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  1. #41


    If I can chime in, I would make the ability dependent on the victim, as in fearless units go mad with rage unable to distinguish friend from foe, stubborn takes a leadership test or that happens (shot in the dark there), and they shall know no fear could have some other effect.

  2. #42


    Personally, I could care less about the chaplain. He was used in one book of the 8 chaos powers after the fall. Whatever.

    My biggest grief: Chaos Dreadnaughts.

    They SHOULD be:

    Cost: 125pts

    Front Side Rear Ws Bs S A
    12 12 10 5 4 5 4

    Replace ranged weapon with second ccw for +1a - Free
    It should start armed with twin heavy bolters and upgrade them for:
    Reaper Autocannon: 5 points
    Multi-melta: 10 pts
    Plasma cannon: 10pts
    Replace CCW with Missile launcher: free

    Rage rules: same, except:
    On a 1: fire all weapons twice at nearest enemy unit, dread cannot move
    on a 6: gains fleet and if contacts enemy (or is already engaged), adds +2 attacks instead of 1 for charging.

    If two ccw, both results are a "6"
    If no ccw, both results are a "1"
    Borderline alcoholic and happy about it.
    Don't get your religion mixed with my Constitution. The mixture curdles.

  3. #43


    I think 7 Str 10 attacks on the charge is a bit too much for only 125 points there...

    4 attacks base is already double the loyalist dreadnought (which standard dread only had the option for a single dccw)...

    So for 20 points more you get a higher ws/bs, double the A and extra special rules that have no negative side effects.

    A little too much, either up the price, or down the bonuses.

    As it stands now, the current chaos dreadnought has the exact same stat line as the loyalist one, and with the same basic weapon loadout is still 5 points cheaper... yes there is the crazed special rule... yes I think this needs changing... but in changing this you should make a walking behemoth that can annihilate anything it touches for only 125 points.
    Last edited by Mal; 10-20-2010 at 09:01 AM.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Sacramento area


    Yeah, while I've always though that Dreads should be a little better in CC, being that good for that cheap is a bit much. Or, a lot much.

    Plus, I don't even know why they bother with the TL heavy bolter weapon on Dreads. It's nearly worthless, as you can have a much better weapon for a few more points.
    I am the Hammer. I am the right hand of my Emperor. I am the tip of His spear, I am the gauntlet about His fist. I am the woes of daemonkind. I am the Hammer.

  5. #45


    tbh all I really want for on an "improvement" front is a few things:

    make chaos dreadnoughts not turn around and shoot yourself/exposing their ***.

    remove the idea that the icon is a wargear that gives you a marks benefit:
    a unit can have a mark of chaos for x points (where X is the current points).
    one model can be a icon bearer for 15 points and work as a locator beacon (yes the gods of chaos will guide jumptroops as well!)

    choosen cost 20 points, get +1A and can take as many marks as they want (none twice). they can replace their bolters with 4 assoult weapons, 1 heavy OR a 5th assoult weapon, additionally they can replace their ccw with 4 special close combat weapons and/or replace pistol with plasmapistol.

    they can be upgraded to terminator armor for +20 (40 in total so as much as termiantor champions) points/model, replacing bolter and pistol with twinlinked bolter, ccw with power weapon. terminator choosen can take every option like chaos terminators but melee upgrades count towards the squads total of 4 and the reaper/heavy flamer counts as the squads heavy weapon.

    the whole unit can be euqipped with jumppacks for +15 points, getting heroic intervention but loosing the option for 1 heavy weapon (still 5 spezials)
    the whole unit can be quipped with bikes for +20 points but loosing the option for 1 heavy weapon (still 5 spezials)

    in addition the champion can be equipped with everything a chaos lord can for adapted price (deamon weapon is less valueable as a single 1 kills of the champion).

    HQs and choosen can have all of the marks once OR one mark twice (ultimate mark similar to culttroops).
    deamon weapons no longer loose all attacks automatically on a 1. instead the bearer may make a lds check to only take one automatic hit from his weapon and gets to make his normal attacks with no +1d6 this turn (if he fails the effects are same as now)
    deamon weapons get stronger depending on the marks of their owner as well with ultimate marks as follows:
    khorne +2d6 attacks (so a total of +4d6)
    nurgle poison 2+ and every model attacking the bearer has to make a T check bevor doing so or cannot attack at all this turn
    tzeentch bearer may reroll every single d6 rolled for himself (this effect shuts down for one player turn if you fail your lds check after rolling two (as you can reroll that dice as well) 1s for the deamon weapon in a row)
    slanesh bearer doubles his WS, I, A, gets fleet and doubles his movement (so 12" move, 2d6 fleet, 12" charge). movement only doubles if he is on his own.

    tl;dr: fix icons, make choosen worthwhile,

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    I actually just started creating my own Chaos Dex a few days ago, having missed this thread entirely. As to the psychic defence debate, I made sorcerers have a special rule that casues all psykers to suffer perils of the warp on a double, as I believe them to be to arrogant to stop it, they are partly chaos after all, but have equipment in the army that could nullify the powers, although I haven't thought of it yet.

    I included a kind of eye of the gods in there ("borrowed" from the fantasy chaos) as I believe that will be awesome having a tooled up chaos Lord walking up to a Carnifex, slaying it and getting a bonus (or turned into a spawn!!)

  7. #47


    I would love to see Chaos get a Fast Attack vehicle of some kind, along the lines of a Vyper or a Land Speeder.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Campbelltown NSW (Aussie)

    Default chaos space marines rules discussion

    Some of your changes sound O.K., however some are either weaken the army too much or make it way too powerful. I have made comments to some I disagreed with, but added what I thought it should be changed to.

    Quote Originally Posted by zealotic View Post
    Daemon prince- 170 pts
    2 free powers ( still with limitations of marks for requirements)
    Mark of Khorne becomes free
    Wings- 40 points
    The cost you give for Daemon Princes is way too high. Keep them as they are in the codex now.

    The Chaos Lords are OK as they are, I would leave them alone, maybe give them a 4+ invul save, but nothing more.

    Quote Originally Posted by zealotic View Post
    Chosen- 20 pts
    2 attacks base, with sergeant having 3 5 point combi-weapons Lightning claws should be 15pts for first, 10 for second, effectively making a pair 25 instead of 20 All heavy weapons should be points costed down 5 points, and auto cannon should be 10 Made troops by Abaddon the despoiler
    Again keep the prices comparable to what Vanilla Space Marines pay. Use the veteran vanguard or Sternguard as an example. Abbadon should allow Terminators to be troop choices, not Chosen, and allow the true grit, or counter attack USR.

    Quote Originally Posted by zealotic View Post
    Lightning claw should be 5 pts
    Reaper a.cannon should be 15 pts.
    Lightning claws should be the same cost as a SM Terminator, while the reaper AC should cost a much as an assault cannon.

    Quote Originally Posted by zealotic View Post
    Possessed- 25 points
    make roll before game begins, scouts removed, all options move down and 6 gives one of choice and an additional roll, additional sixes, and repeats are re-rolled.
    I sort of like the possessed thing, but a six should not give a 2rd roll for skills just that you get to choose one. Keep their price the same.

    Quote Originally Posted by zealotic View Post
    Chaos dred.
    Arm upgrades reduced in price by 5 points
    Existing twin-linked bolter can be upgraded to a flamer for 5 pts, like before.
    The Dreadnought is OK as it is in the current codex.

    Quote Originally Posted by zealotic View Post
    Chaos space marines
    Under options, all weapons costed down by 5 points
    ( ex. Plasma pistol- 10 pts, flamer- free, lascannon- 15 pts)
    Mark of chaos glory- 5 pts, and Reduce price of other marks (15 for slaanesh, 20 for khorne, 35 for nurgle, 30 for tzeench)- not so sure on what these values should be, really just a guess
    Their Icons are already set at a good points valuel, though the weapons they get and the cost are too expensive when compared to the current Space Marine codex.

    Quote Originally Posted by zealotic View Post
    Plague marines
    Elite choice- becomes troop with typhus or lord w/ appropriate mark

    Noise marines
    sonic blaster- free option, but loses the heavy and 18” range
    blast master- 25 or 30 points
    Elite choice- becomes troop with Lucius or lord w/ appropriate mark

    Khorne berzerkers- 23 points
    Gain rage, rending
    Elite choice- becomes troop with Kharne or lord w/ appropriate mark

    Thousand Sons
    Elite choice- becomes troop with Ahriman or lord w/ appropriate mark
    Aspiring sorcerer gets a free spell
    These I sort of agree with, It allows you to theme your army a lot closer to what the Legion warbands would look like. The cost of them should be as per the codex, but make sonic blasters part of the 20 points cost for a noise marine and reduce the Blast masters cost to 20 points.

    Quote Originally Posted by zealotic View Post
    Bikers- need a cooler name
    100 pts for 2 bikers and champion, 30 pts for a biker
    Skilled rider
    Mark of chaos glory- 5 pts, and Reduce price of other marks (15 for slaanesh, 20 for khorne, 35 for nurgle, 30 for tzeench)- not so sure on what these values should be, really just a guess
    Again the icon costs are already fine, though I would allow them to buy the skilled rider USR rather than get it free, or allow the special biker lord to confer it to all bikers and make them troop choices if he is leading the army.

    Quote Originally Posted by zealotic View Post
    Chaos raptors- Same pts
    Gain hit and run
    Mark of chaos glory- 5 pts, and Reduce price of other marks (15 for slaanesh, 20 for khorne, 35 for nurgle, 30 for tzeench)- not so sure on what these values should be, really just a guess
    Same as the bikers, Icons already OK. Chaos lord confers hit and run, and makes them troops if he leads army.

    Quote Originally Posted by zealotic View Post
    Chaos spawn
    25 pts, lose slow and purposeful
    Drop the slow and purposeful, and give them a stupidity rule, where they roll = or less than their leadership or stand around and do nothing unless attacked. points cost is OK, give them a 4+ save

    Quote Originally Posted by zealotic View Post
    Mark of chaos glory- 5 pts, and Reduce price of other marks (15 for slaanesh, 20 for khorne, 35 for nurgle, 30 for tzeench)- not so sure on what these values should be, really just a guess
    Havocs - keep icon cost as is, and allow them to pay for the tank hunters USR.

    Quote Originally Posted by zealotic View Post
    Summoned Greater Daemon- 110 pts
    Eternal warrior
    can take marks like Daemon Prince- no powers though

    Lesser Daemon- 12 pts
    can take marks, don't count as beacons for other demons at cost of (Khorne- +2 pts, Slaanesh- +1 pts, Tzeench- +3 pts, nurgle- +3 pts)

    Proposed rule change for demons
    Can deep strike wherever, but if they mis-hap, they don’t roll on the table and instead get killed regardless
    I would not change the Daemnon rules from the current codex. They work well, and if you want marks of chaos take a Chaos Daemon Army.

    Suggested additions

    Quote Originally Posted by zealotic View Post
    Night Lord character- maybe have wings and make raptors troops, giving the squad he’s with skilled flyer (rider)
    Proposed rules: combi flamer or melta, demon weapon, some kind of artifact that causes fear- if he wins combat the opposing unit makes their leadership at -2 regardless of stuborn, doesn't effect fearless

    As per Doom Rider - see below, a Chaos lord - Night lords Legion if you wish, who makes raptors troop choices if he is leading the army, and also confers hit and run USR.

    Quote Originally Posted by zealotic View Post
    Word Bearers character-
    makes icons better, maybe demons can deep strike under the influence of the mark a further 6" away from it. Proposed rules- Dark Apostle ( fallen chaplain) on a demonic mount (non denominational, like a black whispy horse that looks like its made out of smoke, or something), special crozius Arcanum, makes it easier to get daemons in (+1 to deployment rolls or something)
    I would leave this one out.

    Quote Originally Posted by zealotic View Post
    Biker character- maybe on a bike that makes bikes troops or something
    Proposed rules- on a demonic bike with a giant speaker system on it, gives the squad he’s with outflank
    If he outflanks, when he comes on he triggers a pre-programed sound in the speaker that forces all enemy infantry not in vehicles, fearless, or in combat, have to take a leadership test or run, if double 1’s are rolled that unit does not run, and takes a round of shooting at the closest unit (friend or foe)
    This is easy, bring back Doom Rider, and have his bike fitted with a twin linked melta gun, and he confers skilled rider to all bikers, and allows them to be taken as troop choices.

    Quote Originally Posted by zealotic View Post
    Chaos razorback- same as Space Marines
    but the options are TL-heavy flamer for 25 pts, reaper autocannon for 20 pts, TL lascannon- 40 pts, with upgrades for chaos rhino

    Instead of a Razorback, give the Chaos Marines their own drop pods, such as those Forgeworld make.

    Also allow Obliterators to take marks of Chaos at the normal cost.

    I think these changes would bring the current Chaos Space Marine codex in to line with the Space Marines codex, though not as powerful as the Space wolves or Blood Angels codexies.

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