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Thread: Primer Question

  1. #1

    Question Primer Question

    Hey again. Well Ive finally settled on a workable color scheme for my IG army. It took six or seven attempts and twice as many trips to the Simple Green swimming pool (BTW Purple Power > Simple Green) . So now I have a simple question about primer color....

    My army will have black body armor with blue uniforms. The blue turns out far too dark with black primer but Im worried worried about how the black will turn out with the white base.

    Should I...
    Prime the top have black and the bottom white considering where the majority of the color will be?
    Prime the entire model white?
    Screw both and try grey primer??

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    you still may be better with black.
    Try the mordian blue foundation paint, followed by enchanted blue over that...and it should just ignore the black undercoat then.
    You may be having a problem with visual tonal quality just due to the black and blue being next to one another.
    "Sometimes I take humor seriously. Sometimes I take seriousness humorously. Either way it is irrelevant"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Rochester, NY


    The foundation blue covers black very well. I would give that a try first before stripping and trying grey primer.

  4. #4


    I agree. I have always primed in black, I tried once and it was so hard to get the colours the way I wanted without showing the white base coat through. Dont go with grey, and dont do a double base in half and half. that would be difficult to pull off. Try the black again, use foundation paint like they say, or try a lighter blue so it goes darker a bit once it hits the black base

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Central MN, USA


    I'll fourth the Mordian Blue Foundation paint. Works perfectly over black primer.

  6. #6


    Thanks for the feed back! I picked up some Mordian Blue today (was using Necron Abyss but yah way too dark over black) I was told at the store to lay a really thin coat of skull white over the primer before i use the mordian blue....but this seems like over kill too me. I really cant see a thin coat of white making much of a difference under a foundation paint. So heres hoping! Ill try and post some pics after i paint tonight.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Vorlon View Post
    Thanks for the feed back! I picked up some Mordian Blue today (was using Necron Abyss but yah way too dark over black) I was told at the store to lay a really thin coat of skull white over the primer before i use the mordian blue....but this seems like over kill too me. I really cant see a thin coat of white making much of a difference under a foundation paint. So heres hoping! Ill try and post some pics after i paint tonight.
    Id agree with that. So many painting articles from GW seem to involve several unnecessary stages in my opinion.
    To a New Yorker like you a hero is some kinda weird sandwich, not some nut who takes on three Tigers!

  8. #8


    Just started painting a test model... Mordian Blue smells....but the coverage and color is spot on. Thanks for all the recommendations!!

    PS. Windsow & Netwon Series 7s are amazing.

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