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  1. #31


    It could be an early playtest but parts of the "voice" seem a bit off for a GW product. The "gets hot" section seems like it could have been cut and pasted (since the rules appear the same) from 5th but isn't. Too many rules that reference other rules making you have to flip though the book (unless they plan on publishing a hyperlinked version?)

    Still looking over it-for a few hours anyway.
    I'm thinking it'd probably turn out more like Daleks playing Quiddich. "It is the Potter!! EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! " (someone I know on twitter)

  2. #32


    I don't understand why it would be set out thus even if it is just a draft. Obviously I have no idea if this is a hoax or not but something just feel really, really off. We are looking at far bigger changes going from 5th to 6th than WFB saw going into 8th and there is no reason why GW would be so drastic with its flagship that is performing perfectly well.

    It wouldn't be the first elaborate hoax the community has suffered through, either. Entire fake codices have popped up in the past and god knows there are enough idiots with too much time on their hands to throw together something like this.
    Ask not the EldarGal a question, for she will give you three answers, all of which are puns and terrifying to know. Back off man, I'm a feminist. Ia! Ia! Gloppal Snode!

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Bedfordshire, UK


    Well unless anyone has any first hand knowledge of GW's specific development style / playtesting then it might not be as black and white as hoax/real leak.

    Could be a playtest version, of which there could be many iterations of. e.g. a quick set of 'this rule idea + that rule idea' given to playtesters to find an issue.

    There could be many versions of this document e.g. some might have 'another rule idea + one from the one above' - here go playtest that.


    Thats if they work that way.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Surrey, UK


    I think it's a hoax simply because there are so many inconsistencies of a level that even GW at their worst don't do
    For example the characteristics section is a straight copy and paste from the current rules book which just evasion and move added in. Not added in to the example statline though just on the page where each stat gets a paragraph description. They're not even mentioned in the paragraph about characteristics on the page previous.
    On top of all the other flaws that other people have pointed out, yeh I'm not buying this.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Portland, ME


    This is confirmed as being one of the playtesting drafts. The rules presented here may or may not be the ones ended up being used in the final version - which has likely already been finalized. In effect, these documents are likely already outdated.

    Unfortunately I cannot give more details as to the source of this confirmation for obvious reasons.

  6. #36


    Rigid saves allowing save stacking,
    lots of rules for Titans
    Lots of rules for Flyers including strafing runs and supersonic,
    Lots of amendments on little things
    full out rules for titan weapons and damage,
    Still can't measure firing range before firing, I guess the fantasy guys stole all the rangefinders from the future.
    Rules for cohesion of troops on different levels of buildings
    Rail Gun

    Just skimming now, This looks like its 40k mixed with Apocalypse!!

    The only thing I can say is at first glance they make me think 6th better come with some plastic Titans and tons more flyers!!!

  7. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by Defenestratus View Post
    This is confirmed as being one of the playtesting drafts. The rules presented here may or may not be the ones ended up being used in the final version - which has likely already been finalized. In effect, these documents are likely already outdated.

    Unfortunately I cannot give more details as to the source of this confirmation for obvious reasons.
    I think these are the codex play test rules. By that I mean the core rules were done <more or less> and they were testing the codex changes.

  8. #38


    Capn Stoogey < Because Bigred does not want to lose his revenue from this site as if a link did go up, I would expect GW to be mightily miffed and with no GW no punters at BOLS (well not many...just us diehards)
    Last edited by DadExtraordinaire; 01-11-2012 at 10:40 AM.

  9. #39


    What I got was also accompanied by a codex update too. Every codex is updated, even the newer ones. I really think if this is a hoax, they did an awful lot of work. And a lot of the new stuff really makes sense. (Except no range finders in the far future) lol, just a pet peeve of mine.
    Well, it looks like they are integrating apoc size units with 40k, so here's hoping that they have the model range to support it. I for one would love to field titans that I could afford to buy, plus flyers. They mention bombing runs, and the supersonic rule makes sense at least on the surface. They have rules in here for lumbering that would count toward titans, as well as their weapons being of a class not previously available in 40k, and void shields as well.

  10. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by Defenestratus View Post
    This is confirmed as being one of the playtesting drafts. The rules presented here may or may not be the ones ended up being used in the final version - which has likely already been finalized. In effect, these documents are likely already outdated.

    Unfortunately I cannot give more details as to the source of this confirmation for obvious reasons.
    Such mystery!

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