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  1. #1

    Default moving vehicles and gaining extra inches

    We'd all like to gain some extra inches (fnar fnar!), but one recurring thing I'm seeing lately is people moving a vehicle 12", then pivoting it on the spot, gaining an extra few inches, before disembarking their troops.

    I'm sure there was some kind of ruling against this years ago after a fiasco with a Limosinesque Ork Battlewagon which could pivot around, gaining an additional 10 inches!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    kk, ireland


    I always thought you can only pivot from the centre of the model, making it so you would'nt gain anything by it, except of course changing your facing. As doing what you describe sounds like measuring from the front of a model and then placing the back of it twelve inchs away

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Oslo, Norway


    Remember that pivoting does not count as a move.
    You can move a total of 12 inches, pivot how much you want on the way, then disembark.
    p57 in BBB:
    "Vehicles turn by pivoting on the spot about their centre-point, rather than 'wheeling' round. Turning does not reduce the vehicle's move."
    "Pivoting on the spot alone does not count as moving, so a vehicle that only pivots in the Movement phase counts as stationary..."

  4. #4
    Evil Midnight Bomber
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Austin, Texas


    I think bob and ebolus have it right, you certainly can pivot at the end of your movement, but only around the center axis of the vehicle. You won't gain any "free inches" of movement doing that. If anyone tries to pivot any other way they're doing it wrong.
    Oh lord I've got 'em, I've got the...'s a blog. Read it!

  5. #5


    Yes, but the current Ork Battlewagon model is an open topped vehicle and a rectangle shape.

    So you do gain an extra inch or two when pivoting it on its central axis from the side facing to the front facing.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    kk, ireland


    Yes but how often do you move a vehicle forward with the side in front .i.e driving crab style.
    Or did i miss the point of what you said?

  7. #7


    Yes you can pivot before, during, and after movement (thus keeping movement quick), but since its measured from the axis technically you could gain an extra inch in the desired direction, but keep in mind if you wanted to move in the direction you just moved again you would repivot in that direction thus nullifying the previous pivot.

  8. #8
    Evil Midnight Bomber
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Austin, Texas


    Hmm...I seem to remember some rule stating that you can't ever complete a vehicle move/pivot and end up gaining a final position that was further than you would have gotten without the pivot. Now I'm going to have to look it up...

    ...well, with only a quick skimming here and there the only thing I can come up with that's even close to what I was thinking about is the diagram entitled "Moving Models" on pg. 12 of the BGB -- which clearly illustrates you're not supposed to get more than the specified movement from whatever vehicle facing you start measuring with.

    I think that's the solution right there: always measure from the same part of the vehicle to get total distance moved by that one specific part -- and that part can't travel any further than the movement rate of the vehicle.

    I'm not sure if I'm making that clear or not (or, more importantly, if that's 100% correct). What do you guys think?
    Oh lord I've got 'em, I've got the...'s a blog. Read it!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Oslo, Norway


    But since pivoting does not count as a move, you are free to pivot after the move is completed. The example on page 12 stresses that if you measure 12" from the front, then you have to measure that distance to the front of your vehicle after the move is completed - not to the rear - that would mean several "cheating" inches.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Gaining even one free pivoting inch, is in my opinion, not in the spirit of the game.

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