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  1. #1

    Default 2000 Point Tournament Eldar

    Hey everyone,

    I played this list at a local tournament and went 3-0, despite some hilariously bad luck the last game (perils on literally half of my psychic tests, failing four LD 9 tests in a row.) The tournament used VP's as a tiebreaker, so while I tabled my first two opponents, my poor luck in the last game made me lose out and get second place. Still, it was a blast and I always enjoy playing with new people. The list seems to be proven, but I was wondering if you could help me decide on any possible improvements.

    Eldrad: 210

    7x Fire Dragon, including Exarch with DBF and Crack Shot: 129
    Wave Serpent, Spirit Stones, TL SC: 110

    7x Fire Dragon, including Exarch with DBF and Crack Shot: 129
    Wave Serpent, Spirit Stones, TL SC: 110

    10x Howling Banshee, Exarch with Executioner, Acrobatic: 182
    Wave Serpent, Spirit Stones, Star Engines, TL SC: 125

    10x Dire Avenger, Exarch with Dual Catapults, Bladestorm: 152
    Wave Serpent, Spirit Stones, TL SC: 110

    10x Dire Avenger, Exarch with Dual Catapults, Bladestorm: 152
    Wave Serpent, Spirit Stones, TL SC: 110

    15x Guardian, Scatter Laser: 135

    Fire Prism: 115

    Fire Prism: 115

    Fire Prism: 115


    Fire prisms sit back and blast stuff while everything else rockets forward. Turn one I might lose a serpent or two, and on turn two I pop out and destroy a huge swath of my opponent's army. The army is lots of fun to play because it's so maneuverable.

    Guardians are the only thing on foot, so they're held in reserve. They come in on turn 2+, when my opponent is busy worrying about the five transports in his lines and can't really blast the guardians as well. Their job is to sit on a home objective and plink away with their scatter laser, though their catapults have been used against more aggressive horde armies before.

    I think this list is actually rather fluffy, with the possible exception of Eldrad, as it's loads of aspect warriors in wave serpents. The fluff for my army is that they're corsairs, and they have Eldrad since they decided to raid his blackstone fortress. Fluff purists might hate me because my transports are color-coded and the guardians are painted in camo

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Augsburg, Germany


    I would play the following:

    Seer: RoW, Stones, Doom, Fortune
    8 Warlocks: Embolden, Enhance, Destructor
    Serpent: Stones, Twin ShuriCan

    2x7 Dragons in Serpents as above

    11 Storm Guardians w 2 Flamers, Warlock w Destructor in Serpent as above
    2x3 Jetbikes: ShuriCan

    6 Warp Spiders w. Exarch: Dual Spinner

    2 Fire Prisms w. Stones
    2 War Walker with Scatter Laser

    Everything is held in Reserve and denies the enemy two turns os shooting ... keep the bikes out of trouble, and kill his high valuable assets with your dragons and his troops with flamers and prisms ... walkers and spiders can kill artillery or troops on backward objectives ...

  4. #4


    I think that's less minor tweaking than a complete rewrite of the list.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Augsburg, Germany


    No, i dont think so ... 2 Prisms cam support each other, the third is useless in my opinion. Despite Eldrad and Doom i think that a seer council is better for CC tasks than banshees and the output of flamer guardians is the same as of Dire Avengers and they may shoot every turn.

  6. #6


    The list seems sound and competative. but here ar 2 tweaks
    do you really need eldrad in terms of physcic powers guide not vital most things are bs4 or twin linked. divination not vital as can quickly redeply or your in reserve
    eldrich storm well you have 2 dragon units and are mobile enough to get round the back, as for hords 2 flammers, 2 DA blade storms and 3 Pcannons. it's not vital for this force.

    doom is useful for banshee DA and guardians, fortune ok useful when your motering towards target, mind war good for power fist sargents before the banshee hit home.

    you may be better off with a cheaper farseer depending on whats important

    if it is eldrads attacks yor looking at then consider yariel who has more. He is a autarch which would help with reserves and when added to any of your aspect squads adds anti tank and close combat ability.

    I would be tempted to swap guardins for rangers, better cover save, all can shoot at distance, can be held in reserve like your guards plus they can chose to out flank on seize ground.

    dave l

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