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  1. #11


    Yup, already planning of having my Empire Nuln Countess call up her Lahmian cousins to come and help on the battlefield with their Coven Throne.
    Ask not the EldarGal a question, for she will give you three answers, all of which are puns and terrifying to know. Back off man, I'm a feminist. Ia! Ia! Gloppal Snode!

  2. #12
    Iron Father
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    Sep 2010
    Vancouver Island, BC


    Quote Originally Posted by Drake118 View Post
    Actually i think that the release of VC's makes perfect sense from GW's perspective. VC's are a top sell as was already said, and with Storm of Magic they figured an update to the army would increase sales considering anyone can use them.
    Exactly, VC got an update purely because of this. If you play storms of magic then you can add VC to any army which means anyone can buy them. Kerching for GW. I personally think this goes some way of taking the flavour away from all armies and their individuality. I think this release is more so than any other "all about the money" and less about improvement of the hobby.

  3. #13


    I disagree, it is quite the opposite. The SoM rules allow far more variety and make all kinds of themed armies possible that were hitherto limited to feeble counts-as attempts or fandexes. Want a Vampire Count ith a living army contingent drawn from his living subjects? You can do that now. Want to model an army around a Tomb King who has terrified local tribes into worshipping him and fighting him? You can do that now.
    Ask not the EldarGal a question, for she will give you three answers, all of which are puns and terrifying to know. Back off man, I'm a feminist. Ia! Ia! Gloppal Snode!

  4. #14
    Iron Father
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    Vancouver Island, BC


    I personally would have liked an order of light and darkness allies list ( goodies and baddies) as seen before where only certain monsters and armies could allie from their own side. Each to their own I suppose .

  5. #15


    @Lord Azaghul
    0.0 your really thinking that hordes of ghouls and lvl 1 spamming works??? Not for VC. They need a new book IMO. Too many things are cruel in the 7th edition book. Crypt Ghouls are now 10 points. Goodbye to the hordes unless a vampire player feels like spending 40% or more of his army on his vampire lord and a unit of 40 ghouls in 2k...and STILL needing 100 points to meet the requirement of 25% core and still need 2 more units. Skeletons and zombies are much more viable now. They dropped the Drakenhof banner THANK GOD. They have just eliminated all current powerplayer lists known to VC. They were always viable but just expensive in 8th. Now that things are cheaper, everybody wins the game of who gets to be in my army. The army in troops is balanced now. Yes they have new toys but not that hard to kill those toys. Hexwraiths for example. Scary unit. Just for that hello 85 pt chaos sorcerer. Lore of Fire. Fireball. Medium upgrade. 6dice. Irresistible Force. Dont care what happens to me. 2d6. 7 hits. S4 agaisnt T3. 5 wounds. Oh look there dead. VC are now a balanced force. Magic is cruel yes but the casting values are higher (smallest is a 6. You HAVE to waste 2 dice on it every time unless you are confident you wont get a 1 or 2 on one die with a level 3 wizard), making the average roll of 7 in your power pool very precious, almost as precious as TK magic dice. Also look at the ranges of those spells. The signature. 6". Turn one its ok. Turn two sure. Turn 3 maybe...anything turn 3 or past though, your going for the bigger range, meaning bigger casting value, meaning more dice being expended for it to work. Phil may have made it terrifying, but when you apply the actual game rules to it, it is toned down. Personally I am excited to see the book come out (hopefully being lucky as I was with the TK book ill get it the thursday before the release at my house). Just the one thing I hope is that Carpe Noctum and other forum members dont go insane with them all saying "Oh you have to buy this because its good and dont buy that because that sucks" like alot of people do with an army book. Even when its only been out for a bit. It is way soon to ever tell. But...thats just my 2 cents.

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Atreyu View Post
    @Lord Azaghul
    0.0 your really thinking that hordes of ghouls and lvl 1 spamming works??? Not for VC. They need a new book IMO. Too many things are cruel in the 7th edition book. Crypt Ghouls are now 10 points...
    I do believe he was referring to the current edition which is about to be invalidated y the new book this Saturday. In that book Ghouls could be spammed and so could cheap casters to keep spamming spells.

    VC need a new book but moreso to bring them in balance with the other armies and not because they were a poor performer like some of the previous books (Ogres & Tomb Kings).
    Armies - Skaven, Tomb Kings, Eldar, Iron Snakes, Dark Eldar, Retribution, & Legion
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  7. #17
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    VC need a new book but moreso to bring them in balance with the other armies and not because they were a poor performer like some of the previous books (Ogres & Tomb Kings).
    Absolutely. One of the main issues with both undead books was the issues stemmed from the 8th edition fear nerf, changes that made steadfast huge, and unstable units (read: undead) crumble. By fixing the crumble rules and reducing the costs for skeletons, you've given undead armies a viable build, and for vampires that means you'll start to see huge blocks of skeletons or zombies. That is great, so you won't have to listen to people whine about the all ghoul core, GG/drakenhoff deathstar, with a black coach or whatever rare choice thrown on top. The new Tomb Kings book further demonstrated the need to do both undead armies at the same time, and was made easier since their rules are substantially similar.

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