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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Georgetown, TX


    I painted two more test schemes last night. Sadly, the photos didn't come out well. I'm now at work with no chance to take new photos until this evening. One model was painted the same as the bestial brown highlighted one above, but with a grey re-breather mask. The other was painted up with grey cloth instead of brown, and a brown re-breather mask.

    All of the schemes are pretty easy to paint up, and once I've picked one it'll be easy to paint up an entire army of them- but I've gotta nail down what I want first.

    A few other things on my plate are figuring out how I'm going to model the company commander, and working up the heavy weapon teams. And trust me, those heavy weapon teams won't be your normal "two guys and a gun on tripod".... I've got something special in mind for those (and for my Russes & arty). The trick will be making it simple enough to replicate multiple times.

    Hopefully, I'll be able to play my first 500pt games next week.


  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Devizes, Wiltshire, UK


    Looking great man, you're making it dificult for me to avoid getting a load of those traitor guard parts though, i'd love to make a replica of my existing guard army in traitor form, but the sheer amount of money that would incur scares me.

    inspired work with the guitar wire and pig iron heads, definately an idea i may have to "borrow"

    I'll keep my eye on this one
    Conscription in the Lucky 88th

  3. #13
    Occuli Imperator
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Feast of Blades


    I don't like your army... It smells bad! J/k. I can't wait to see this army done, I like the idea of chaos symbols painted over the aquila. Gotta love threadomancy!

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  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Georgetown, TX


    Not having the greatest lighting in the world, combined with a so-so digital camera, short daylight hours, and long hours at work has meant I still don't have good photos to post up. With gaming tonight and tomorrow night, it'll be Friday or even Saturday before I can post some images!

    In the meantime though, I'll discuss a little design philosophy for my company HQ model. I'm struggling with how to model this character, and multiple conversations with other poeple have failed to resolve it.

    As I've said a number of times, I envision this army to represent more of a professional force, and that leads towards several design considerations. One other thing I have to consider is that the model will probably have to be more of a conversion. My sculpting skills are improving, but they're not up to the task of making an entirely new model from scratch, or even creating large sections to add to an existing model.

    - I've considered using the games day [URL=" age_result_group&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CC8QsAQwAA &biw=1083&bih=551"]Archaeon on foot[/URL] model that I've got in my bits box, but the armor and weapons really don't match (I'd give the guy a powerfist and that's about it), and the model itself screams "bloody warlord" more than "former imperial commander gone rogue".

    - Goatboy, amongst one or two others, suggested incorporating parts of C:SM armor onto the model, perhaps with a WHFB Chaos Marauder as the base. This could work, but again, I don't think it works as well with my idea of a more professional force.

    - Even something similar to what Dave Taylor did with his [URL=""]Blood Pact commander[/URL] just doesn't "feel right".

    Now, the answer may be the I simply take an imperial commander model and "chaosify" him. I could see taking the [URL=" 018&rootCatGameStyle="]lord commisar[/URL] model for that and cleaning off most or all of the imperial iconography. In the meantime, I may just end up having a standard platoon officer model stand in so that I can play some games.


  5. #15


    Is there a model out there that you'd use to represent the Company Commander if this were a loyalist force?

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Georgetown, TX


    There's the standard IG commander model from the command squad box, but even that one doesn't grab me. I've always felt the HQ model should stand out in some way, and that model looks like just another guy on the line.

    One idea that just occurred to me would be to play off of Creed & Kelll. So a big burley commander and his standard bearer, but for chaos instead of the imperium.


  7. #17
    Occuli Imperator
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Feast of Blades


    My suggestion would be:
    -an inquisitor model with iconography chopped off
    - creed (already mentioned)
    - forgeworld stuff has some pretty dynamic guys... If your willing to pay an wait.
    - the tank commander on foot from the baneblade sprue with the pointing hand looks really commander like.

    Just a few thoughts, hope that helps

    Red text= mod voice
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  8. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Devizes, Wiltshire, UK


    The Inquisitor solomon lok is one of my favourite models, he takes little work to make looke evil (brutal looking weapon, removing some =I= symbols

    Even my "loyal" [URL=""]Inquisitor Payne[/URL] looks evil

    or perhaps the servitor would make a good commander, with a bit of reworking...


    maybe removing the right arm and replacing it with a raised power fist, maybe a head-swap...
    Conscription in the Lucky 88th

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Georgetown, TX


    I've got a few photos today to show what was otherwise a fairly productive last week.

    I decided to go with the bestial brown uniform. It's a dark, drab scheme, but it matches the camo pattern and the lava better than the other colors. Now that I've got the colors chosen, I spent quite a bit of time building.
    Click image for larger version. 

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    I've got enough infantry models to field all of the 500 point list minus the heavy weapon teams; additionally I have enough for an extra 8-strong infantry platoon (sergeant, special weapon, & 6 grunts), a tricked out command squad with a medic, standard, and vox caster, and an extra grunt or three. Most of the models have also had the mold lines cleaned up, though a few need a drop of greenstuff in the gaps between the arms and torsos or torso and legs before they get primed. This is most prevalent on the mixed forgeworld/cadian models.

    In the 500pt list, that's 5 command squad models, 5 platoon command models, 10 veterans, and 16 platoon infantry with 2 heavy weapon teams coming as a special project. Eventually, I'll probably convert some shotgun veterans and use the lasrifle ones as standard infantry models.

    Today, I'll be doing a lot more building. Here's just one portion of the models I've got set aside.
    Click image for larger version. 

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    There are a few lessons from the last week. The FW parts are great, but mixing FW and Cadian parts on the same model doesn't work out as well as I thought it might. The FW torsos aren't as wide as the cadian torsos, which means the gun arms just don't line up quite right when putting cadian arms on a FW torso, or vice versa. I still managed it for the most part, with a little filing and cutting, but it was a pain.

    Also, for the moment, my HQ model is simply a cadian officer model with the imperial insignia removed. This model is just a temporary solution until I really figure out which way I want to go.


  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Georgetown, TX


    It's been a good week! I've now built most of the vehicles I'll need for the 500 and 1000 point lists. I've also started work on vision for the heavy weapons teams.

    First, the vehicles. Most still need cleaning up. Both chimeras will have greenstuff work done to make them more daemonic.
    Click image for larger version. 

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    You can see the difference between the new chimera (pic 1) and the old chimera (pic 2). The old chimera is still awaiting something to fill the holes on the side panels where the aquilla would normally show. I need to do some work on the crew before I finish up the turrets.

    Now, here is my counts-as leman russ.
    Click image for larger version. 

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    It's based off of a defiler (duh!). It'll be a LR Demolisher with plasma cannon sponsons and a hull lascannon. I'm trading Goatboy for the plasma cannons, and those'll go in those empty holes on the sides. The back still needs more work since the model looks "light" compared to the front. BigRed suggested oil drums, and that's what I'm going with. I'll be doing a bit more work on the back, including adding some fuel lines from the oil drums up to the front gun area. I've also decided to cut down (or even swap out) the battlecannon barrel so that it's 100% clear its a demolisher cannon.

    I'm not allowed to upload more than 5 pic's per post, so the heavy weapons team will follow in the next post.


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