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    Default 1500 Space Wolf "Fun" list

    So, I have a list here I've used a few times. It's not done bad so far so I thought I'd share it with you all and get your opinions.

    While it's probably going to see the light of a tournament in a couple of months, the list is designed around (mostly) models I already HAVE (and mostly have had for years). I don't expect to win a tournament with it, mainly because I can't roll dice worth beans. I'm looking more to play against the "fun" crowd who know they're not in the running for the big prizes!

    Wolf Lord (Will join Grey Hunter Pack #1 in a Drop Pod)
    - Frost Blade
    - Belt of Russ
    - Saga of Warrior Born

    Wolf Priest (Will join Blood Claws in a Drop Pod)
    - Plasma Pistol

    9 X Grey Hunters (Grey Hunters #1)
    - Melta Gun
    - Plasma Pistol
    - Drop Pod

    10 X Grey Hunters (Grey Hunters #2)
    - 2 X Plasma Rifles
    - Power Fist
    - Mark of the Wolfen
    - Drop Pod

    5 X Grey Hunters (Grey Hunters #3)
    - Optional - Flamer
    - Razorback w/ Lascannon TL Plasma Guns

    9 X Blood Claws
    - Power Fist
    - Drop Pod

    5 X Long Fangs
    - 1 X Lascannon
    - 3 X Missile - er, "Rocket Launchers" (It works - don't ask me why)
    - Razorback w/ Lascannon TL Plasma Gun

    Vindicator Tank
    - Extra Armor

    Reason for 3 drop pods? So I can drop 2 at the same time in the 1st turn! Usually the GH will screen the Blood Claws and try to take out a tank or transport with the Melta/Plasma Pistol. (So far, the Plasma is doing the better job!)
    If he charges the Grey Hunters - he's got problems. If they survive the Grey Hunters, the Blood Claws will help wrap it up the next turn.

    2 Old-Style Razorbacks - just cause I got 'em and they're Cool!
    (Main reason I took the 3rd GH Squad!) Also, plan is to protect the side-armour of the Vindicator if I can't find the protection it needs in terrain.

    Lascannon with the Long Fangs? Well, I appreciate the versatility of the "Rocket Launchers", but when you're facing Armour 13, you need the extra punch of the Lascannon.

    List lets me use 3 lascannons per turn to take out vehicles and transports and if the GH squad doesn't deviate too badly, the Melta/plasma will take out another. When the last GH squad lands - the Plasmas are great against Marines and other light vehicles. They've also taken out 2 dreadnoughts in one game, just by maneuver and shooting plasma.
    Last edited by BlindGunn; 07-22-2010 at 12:17 PM. Reason: Corrected list entry

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