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  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2011


    For an alternative idea (which is really time consuming) I offer the following;
    Inspired by medieval german amour- Black gloss laquer- highlight all edges with Gold banding which has normal gold highlights.
    Or as super fine swirly pattern details to all big flat areas. Or cog patterns.
    Go steampunk! Glossy black areas but get as much bronze and wood/leather in as possible.

    I tend to make my 'black' models charcoal coloured so I can ut the black shade on as well as the highlights.

  2. #12


    If you use an airbrush, then look into Vallejo Black Grey! I use it for my Black Templars and I love it...

    As you will see, they are not totally black but have a bit of grey tone which is great for either using a black wash or leaving as is and highlighting as usual. I love it because it isn't your traditional flat black which I find very difficult to work with as well (at least to achieve decent results).

  3. #13
    Iron Father
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Vancouver Island, BC


    Quote Originally Posted by NeoBiggs View Post
    If you use an airbrush, then look into Vallejo Black Grey! I use it for my Black Templars and I love it...

    As you will see, they are not totally black but have a bit of grey tone which is great for either using a black wash or leaving as is and highlighting as usual. I love it because it isn't your traditional flat black which I find very difficult to work with as well (at least to achieve decent results).
    I love the "black" on these models, unfortunately I don't have a functioning airbrush atm, but I do have vallejo german grey which looks very similar to the black grey. I have used this before on my Death Company and washed with badab afterwards with a nice matt effect.

    I am going to try using a dark blue blend as a highlight maybe, we shall see. I like the lighting effects you have on your BT, another advantage of the airbrush. Do you use a double action ?

    Cheers guys for all the advice. Lots of different info and I am looking at doing some tests minis soon.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    very nice job mate looks great

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