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  1. #21


    We almost always use tell people what's inside (or simply put a model from that vehicle on top, but we have tried secrecy a few times for fun, but we also agreed open top vehicles cannot hide contents (if I can see the lootas hiding in the building across the board, seeing the yelling orks in the back of a trukk should be no problem.
    Oddly the first time we tried secrecy, my friend was trying out orks and I was trying out Dark Eldar so it was a total wash for hiding anyway.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    West Melbourne, Florida U.S.


    Quote Originally Posted by N-Bomb View Post
    Oddly the first time we tried secrecy, my friend was trying out orks and I was trying out Dark Eldar so it was a total wash for hiding anyway.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    West Sussex, UK


    N-Bomb said that he was playing that open-topped vehicles can't hide contents... Dark Eldar transports all being open-topped and the vast majority of Ork ones are also unless you buy the upgrade to close them.

    We play that you have to have one model from the unit on the top of the vehicle, and as many as can fit on/in an open-topped.

    I once spent three turns trying to to destroy an open topped trukk just for it to have no one inside anyway... not overly happy about that! (Not only for it taking so long, but for there to be no-one inside)

  4. #24


    the way I always do it is use secrecy, (as reserves are my main tactical advantage) but I have a list of what is where beforehand, so that if there is a question I can point to the list and resolve the issue.

    never had any complaints so far, and have been told by numerous opponents it makes the game more exciting.

  5. #25


    personally i try to stick by the "do unto others.."

    i atleast put the sgt or squad leader on the transport (save drop pods).

    if your opponent really wants to be a douche and do squad switching, its up to them.. but maybe next time ask, or call him/her on it. otherwise, as long as you are being honest.. its a game after all.. XD

  6. #26
    Join Date
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    West Melbourne, Florida U.S.


    Quote Originally Posted by Jipin View Post
    N-Bomb said that he was playing that open-topped vehicles can't hide contents... Dark Eldar transports all being open-topped and the vast majority of Ork ones are also unless you buy the upgrade to close them.

    We play that you have to have one model from the unit on the top of the vehicle, and as many as can fit on/in an open-topped.

    I once spent three turns trying to to destroy an open topped trukk just for it to have no one inside anyway... not overly happy about that! (Not only for it taking so long, but for there to be no-one inside)
    Ah okay.

    If you guys have a house rule that forces players with open topped vehicles to play with a disadvantage thats great for you guys.

    As far as the rules go, there is no difference between a transport and an open topped transports as far as embarked models go.

    I just write on paper what unit is in what transport. Easy and fair.

  7. #27
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    South Carolina, US


    I have found that in a long running campaign, against a group of trusted players, the secret squad embarkation of squads gets interesting. (Load the same squad in that MI rhino for 2 or 3 games, then suprise them with a new one.) However, I will agree, a note written before the game as to who is embarked where is the only way to be fair. It gives the feeling of "You kinda know who I bring, but can you guess where they are?"

    Open topped vehicles should never be secret though.
    I mean, dude, I can see you. Lol

  8. #28
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    Austin, Texas


    As tournaments all make you declare that is the way my gaming group plays it. I think this is also the more competitive way to play so I am happy with it.

  9. #29


    The majority of my games use secrecy, but the players also have a verifiable means of indicating which unit is in which Transport. I typically use squad markings on my Dedicated Transports and names on non-dedicated (for which I will note on my roster which squad is using which Transport). Sometimes I will just set the squad leader on the transport, but I don't typically inform my opponent of all weapons and equipment carried by that squad. I just feel that doing so is about like telling them which units they should target. I prefer to let them figure it out themselves.

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    Sacramento area


    In non-tournament settings (which will probably give you their own ruling on this), it comes down to what you and your opponent agree on, just like the rule says. If you can't agree with you opponent, and they're being... not nice about it, then that's probably a good indicator that you should find someone more agreeable to play with.

    Note that the rule isn't an optional rule per se, it simply says that you can agree on the level of disclosure.

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