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  1. #41
    Join Date
    May 2011


    My marine army is, surprisingly on foot, and it does quite well. And comes with three dreads as the only vehicles.

    Thing is a long time ago I discovered my scouts were very lucky. Then I realised how awesome a squad of five scouts with shotguns, led by a sergeant with a plasma pistol and an powerfist is. That sergeant has killed many enemy commanders armed with p.fists and thunder hammers, because of a)instant death and b) simultaeneous combat. The scouts around him sometimes kill things in combat too! Especially units of Terminators. Statistically I think the squad on a shoot and assault turn can kill 3-4 termies, more than making up for there cost. Lovely. And some might even survive (not likely though).

    I take two of these units of scouts. Plus with combat squads there's another five just with bolters and another five with sniper rifles and a missile launcher hanging around the battlefield. Maybe a unit of tactical marines, definitely a unit of devastators or two, a badass HQ with a tooled up command squad wandering around that surprisingly has never really been targeted. Its basically a marine horde army designed for lots of short ranged firefights and a few select assaults and long range firefights.

    And in the middle of all that three dreadnoughts, slowly walking forward doing very well as all-rounders. Because the emeny just had his thunder-hammer wielding commander killed by a scout sergeant and he's being swamped in a few places the dreads, walking forward somewhere, firing here and there, taking out marines in there ones-and-twos each turn means they get overlooked. Occassionally I get them locked in combat to tie up an enemy unit which hasnt got any way to deal with the dreadnought, but they do better wandering around swiping at enemy vehicles and have alot of fun fighting enemy dreadnoughts. One was one stuck in combat with an enemy dread when they were both immobilised.

    So thats how I run my dreads, if it were a more normal marine army Im sure they would get blasted pretty early in the game.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Cumberland, Kentucky


    Two dreads in assault and both end up immobilized? Imagine the conversation between two dreads in such a scenario.

    "Damn it, I knew I should've swung hire."

    "Well ya didn't! Now look at yourself.

    "You're one to talk."

    "So um, what do you think about this weather we're having?"
    The Eye of Skreebo is upon ye. Skreebo expects.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Toronto, Ontario


    I play a very infantry-heavy Marine army, and have found two ways that Dreads work for me. One is the much-aforementioned drop podding - which I am a fan of.

    The second thing I do sometimes (works well with Assault Marines too) is keep my Dreads on foot and in reserve, as countercharge support for my firing line of heavy weapon combat squads. On multiple occasions I've managed to tie up a unit of Biker Nobz or other fast/heavy units (you do play a bit of reserve roulette tactic) by springing the "Dreadnought Surprise" on them.
    We Will Strike With The Arms Of Gods
    And Leave Nothing In Our Wake

  4. #44


    I play a foot marine army, i have like one squad in a razor back. My dreads march around in squads helping where ever fire support is needed and i never send one dread into close combat he needs buddies with him.
    Purge the Weak!

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Cumberland, Kentucky


    If I wanted to I could field a single 15 man crusader squad mounted in a Crusader. And then five 6 man squads mounted in Razorbacks. Plus I have Sword Brethern in a Razorback. On top of this I could also field a character and command squad in a Landraider. Then two Terminator squads, and two 10 man assault squads. In addition I have four Dreadnoughts and two bike squads, plus a couple of Predators.

    So I have tons of infantry models. My original army list included those small squads so I would be able to take Razorbacks to make up for lack of heavy support. And while they did prove themselves in battle the squad size wasn't suitable. And it resulted in a ponderous army. The only true advantage of this list was it ensured I had ample ability to take out enemy transports and vehicles making it safer for my Templars to disembark and assault. The smaller squads faired poorly though thanks to the righteous zeal and being outnumbered. The only squad which proved itself time and time again was the 15 man crusader squad. Whenever I disembarked and got the charging bonus it could easily overwhelm any opponent by sheer number of hits and wounds. The amount of dice I had to roll required me to cup my hands and roll a mountain!

    But overall I didn't like the list. So now I'm reorganizing the army and downsizing:

    It'll still retain the 15 man squad. But instead of five 6 man squads it'll now be two 10 man crusader squads. One will be armed with bolters, the other outfitted for hand to hand like the 15 man squad. And instead of Razorbacks they'll get Rhinos.

    I'll still be running my other infantry type units. But there will be less armor now. Only the Crusader, other Landraider, two Rhinos, and a Razorback for the Sword Brethern. Maybe another Razobrack to carry Grimaldus. I'll still have my Terminators, bikers, and Assault marines.

    This ought to give me a more viable "horde" army.
    The Eye of Skreebo is upon ye. Skreebo expects.

  6. #46


    If you have access to Storm Ravens I would say go that way but if not Pods with the DCCW and Multi Melta are downright rough to deal with and while your opponent will have to deal with it or all his armor will be at risk and then if you add a 2nd dread it will allow the rest of your army to control the table.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Cumberland, Kentucky


    Am I wrong, but aren't Stormravens only available to Gray Knights and Blood Angels?
    The Eye of Skreebo is upon ye. Skreebo expects.

  8. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by Kevlarshark View Post
    Dreds need to come in pairs.

    Templars have the option of selecting a venerable dred with an assault cannon and tank hunter (which is sick) and don't forget they benefit from your vows.

    Honestly when I take dreds I take two (or sometimes even three) and back them up with some solid shooting...they usually survive and I miss them when I don't have em.
    This ^ but as odd as it may seem, I take one with it's DCCW and a Heavy flamer, and another as a firepower station. Mix it up with some Bikes and/or Thunderwolf Calv (anything fast that can take a hit) and I can pick and choose what's getting smacked by my dread.

  9. #49


    I always use a dread in my GK as a backfield holder in case of deepstrikes and what not. Arm him with a psycannon (assault cannon + psybolt) and CCW, and he can really ruin those deepstrikes.

  10. #50
    Occuli Imperator
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Grenadier View Post
    Am I wrong, but aren't Stormravens only available to Gray Knights and Blood Angels?
    You are not wrong, they are only for BA/GK

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