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  1. #1

    Default Battlewagon conversion from landraider log

    hey guys, i picked up a landraider the other day which i am going to convert into a BW (badmoon). the BW will carry 10 burna boys and a Mek with KFF. Therefore i shall be painting flames and having become the 'mek' BW with gubbinz and bitz everywhere. (there will be a total of 3 BW's in my army).

    So I started with the tracks and as it is 'looted' and orky i went with a bit of battledamage which the grotz had then repaired.

    I then added a floor pannel where the krew will be (will be detailed later). I will leave some space for a big gun ( probably a forge world one).
    (excuse the elastic bands holding it together)

    C&C welcome

  2. #2


    here a quick sketch of what i would like to do.

    I am planning to have a cabbin that is at the front of the tank. this will then have a deffrolla coming off it. I got the front piece of the Landraider and it worked pretty well. I then got the turret from the stompa kit that is meant to go on his right shoulder and it fit perfectly into the gab.

    I then made some big orky exhausts which will stick out the back.

    well thats it for now more to come.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    South Carolina, US


    Looks like youre off to a great start (better than many other orky konversions ive seen)
    How are you looking to attach the rolla?

  4. #4


    Looks like youre off to a great start (better than many other orky konversions ive seen)
    How are you looking to attach the rolla?
    thanks, im not 100% sure how i shall attack the rolla but i will use fomr 'bars' which will come off the main landraider

    done some more work.
    done some work on the cabin getring it the right size . I then added a light and a plow wth some big metal jaws on:

  5. #5


    I added the smoke stacks/exhausts onto the back. added some chain to add some character. the pannel off the back is where are grot will probably stand.

    I have been working on the floor, adding some scrap metal (minus rivets)

    and then a dead space marine to go on the plow at the front (tired on as a trophy)

    more updates soon along with more pics

    C & C welcome thanks

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Duluth, MN


    Looks to be coming along very nicely. I like the dead marine to be tied on the plow, I'm working on impaling a dead marine on the front spikes of my chaos land raider. The more dead loyalists, the better.
    Can't wait to see more updates!

  7. #7


    Looks very cool, most Orkified Land Raiders I've seen don't look anything more than beat up Raiders, this is really starting to look truly Orky. Well done and keep it up!

  8. #8


    That is looking great.. cant wait to see what the final product looks like..

    with the dead marine the twisted leg is that just cut and reposition or is the thigh made from something else?

  9. #9


    with the dead marine the twisted leg is that just cut and reposition or is the thigh made from something else?
    it has just been repositioned I need to fill in the gabs with green stuff though.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Norfolk, VA


    That is some very creative stuff, how long have you been working on what you have so far?
    When there is no peril in the fight there is no glory in the triumph. Pierre Corneille(M2)

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