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Thread: Wbb q

  1. #11


    Alright, this is right out of the Necron FAQ.

    "Q. If a unit of Necrons falls back after taking casualties, how best to keep track of whether they are effected by a resurrection orb or not?

    A. A Necron unit falls back, having been beaten in close combat by a unit with power weapons. However, there is a resurrection orb nearby. To keep things simple, when the casualties are suffered, assess whether they are in range of the resurrection orb. If they are, lay them down and move them with the unit. If they are are not in range of the resurrection orb, remove them entirely."

    That seems pretty cut and dry to me. Necrons who have been wounded and are waiting thier WBB rolls move with the unit they were in when they suffered the wounds. Downed Necrons still belond to the unit they were wounded in. You have to take the good with the bad. If that same unit described in the example given in the FAQ was cut down by a Sweeping Advance, the wounded Necrons would also be cut down since the FAQ clearly counts them as being part of the unit.

  2. #12


    Moving fallen Necrons with their former unit does not make them part of it. However you have quoted the WORSE entry from the FAQ. I don't know if it was Yakface that came up with that garbage or someone at GW, but it's a pretty clear contradiction to what is spelled out in the codex.

    Again, there is nothing anywhere that say dead models remain part of any unit so this is a pointless argument. Each group can decide to rule it any way they wish, however the ones that matter to me (my LGSs and Adepticon) have ruled that they are NOT part of any unit because it makes absolutely no sense what so ever. We've accepted that the FAQ for necrons is pretty much worthless.
    "It's rusty 'cause it's dirty." - Goatboy

  3. #13


    I took the whole "move the fallen Necrons with the unit" thing, to represent that Necrons would attempt to bring thier fallen comrades with them while falling back so they may attempt to self repair later, if you wanted a fluffy reason.

    I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one. The only thing that sounds messed up to me, is that when it benefits Necrons, it's ok to say they are part of the same unit (when teleporting through the Monolith portal) but when it cripples us (downed Necrons getting swept) then they aren't in the same unit. Explaining to an opponent that fallen Necrons don't get swept, but can still be teleported, seems a little unfair to me.

    If another race had a similiar issue with interpretting the rules, I would tell them to pick one or the other, they can't have both. But again, I guess this will end with an agreement to disagree.

  4. #14


    Eh, this argument has been made COUNTLESS times in the past and the only times it matters it always sides with giving the necrons the advantage (which is the purpose of the whole thing anyway).
    Last edited by FirstLegion; 09-04-2009 at 09:46 PM.
    "It's rusty 'cause it's dirty." - Goatboy

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    The whole thing is much simpler if you leave out the FAQ which to me makes everything more complicated.
    The original rule says if a unit is wounded they are layed down on there side if there is another unit of the same type within 6 inches or a res orb or within 12 if there is a tomb spider.

    The rule says nothing about moving them or removing them if a unit falls back or if it is destroyed by either sweeping advance or regular CC.

    Next turn roll for Wbb and the rule states that you join the models with the closest unit of the same type.

    Why make i more complicated than that?

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by BlacknightIII View Post
    The whole thing is much simpler if you leave out the FAQ which to me makes everything more complicated.
    The original rule says if a unit is wounded they are layed down on there side if there is another unit of the same type within 6 inches or a res orb or within 12 if there is a tomb spider.

    The rule says nothing about moving them or removing them if a unit falls back or if it is destroyed by either sweeping advance or regular CC.

    Next turn roll for Wbb and the rule states that you join the models with the closest unit of the same type.

    Why make i more complicated than that?
    "It's rusty 'cause it's dirty." - Goatboy

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Milwaukie, OR


    This is a unit based game. Everything that happens to one model in a unit, happens to the whole unit. This is one of the most basic tenants of the game! There is no precedent at all for a unit to have different things happen to different models like what is being implied in this thread. There is nothing in the necron codex that specifically over rides this, so it can not do so. The whole unit is wiped out, fallen down or not. Anything else is easter egg hunting.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Miami, Florida, United States


    Dead necrons are just that; DEAD. They move with the unit for purpose of making WBB rolls. They are not part of the unit otherwise. A dead necron is treated just like a booger that might have fallen out of ones nose onto the game board. When a model kills a necron it has died and does not exist for all game purposes as stated in the codex. To say that a model is killed again when swept does not make sense as seeing it is impossible to kill something already dead. Remember that WBB=WE WILL BE BACK from death.

    As a side note; I won't allow or allow dead necrons that are unitless, (because of having their surviving necrons been swept) a second WBB roll through the monolith. Since they are unitless until they make their roll. Monolith entry only states that necron units may teleport through.

    Also, the FAQ only states fallen necrons are counted with the unit only for the purpose of making the WBB roll if eligible. Sweeping advance isn't even touched upon. The codex also states that dead necron models awaiting to come back join other units if they make their rolls. This means that it is possible for fallen necrons from one unit to join different units if that is the closer one regardless if in combat or even falling back. So many different things can happen to individual models from the same unit as explained in the necron codex. Yes we need a new one BAAAAD.
    Last edited by jspyd3rx; 09-05-2009 at 01:12 PM. Reason: clarifying statement

  9. #19


    The biggest thing I get stuck on, is the contradiction in the WBB rule and the Power Matrix rule. If we agree that any Necron who is awaiting WBB is not part of any unit, then teleporting Necrons to get a second WBB seems useless. Why state a very clear contradiction on the Codex unless they intended fallen Necrons to be part of some unit? New Codex please!

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