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  1. #1

    Default Lash Daemon Princes?

    Hey all!

    Now I know they are quite horrible and are quite unpopular with those playing against one. Cant blame them really, to a point you have no control over your own units when this powers unleashed.

    But I just want to know peoples general thoughts on Daemon Princes with lash. Are they really effective as what people say? Is it worth the points paying for + 1 I when you could give them another mark, mark of nurgle on a prince is always nice.

    Im thinking of running two of them in my next army (I know, I'm an ***hole!), and also what other units they work well with? (Not just Slaanesh units, I plan on running an undivided army).

    Just after peoples general thoughts about them!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Lash is pretty powerful. I think GW realized this when they made Pavane of Slaanesh 12".

    The number one rule about using lash is to make sure you ask your opponents permission before touching their models. Very rarely will I let an opponent touch my models (usually before/after a game to look at the paint job). I played in a tournament where a kid with dirty, greasy fingers was manhandling my Incubi. I was not thrilled.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Waco, TX


    I love to use my lash prince to bunch a unit up so I can pie plate them with a vindicator or to put something in charge range of my berzerkers.
    When you do something right people wont be sure that you've done anything at all.

  4. #4


    They are great if you have some land raiders to hide behind for the first couple turns. If not your princes will probably die before you open up transports and get any good lash opportunities.

    Lash is amazing toward the end of the game for pulling things off of objectives, and is useful mid game for clumping up guys on foot.

    Double lash is the way to go since you can really screw over a squad if you lash it twice. This team of HQ's used to be amazing, and still are if there is a lot of terrain. If you are playing against something with anti psycher your princes will probably kill themselves (hi eldrad).

    Other than Abbadon these are one of the best hq for csm: cheap, powerful in melee, amazing shooting phase.

    Keeping them alive is another story...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Yes Lash-DPs are powerful but you have to be careful with them cause of their low toughness (a sm-biker has the same) and their tendency to draw any kind of shooting to them.

    In CC the I+1 is very handy.

    I prefer the use of the sorcerer because he´s able to use a rhino and even makes his foul sorcery from within it. With wings he´s even more flexible. In CC however he´s not that powerful and fears the migthy hidden powerfist. But on the proside you can hide him from heavy firepower.

    Fluffwise the actual codex has invoke a area of slaanesh-ruling. Most csm-armies are led by slaaenshi-princes and even the khornate berserkers obey their commandmends.

    Quote Originally Posted by dagonis View Post
    Lash is pretty powerful. I think GW realized this when they made Pavane of Slaanesh 12".
    It´s 18"
    Peace through superior Firepower!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Hamburg, Germany


    The Pavane from the Daemons book is "nerfed" way beyond a slight decrease in range. The CSM lash does not require a roll to hit, it can affect a single unit multiple times in one turn and it moves the target twice as far (2d6 instead of 1d6). Its pretty impressive, but so is everything about the CSM Daemon Princes. The only real drawback of the Lash is that you can't take it with Warptime. So you're probably better off with Lash Sorcerors, but it's never wrong to take Lash Princes from a powergaming point of view.

  7. #7


    I don't use lash princes. I tried they just make me feel dirty. Not like they are overpowered just because everyone and their grandmother uses them. I usually mix my DP up. MoT w/ Bold of Change and Wind of Change. I also like the 4+ invul. It helps them a bit. I play against alot of mech so I need the extra chances of destroying tanks.

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