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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Fine, show us where in the BRB are the rules for disembarking for failing a Ld test.
    You can't because it is a hole in the rules.
    It's not addressed at all.
    Both sides of this have house rules or crap we make up.

    My idea is no morale tests when embarked just means we ignore the test for 25% loss, just like we do when locked in combat.
    Your idea means we have to come up with a ruling for disembarking, is it allowed or not.
    Then if they can't disembark are they destroyed or not?
    Your idea adds complexity, and the need to make up even more crap in order to make it work, for no good purpose.

    Keep it simple, just ignore the test.
    Last edited by SeattleDV8; 03-24-2012 at 03:12 AM.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Durham, NH


    This isn't about making crap up.

    The rulebook states you MUST fall back. The only way to do that in the vehicle is to disembark.
    I don't understand why there must be a rule on how to disembark from a vehicle when there are ALREADY rules to disembark a vehicle in emergencies...

    The rulebook has EXPLICIT rules for both when you cannot disembark and are forced to, and if you cannot runaway when you are forced to. In BOTH cases, the unit is wiped out!

    I think the real issue here is rules interpretation.

    One group says follow rules to the letter--- assuming the rulebook is infallible. The situation we are talking about would require 2+2= ? Unknown, because 2+2 is not explicitly described.

    BUT we already KNOW that is wrong.

    The other group is saying--- hey look, these rules may be interpreted. And, there are situations that are not explicitly stated, but DO occur. The rulebook is flexible enough for players to take 2+2 and make 4. Hence why you can roll a 4+ and move on.... that's an EXPLICIT RULE!!!!
    Last edited by Tynskel; 03-24-2012 at 06:52 AM.

  3. #23


    Passengers aren't allowed to disembark if the transport has moved at full speed 18"(cruising speeds on roads or flying transports) Does that mean that they all get wiped if forced to disembark after the transport has moved?

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Durham, NH


    Quote Originally Posted by Fellend View Post
    Passengers aren't allowed to disembark if the transport has moved at full speed 18"(cruising speeds on roads or flying transports) Does that mean that they all get wiped if forced to disembark after the transport has moved?
    yup. sucks trying to jump out of a transport that's moving too fast!
    However, you gotta think about that one--- that requires the dread to hit on a 6, AND wound enough people inside to cause a 25% morale check AND then to fail such morale check.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Well thats just silly.
    The only time you are disallowed from disembarking from moving flat out, is in your own Movement phase.
    So if we agree that the unit has to test and disembark (which I do not) the speed of the vehicle would never be an issue.
    In that there is no way to damage embarked units in their movement phase.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Durham, NH


    Quote Originally Posted by SeattleDV8 View Post
    Well thats just silly.
    The only time you are disallowed from disembarking from moving flat out, is in your own Movement phase.
    So if we agree that the unit has to test and disembark (which I do not) the speed of the vehicle would never be an issue.
    In that there is no way to damage embarked units in their movement phase.
    oh yeah. Forgot about that.

    you can still crash n' burn in the movement phase, though!

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Vallejo, CA


    Yeah, but what happens in the movement phase isn't the issue. What is the issue is what happens to units who take damage when inside a vehicle. And the response is "they take the wounds but don't flee." E know thus us the case thanks toImperial Guard who have two units that can be forced to take a Morale check while embarked. Vets with 3 plasma weapons, and psyker squads. Both can potentially lose their models on a bad roll. And yet, they won't flee because they cannot be forcibly disembarked from the vehicle without the vehicle being destroyed.

    furthermore, who is going to get out of the relative safety of a tank studded with firing Ports when the alternative is standing in front of a giant melee robot?
    Last edited by thecactusman17; 03-25-2012 at 10:35 AM.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Durham, NH


    I don't know where you get the idea that they don't flee. There's nothing that says they don't take the test.
    Ah, but the rulebook states that if you fail the morale check you MUST flee. That REQUIRES that you disembark, otherwise, you are destroyed for not moving.

    Clearly, you don't understand that when the robot is 'tearing your vehicle a new a-hole', and then shooting 'gouts of flames' into your vehicle, that it might cross your mind to get out. Mayyyyyybe, but, that's just me.

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