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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Bedfordshire, UK

    Default 1500pt Orks - Kanwall-Horde hybrid

    Just a bit of an idea i had to shake up my ork army since i bought a crap load of kans for an upcoming event.

    Idea is the WB just goes in and crumps stuff the KFF gives all the kans a 4+ cover save and they go smash stuff. The second half of the army is an crap ton of bodies with grots in front to provide a cover save and generall be annoying.

    Koptas in there to scout or outflank to shoot vehicles or contest stuff.

    Army really lacks a firebase (no lootas etc) but up close its gonna be scary.

    Warboss (Kommanda Gorfang) 150
    Bike, Power Klaw, Cybork Body
    Slugga, Attack Squig

    Big Mek 85
    Slugga, Kustom force field (50)

    25 Shoota Boyz 185
    Nob w/ Power Klaw

    25 Slugga Boyz 185
    Sluggas, Choppas
    Nob w/ Power Klaw

    25 Shoota Boyz 185
    Nob w/ Power Klaw

    15 Grots 55
    Runtherd w/ Slugga, Squiq Hound, Grabba Stikk

    15 Grots 55
    Runtherd w/ Slugga, Squiq Hound, Grabba Stikk

    3 Killa Kans 135

    3 Killa Kans 135

    3 Killa Kans 150

    2 Deffkoptas 90
    Choppas, Twin Rokkit Launchas

    2 Deffkoptas 90
    Choppas, Twin Rokkit Launchas
    Last edited by Latro_; 03-23-2012 at 04:49 AM.

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