. #30

    Default new to 40k chimera is my favorite

    i'm a new Ig player but i just love the chimera(thinks of a BMP everytime i look at mine) , do to i'm a tread head, also that it keeps my scoring units safe for a little bit, does not have to worry about AA fire can follow my LRDST to objectives. but i would want to get at least 2 Vendettas for highly mobile Anit-Tank wing to support the the mechanized troops as they advance on objectives.

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