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Thread: Eldar Rumours

  1. #11


    A plastic Vampire I'll believe when I see, though I'd expect a plastic Phoenix or Nightwing anymore.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Portland, ME


    I wonder how many posts that we're going to endure when the new Eldar flier isn't a female model.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    It's been a fair while since I've commented in the good old lounge but this is enough to bring me out of my retirement/statis/laziness.

    I have literally started a small saving account with the potential of this army in mind. I've not played Eldar since early 3rd Ed but they were my first ever army back in 2nd and I need a good excuse to relight that fire!!

    If the Exodites are even in the codex I will be the happiest, most excited gamer EVER. Even if they (according to the internet) suck they will be in my list, I've been in love ever since Mike McVey did his duel diorama for WD back in the day:

    As for Vampyres etc that'd also be nice. Solitare making a return would also be awesome and new Aspects are always going to be appreciated.

    Above all that I've written so far though, please PLEASE give me new, not-flat, Warp Spider models! - Go visit, you know you want to!

  4. #14


    I almost hope the exodites aren't in as just one unit. I've just started my own counts as army using dragons etc. as grav tanks.

    A decent eldar flyer is almost mandatory, maybe they'll scale down the vampire but keep the basic design.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Want exodites? Write GW. Good old snail mail write. I hope they add a few units, it would be really cool

    The flyer seems to be named a Vampyr rather than Vampire. I don't know if that is a translation mistake, or it is just a plain *new* model. No more redoing sculpts in plastics, right?

    I just wished that FW could release an FW codex for each GW codex. Some extra stuff, and the extra units. 48 pages or less. I don't have the funds to buy all their publications for a few pages of rules, so I simply don't buy FW models really.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    i hope gw goes back to the angelsofdeath/craftworldeldar books.

  7. #17


    Wow those rumours got me salivating at the possibilities, still i would be happy just to see the hardback codex rumour pan out.

    As for fielding the solitare i wonder what slot it would take an elites slot ?

    New aspects are always fun i hope that means new phoenix lords not that i ever use them >.<

  8. #18


    According to Ghost the flyer was named Vampyre, not Vampire Hunter/Raider so it is possibly a smaller flyer employed by Craftworlds and not of the Vampire class. This makes more sense when you consider the size of the Vampire Hunter/Raider and the fact FW said the GW studio won't be borrowing their stuff anymore.

    As to new Aspects, it is hard to say. An assassin Aspect is feasible, perhaps long range anti-tank (more fragile and less effective than Fire Dragons but not needing a transport to be effective), perhaps a real anti-horde unint S3 but with more attacks than Striking Scorpions? I'm sure GW will think of something.
    Ask not the EldarGal a question, for she will give you three answers, all of which are puns and terrifying to know. Back off man, I'm a feminist. Ia! Ia! Gloppal Snode!

  9. #19



    you mentioned there would be no more plasticizing of FW kits... Where and when was this said? Is this the death of the dream of a plastic thunderhawk?

  10. #20


    Mark Bedford said it in the FW seminar at CD Chicago and I believe it was restated at GD UK and/or GD Australia. The Thunderhawk and some other kits are special cases in that they were GW kits at Epic scale before they were FW kits and GW did release a Thunderhawk kit back '98 in metal. So we could see things like that in plastic, what we won't see are things like Shadow Spectres, Lynxes, Wasps etc. in resin.
    Ask not the EldarGal a question, for she will give you three answers, all of which are puns and terrifying to know. Back off man, I'm a feminist. Ia! Ia! Gloppal Snode!

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