2250 Pts - Vampire Counts Roster

Vampire Lord (1#, 470 pts)
. . 1 Vampire Lord @ 470 pts (General; Vampire; Level 3 Upgrade; Hand Weapon; Undead)
. . . . 1 Nightmare
. . . . 1 Walach's Bloody Hauberk
. . . . 1 The Hand of Dust
. . . . 1 Dark Acolyte
. . . . 1 Forbidden Lore
. . . . 1 Summon Ghouls
. . . . 1 Avatar of Death (Shield)

Vampire (1#, 290 pts)
. . 1 Vampire (Battle Standard Bearer) @ 290 pts (Vampire; Hand Weapon; Lance; Battle Standard Bearer; Undead)
. . . . 1 Dread Knight (Barding)
. . . . . . 1 Nightmare
. . . . 1 Summon Creatures of the Night
. . . . 1 The Drakenhof Banner

Vampire (1#, 175 pts)
. . 1 Vampire @ 175 pts (Vampire; Hand Weapon; Lance; Undead)
. . . . 1 Sword of Kings
. . . . 1 Dread Knight (Barding)
. . . . . . 1 Nightmare
. . . . 1 Ghoulkin

Vampire (1#, 180 pts)
. . 1 Vampire @ 180 pts (Vampire; Hand Weapon; Undead)
. . . . 1 Enchanted Shield
. . . . 1 Helm of Commandment
. . . . 1 Avatar of Death (Shield)
. . . . 1 Summon Ghouls

Crypt Ghouls (14#, 120 pts)
. . 13 Crypt Ghouls @ 120 pts (Causes Fear; Poisoned Attacks; Undead)
. . . . 1 Crypt Ghast

Crypt Ghouls (15#, 128 pts)
. . 14 Crypt Ghouls @ 128 pts (Causes Fear; Poisoned Attacks; Undead)
. . . . 1 Crypt Ghast

Crypt Ghouls (15#, 128 pts)
. . 14 Crypt Ghouls @ 128 pts (Causes Fear; Poisoned Attacks; Undead)
. . . . 1 Crypt Ghast

Dire Wolves (7#, 66 pts)
. . 6 Dire Wolves @ 66 pts (Fast Cavalry; Undead)
. . . . 1 Doom Wolf

Dire Wolves (7#, 66 pts)
. . 6 Dire Wolves @ 66 pts (Fast Cavalry; Undead)
. . . . 1 Doom Wolf

Squad (1#, 100 pts)
. . 1 Corpse Cart @ 100 pts (Unholy Lodestone)

Black Knights (8#, 264 pts)
. . 7 Black Knights @ 264 pts (Musician Mus; Standard Bearer Std; Barding; Hand Weapon; Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Undead)
. . . . 1 Hell Knight (Barding; Hand Weapon; Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield)
. . . . 8 Skeletal Steed

Black Knights (5#, 180 pts)
. . 4 Black Knights @ 180 pts (Musician Mus; Standard Bearer Std; Barding; Hand Weapon; Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Undead)
. . . . 1 Hell Knight (Barding; Hand Weapon; Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield)
. . . . 5 Skeletal Steed

Fell Bats (4#, 80 pts)
. . 4 Fell Bats @ 80 pts (Flyer; Undead)

Total Roster Cost: 2247

Please tear it apart, this is more first serious attempt at a list and haven't really played Fantasy all that much. The Vamp Lord & BSB go with the big BKs, the 3rd one with the smaller unit. The last one walks with the Ghouls