Hello There,

I am pretty interested in the Deathwatch, their fluff is amazing, they seem fun to paint and their rules are...wait...they don't have rules. How on earth am I supposed to field them? I want to field a stand alone army of deathwatch. I imagine that the best way to do this is to use counts as rules. So what rule set would I use to represent the deathwatch.

Space Marines have sternguard ( which are even better with Pedro ) which accurately represents their special ammo. I can take scouts as troops and that will be pretty close. The only gameplay issue I don't like with that is that I am forced to take Pedro and I am using up all of my elites choices to get my "troops".

Space Wolves have greyhunters which accurately represents the deathwatch's mixed weaponry and this gives me some modelling freedom. They have elite scouts (which would be accurate with the Deathwatch) and insanely awesome elite heavy weapon squads which could represent their improved skill. I can also add Wolf Guard to various squads to pimp their firepower and give them some special weaponry.

I don't know too much about the Blood Angles, but they seem just like regular marines with better jump packs and fast vehicles neither of those scream Deathwatch.

Chaos Space Marines have mixed weaponry which accurately represents the deathwatch's mixed weaponry, but unless I take cult troops which all have improved profiles I don't have any sort of fearless or ATSKNF. I don't like that at all. I also do not have access to the drop pod.

Right now I am leaning towards Space Marines or Space Wolves. What are your thoughts?

Also here is my first [url=http://www.patricks40khobby.com/2010/08/26/deathwatch-test-model/]deathwatch test model[/url].