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  1. #1

    Default 1850pt Crowe List

    Here is my serious Idea for an 1850 Grey knights list.

    Vindicar Assasin
    6 Purifiers, 2 Psy Cannons, 3 Halberds, 1 MC Daemon Hammer
    1 Razorback, Psy Bolt Ammo.
    6 Purifiers, 2 Psy Cannons, 3 Halberds, 1 MC Daemon Hammer
    1 Razorback, Psy Bolt Ammo.
    6 Purifiers, 2 Psy Cannons, 3 Halberds, 1 MC Daemon Hammer
    1 Razorback, Psy Bolt Ammo.
    6 Purifiers, 2 Psy Cannons, 3 Halberds, 1 MC Daemon Hammer
    1 Razorback, Psy Bolt Ammo.
    6 Purifiers, 2 Psy Cannons, 3 Halberds, 1 MC Daemon Hammer
    1 Razorback, Psy Bolt Ammo.
    Dread, 2 Twin Linked Auto Cannons, Psybolt Ammo
    Dread, 2 Twin Linked Auto Cannons, Psybolt Ammo
    Dread, 2 Twin Linked Auto Cannons, Psybolt Ammo

    I can't seem to get much feed back on if this is a good idea or not. Please help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default sounds good

    Why the Vindicare though?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Seems Solid. At first I thought the razors were a wast but with the razors storm bolters and psycannons you aught to thin down a MEQ squad before they get to swing. So not a bad Idea. Im interested to see the results let us know how it goes.

    Quote Originally Posted by greenstuff777 View Post
    Why the Vindicare though?
    Because it's the only thing in the list that can reliably suppress / kill a land raider / av 14. If not for that guy you would be in a world of hurt against some builds.
    Last edited by volrath8754; 04-03-2011 at 11:12 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default i knew that

    Oh yeah I didnt catch that

  5. #5


    The basic premise makes sense. You have a lot of very similar targets with S6-8 shooting. There's no easy way to remove all your scoring mobility, all your anti-tank, or all your anti-infantry at once. I'm not entirely sold on razorback squads, as they tend to be a bit helpless if they have to get out of the tank with anything scary nearby, and tend to vaporize anywhere on the field against an opponent with heavy long-ranged shooting. I don't think the close-combat upgrades will be helpful in those small squads. 6-9 attacks at I6 may thin down a squad a bit, but even at S5 you are only looking at killing 2-3 MEQ's out of a full squad before they get to swing - not enough to reach the scary weapons, or even shift the number of basic attacks greatly. The demonhammer makes sense for use against vehicles, but on the whole I'd be leery about getting those small purifier squads anywhere near melee. I'd say you're better off just throwing a second demonhammer in each squad to use as a last-resort heavy AV/MC smiting tool.
    Last edited by Splug; 04-05-2011 at 04:44 PM.

  6. #6


    I was looking at doing a similar Purifier spam list and contemplated a toss between the list you have and another with storm ravens. Basically my concern with your list would be that Crowe becomes a wasted 150pts because you have no where to load him for transport.

  7. #7


    So under the assumption I didn't make a mistake in the numbers because I don't have my Codex on me at the moment my suggestion for your list would be more or less:

    Crowe (Loaded in Rhino with 5 man purifiers)
    5x (6man) purifiers,Psybolt Ammo, 2 Psycannons, 3 Halbreds, 1 MC Daemon Hammer (Loaded in Vanilla Rhinos)
    1x (5man) purifiers, Psybolt Ammo, 2Psycannons, 2 Halbreds, 1 MC Daemon Hammer (Loaded in Rhino With Crowe)
    3x Dreadnoughts, 2 Twin-linked Auto Cannons, Psybolt Ammo

    This leaves you with 1 extra point which for lawls you can throw a Search Light on Crowe's Rhino to make him feel "special"

    I think if your going to go with the Purifier spam go big or go home this list gives you 5 extra Purifiers and a transport for Crowe so he isn't a wasted 150 pts.
    Last edited by Denied; 04-08-2011 at 12:00 PM.

  8. #8


    Crowe does not have the Independent Character rule. He's like Mephiston, without fleet, wings, T6, a force weapon, or a serious supply of wounds. Pretty much, he's a 150-point / 1 HQ slot price tag on making purifiers troops, with less survivability than the average Lone Wolf.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Splug View Post
    Crowe does not have the Independent Character rule. He's like Mephiston, without fleet, wings, T6, a force weapon, or a serious supply of wounds. Pretty much, he's a 150-point / 1 HQ slot price tag on making purifiers troops, with less survivability than the average Lone Wolf.

    Yeah, I had completely forgot he didn't have the Independent Character rule. You really think he should though!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Splug View Post
    Crowe does not have the Independent Character rule. He's like Mephiston, without fleet, wings, T6, a force weapon, or a serious supply of wounds. Pretty much, he's a 150-point / 1 HQ slot price tag on making purifiers troops, with less survivability than the average Lone Wolf.
    Except he has the great chance of taking out any badass character your opponent if fielding upon his death. Pass a Psychic test, roll to hit at WS7. Bye Bye Daemon Prince/Carnifex/Ghazkull/Avatar/Abbaddon/Lysander.

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