I recently signed up for my first 40k tournament and am trying to come up with a flavorful Space Marine list.

Here's what I'm thinking,

Captain on Bike, (Relic Weapon or Thunder Hammer) Melta Bombs(MB) 170
Command Squad on Bikes, Company Standard, Champion, 2xFlamers 245

Dread with Assault Cannon and Heavy Flamer 125

Bike Sqd with 8 bikes and 1 Attack Bike w HB, SGt w PF & MB, 2xMeltas 305
10 man Tac Sqd, Flamer and Missle Launcher, Sgt has PW 185
10 man Tac Sqd, Flamer and Plasma Cannon, Sgt has PW 190
10 man Tac Sqd, Meltagun and Multimelta, Sgt has PF 200
5 Scouts with Heavy Bolter, Sgt has Combi-Flamer 95

10 Assault Marines, 1 with Flamer, Sgt has Lightning Claws and MB 235

Total PV 1750, Total Models 61, Max Scoring Units 9, Max Game Units 13, Kill Points 9

Is there enough anti-mech in the list? I'm guessing most people will show up with Marines or Chaos Marines from what I've heard. I have ~5,000 points fully painted and another 5,000 points assembled with 1 month until show time so I could pretty much fit anything into the list.

Some options I've considered:
I have considered fitting a 10 man unit of Sternguard into the list and dropping some Troops. Also thought about working either a Chaplain with a Jump Pack or a Librarian into the list. I also considered adding a second complete bike squad to the troops to up my mobility.

Any advice for a tournament newbie would be much appreciated! :-)