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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Lost in the Tardis

    Default Space Wolves mark 2

    This is a slightly modified version of the army I took to the GT. Won 3 out of 5, the two losses were close. I lost one because I made a really stupid mistake and the other because I couldn't roll above a 1 when penetrating the guy's Land Raiders.

    Terminators stomped face all over the tournament, so did the Redeemer that had something like 20 kills just with the sponsons.

    The Grey Hunters are expensive the way I kit them out, but they worked beautifully by shooting things to death and then finishing them off in close combat, or by holding the line when they got charged by something and either killing it, or doing so much damage by the time they died that the enemy unit was no longer a big and scary close combat unit as much 2 random guys.

    Only thing that let me down at all was the Vindicators, but they were cheap and soaked up alot of shooting.


    Cocellian Constantinus, Chapter Master of the Sentinels (Logan Grimnar)- 275

    Morsigan Drackanus, Lord of the 7th Circle (Rune Priest): Master of Runes, Runic Armor, Wolftooth Necklace, Melta Bombs, Chooser of the Slain, Wolf Tail Talisman Jaws of the World Wolf, Tempest’s Wrath- 200


    5 10th Circle Guard (Terminators): 2 pairs of wolf claws, 1 power sword, 2 power fists- 215
    -Dedicated Land Raider Redeemer “The Fires of Posul,” extra armor, multi-melta- 265

    9 7th Circle Guard (Grey Hunters): 1 Melta Gun, 1 Mark of the Wulfen, 1 Standard1 Power Fist, Plasma Pistol- 205

    -Rhino with extra armor- 50

    10 7th Circle Guard (Grey Hunters): 2 melta guns, 1 Plasma pistol, 1 Power Fist, 1 Standard, 1 Mark of the Wulfen- 220

    -Rhino with extra armor -50

    10 7th Circle Guard (Grey Hunters): 2 melta guns, 1 Plasma pistol, 1 Power Fist, 1 Standard, 1 Mark of the Wulfen- 220

    -Rhino with extra armor -50

    Heavy Support:

    1 Vindicator with Siege Shield “The Hammer of Cocytus”- 125

    1 Vindicator with Siege Shield “Eternal Vengeance”- 125

    Last edited by BrokenWing; 06-09-2011 at 11:45 PM.
    The 4th Doctor has long scarf to protect him from hate.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by BrokenWing View Post
    This is a slightly modified version of the army I took to the GT. Won 3 out of, the two losses were close. I lost one because I made a really stupid mistake and the other because I couldn't roll above a 1 when penetrating the guy's Land Raiders.

    Only thing that let me down at all was the Vindicators, but they were cheap and soaked up alot of shooting.
    So what happened with the Vindicators? Did you get any shots off with them?

    (If they soaked up as much shooting as you implied, they probably DID do their jobs!)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Lost in the Tardis


    Well, ok, one of them won me a game. The objective was to kill the enemy HQ. The enemy hq was a captain on a bike with a storm shield. I couldn't kill him to save my life, but he started chasing a Vindicator around (which was also holding a table quarter, the secondary objective) so I moved it back 6 every turn and fired. On turn 7 (random game length) he rolled a 1 for his save and splattered everywhere.

    Same game I also blew up a venerable dreadnought with one. After and before that game they were target 1 and 2 for the enemy, and ended up dieing without doing alot. But that was *alot* of anti-tank shooting that didn't go after my land raider or rhinos.
    The 4th Doctor has long scarf to protect him from hate.

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