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  1. #131
    Abbess Sanctorum
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    I think he might have already taken his break, after all he's working on the models or else he wouldn't have had problems with them to begin with, right?
    The mouth of the Emperor shall meditate wisdom; from His tongue shall speak judgment

  2. #132
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    SE London, UK



    Well he told me that he would be working solidly on Dark Eldar until June 2011.

    They have 4 plastic kits to release for Dark Eldar next year, as well as metal figures and then possibly some of the character models.

    Obviously he won't be doing all the work on his own as Juan Diaz is also doing some of the models.

    He did say that they are on the final push but still have a lot of things to do.

    One of which was the Haemonculi passengers for the raider. The Wyches will be included with the Venom and can be used on the raider, but they didn't know yet how to do the Haemonculi. It wasn't so much a problem of creating them, just what to release them with. My guess would be with the Talos.

    However he was confident he could take a break from June 2011 onwards as this is when they plan to stop work on the Dark Eldar.

    The Sisters of battle have been in "design hell" since before the dark Eldar, so at least 4-5 years.

    They have started the initial planning but it was the aspects mentioned earlier that had caused them to be put on hold.

    The implication was that these problems may have now been resolved with the dark Eldar Wyches, as a lot of these problems were exactly the same for them.

    However with next year's 40K schedule already full up and with Jes wanting a break from a new range I would say thay are at least a year off.

    If rumours are correct we have Grey Knights Quarter 1, Flyers expansion Quarter 2 and Tau/Necrons (my money is on Tau as I know they have already completed many of the new plastics and that Necrons are getting the Dark Eldar treatment. In other words a rewrite which will take a while) in Quarter 4.

    This doesn't rule out another 40K release next year, I just got the impression that it wouldn't be Sisters.

  3. #133
    Abbess Sanctorum
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Thanks for explaining it some more.
    The mouth of the Emperor shall meditate wisdom; from His tongue shall speak judgment

  4. #134


    Quote Originally Posted by StraightSilver View Post
    If rumours are correct we have Grey Knights Quarter 1, Flyers expansion Quarter 2 and Tau/Necrons (my money is on Tau as I know they have already completed many of the new plastics and that Necrons are getting the Dark Eldar treatment. In other words a rewrite which will take a while) in Quarter 4.
    All good news. While I love my Sisters, I don't think they NEED a codex that bad. I love the way they play now. And since I only play Apoc, they are a fun ally to my SM and IG armies.

    Can't wait for the Grey Knight codex. Flyers! All good.

    Necrons NEED it and Tau could use a face lift, so 2011 looks great!


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  5. #135
    Abbess Sanctorum
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    Aug 2009


    He said necrons OR tau. So it's still probably Grey Knights, a xenos codex, and then Sisters afterwards.
    The mouth of the Emperor shall meditate wisdom; from His tongue shall speak judgment

  6. #136


    Quote Originally Posted by Loken View Post
    All good news. While I love my Sisters, I don't think they NEED a codex that bad. I love the way they play now. And since I only play Apoc, they are a fun ally to my SM and IG armies.

    Can't wait for the Grey Knight codex. Flyers! All good.

    Necrons NEED it and Tau could use a face lift, so 2011 looks great!


    [URL=""]Biggest Apocalypse Battle in History, January 22nd at all 4 US Bunkers[/URL]
    Sisters need the models more than the rules in my opinion (although I'm sure they'd also benefit from a 5ed adjustment too). No plastic squads is a big drawback and the main reason I've never started an army.

    Necrons need the models less as their basic plastic range is still strong (those horrendously overpriced metal immortals and pariahs need replacing though) but seem to be the army most affected by the 5ed rules. Tau also have a strong model range but the faster armies, more cover and requirement to sweep every model off an objective have hurt them badly.

  7. #137
    Abbess Sanctorum
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    Aug 2009


    They need new rules too, without a shadow of a doubt.

    We're stuck with basically one competitive unit per slot at the moment. Total of one HQ unit (the Canoness being an upgrade to the Palatine), three Elites units (and one non-slot choice in the Priest), one Troops choice, two Fast Attack choices, and three heavy supports choices (four if you really insist on including the Immolator, which is a transport).
    The mouth of the Emperor shall meditate wisdom; from His tongue shall speak judgment

  8. #138


    Quote Originally Posted by Melissia View Post
    They need new rules too, without a shadow of a doubt.

    We're stuck with basically one competitive unit per slot at the moment. Total of one HQ unit (the Canoness being an upgrade to the Palatine), three Elites units (and one non-slot choice in the Priest), one Troops choice, two Fast Attack choices, and three heavy supports choices (four if you really insist on including the Immolator, which is a transport).
    I'm just thankful we have a couple competitive units currently... with all this mech running around, it's funny to see the surprise of an opponent when they see how many meltas you can have

    As far as Necrons goes, I thought all the rumors were putting them in line as the next 40k release (aside from wave 2 stuff), but if they're getting the Dark Eldar treatment, that'd put them way way out, wouldn't it? (I don't mean 10 years further out... still just late Q4 2011, minimum)

  9. #139
    Join Date
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    Seattle, WA


    White Dwarf Codex update looking better alll the time, till they resculpt the range.

  10. #140
    Join Date
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    "The Pines", Victoria


    Huh i think its very funny when you play against opponents that have never played against us rare SoB players.
    They think there safe with there tanks, until you roll up your Immolator and pop out 4 melta's and a VSS with a combi-melta. Now do that with 3 Immolators, and its even funnier

    Even better when you repeat said manuaver with Flamers against massed troops.
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