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Thread: Your 40K army

  1. #71


    I started with Marines back in high school (around '94) but took a lengthy break from the game after a year or so of playing casually. I always had a soft-spot for Tyranids and, 2 years ago, got back in the game with them.

    Since then, I've hit the hobby and local tourney scenes pretty hard.

    All told, I've got about 6000 points of Nids, 3000 points of Marines, 3000 points of Tau, and a newly cracked Necron Warrior Phalanx (about 1750 points).

    I'm also a recovering Forgeworld junkie... with a Hierophant, Tigershark A-1-0, Barraccuda, and more shoulderpads/doors/upgrades than you can shake a stick at.

  2. #72
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default Blood for the Blood God

    I play Chaos Marines because it allows the most freedom while painting. I paint each fig like a general and can not stomach that much repetition. I finished 1/2 of a Tyranid army before I realized this.

  3. #73
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    cross lanes, WV


    I used to play blood angels way back when i was in middle school and high school 90-95 (doesnt that show my age) then got out of the hobby for a long time 13 years. Recently got back and involved in the hobby and decided on black templars. something about the whole knights theme got me hooked on them. plus i love to close assault and they seem to be the troops to do it with.

    Im going to pick a second army soon to start on...leaning towards chaos space marines. still undecided though.

  4. #74


    Quote Originally Posted by mkerr View Post
    1. Relictors -- This is probably my favorite army; it's nicely painted and really huge. Although no army is complete (and I have tons of stuff I want to add), this one sits at about 10,000 points -- it gives me the variety of units I need to make my trademark "crazy lists", lol. Lots of character and options for play -- and the Relictors fluff is as good as it gets in 40K.
    Sweet. I'm actually in the process of putting together a Relictors force at the moment, after 13 years out of the hobby.

    Out of interest, whereabouts have you read fluff on them? I know the basics, but haven't seen anything in "official" sources.

  5. #75
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Southern California


    I got started when a friend of mine brought his space marine codex to school in 5th grade and I thought the models looked so cool so I had to get some. I didn't even know there were armies besides marines and I picked up a box of blood claws and the space wolves codex.

    After years of horrid paintjobs I started a death guard army that I love and still play with to this day. Once the new Dark Angels codex came out I began playing that and the same thing happened this year with the awesome imperial guard codex.

    My favorite army by far is the death guard. They are so resilient in the game that it's basically unfair! I really love the background for my dark angels but their performance as of late has been lackluster. Hopefully some day in the future they will stand proud and serve the Imperium again. Until then, some tyranids or eldar seem like a fun force to divulge in.

  6. #76


    Play Crimson Fists love the fluff and the old image off the Rouge trader cover.

    Also have a very large Sisters of Battle army (around 6000pts of just sisters of battle) and Loved them since 1998 beautiful models and Nuns with Guns is such a wicked concept

    Also working on a 10th company scout space marine army (heavies are dakka preds and a whirlwind)-almost an all infiltraring/ flanking army

    and a course black legion - cause Abaddon is a Beast and you have to have an evil army

  7. #77
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Oslo, Norway


    This thread is growing and expanding with new posts almost every second now - just like my infested Plague Marines

    I have nearly 4000 points of an almost pure Death Guard army.
    Next project is an IG - the evil ones.

    Played Nurgle for 15 months. Love the fluff, the looks, and the convertion possibilities and painting.

    Our 2000 points of Necrons are having sweet dreams

  8. #78


    3000 Points of chaos marines, 90% is painted still working on the rest. Every time my army is fully painted i order some new things and have to start all over again

  9. #79

    Default Waaaghin'!

    I played necrons for about 2 years, had about 2500 points, like 90 something % painted. I liked necrons because I like the undead and the "We'll Be Back" rule felt a lot like some necromancer thing. But the tin heads lack of character bored me.

    Now I play orks!!! I love them because of their fluff, their crazy personality and their playing style. I also love painting an army where none of the units have to look alike... and none of them do, it's orky!

  10. #80


    I have Space wolves as my main army , as well as a separate SW 13th company army based on EOT codex , and a Tyranid army lol

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