BoLS Lounge : Wargames, Warhammer & Miniatures Forum
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  1. #1

    Default lone character query

    Hi there, new to BOLS lounge, I had a question about the lone character rules in fantasy, it says that for all intents and purposes they function as a separate unit of the same type, how does this affect things like movement and the number of times they can wheel etc,
    For example I play vampire counts and my flying vampire lord marched over the top of an enemy unit to land behind them, from my reading of the rules this then meant he was stuck facing away from them for a turn and would have to reform next turn meaning he couldnt charge the unit in the rear!!! Am I right are there no rules that help out lone characters with freedom of movement in the rulebook?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Portland, Maine

    Default Hmm ...

    I don't have the book in front of me, but I think if you look under flying units it says something to the effect that they are like fast cavalry and can do the free turns and reform bit. I will double check it though and write a better answer. Anway, the point is if he is then treated as a flying unit he gets to follow those rules.

  3. #3

    Default Re. lone character query

    Lone characters effectively take 0" to wheel any amount as they are both the inside and outside model of the unit. So you can turn round fine.

    Same goes for monsters and infantry regiments that have been reduced to a single model or are in a formation one model wide.

  4. #4


    Rules are on p27: Lone Models And Movement.

    Coles Notes: units of a single model (including monsters, chariots, etc) may pivot around their center any number of times during the Remaining Moves phase (only). Doing so counts as moving but costs no movement allowance. Such units still have facing and all facing restrictions still apply (so no charging sideways, shooting backwards, turning to face a flank charge, etc). You are explicitely forbidden from using this pivot as part of a charge (wheel like anyone else).
    Last edited by jumai; 12-15-2010 at 12:58 PM.

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