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  1. #11


    Hi Oni

    One thing to remember is that for the longest time all the spray cans sold by GW in the US were produced here and were (in some cases) considerably different. The black spray paint fiasco of '06/'07 is a case in point. I was part of the group that tested sample cans from the US manufacturer that were absolutely fine, but I know that the cans that went to market were certainly not the same formulation that we tested earlier.

    I've also had a lot of problems with the GWUS Matte Varnish, to the point of not using it for years, but the new Purity Seal is now coming from a central source and is worth a look at. I'd liken it to the old GWUK-supplied Matte Varnish that I used to use back in Australia.


  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by oni View Post

    The above link is an extreme case, but I have never heard anyone (literally anyone, I'm not exaggerating) give praise to GW's matte varnish. I had tried it because I didn't want to buy into all the negativity surrounding it. I'm the kind of person that likes to get first hand experience with a product. Well... I got my experience and needless to say it wasn't good.
    Agreed. Their varnish range is appalling! Having said that Humbrol is no better.
    To a New Yorker like you a hero is some kinda weird sandwich, not some nut who takes on three Tigers!

  3. #13


    I still have GW matte varnish nightmares.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    New Dixie, Dixie


    Quote Originally Posted by RedRat View Post
    Imho the fine detail brush is still a bit to large in some cases. And the sculpting tool range laks some variety.
    I think if they use tools/products other than GW then in one of these areas
    I agree, no way are they using those crappy GW brushes on anything but undercoat.

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    Bethlehem, PA


    Quote Originally Posted by davetaylor View Post
    Hi Oni

    One thing to remember is that for the longest time all the spray cans sold by GW in the US were produced here and were (in some cases) considerably different. The black spray paint fiasco of '06/'07 is a case in point. I was part of the group that tested sample cans from the US manufacturer that were absolutely fine, but I know that the cans that went to market were certainly not the same formulation that we tested earlier.

    I've also had a lot of problems with the GWUS Matte Varnish, to the point of not using it for years, but the new Purity Seal is now coming from a central source and is worth a look at. I'd liken it to the old GWUK-supplied Matte Varnish that I used to use back in Australia.


    The can I am/was using was brand new. It was purchased through GW to ensure I didn't receive 'old stock' from a retailer. The can even has the new white nozzle. I'm sorry to say, it's still crap!

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Did any of you know that phil stutcinskas, FW designer, has alot of history with Tamiya Modelling magazine?

    I wonder how nuch GW product FW has to use?
    "STUPIDITY, If your going to do it, go for GOLD!"

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    Tucson, Arizona


    Well just to break the aura of hate and loathing (rightly justified i'm sure) on GW's matte spray.

    I have gone through about 4 cans over hte past few years, 2 that got shipped with my stuff from back home in the UK and the other 2 purchased new from GW in the us - not once have I had a single problem with frosting of any type.

    Infact my only real 'complaint' I have for GW sprays is the one time I thoght getting some of that frosting would be good (painting up an ice themed army - I figured a little dusting of the aforementioned GW 'permafrost' over a glossed mini) it refused to do so.

    However thats not to say people are lying or over-exaggurating about problems with GW cans, my wife used one of mine once and frosted up a bunch of PP minis, luckily it was fixed when she handed the can to me and I re-applied over the top - poof good as new.

    I guess i'm either A. just really god damn lucky or B. I have a direct mental link witht he GW gods and follow their psychic instructions on how to use the can in the correctly sanctified imperial way

    Oh also - GW sprays all smell like pear drops, mmmm i love that smell :P

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Sydney, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by person person View Post
    Did any of you know that phil stutcinskas, FW designer, has alot of history with Tamiya Modelling magazine?

    I wonder how nuch GW product FW has to use?

    Given the range of stuff they use in their painting book (ie oil paints, pencils, water filters), probably not a whole lot. That history explains alot of the techniques though.

  9. #19
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    Bethlehem, PA


    I'm going to use the rest of it on my terrain and see how it goes. A little frosting on that stuff wont matter, in fact it would probably add to the effect.

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Northampton, England


    For the purposes of advertising? Always use own brand.

    For the purposes of painting? Any t'ing
    Back after a few years absence. Please PM me any changes to how the forum works - I currently have no idea how to make line breaks, and this is quite important to me. >.>

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