Thousand Sons

Exalted Sorcerer on Disc, w/ inferno bolt pistol and force stave -141

Exalted Sorcerer w/ inferno bolt pistol and force stave -121

10x Tzaangors w/chainsword and auto pistol – 70

10x Tzaangors w/chainsword and auto pistol – 70
10x Tzaangors w/chainsword and auto pistol – 70
10x Rubric Marines w/ 8x warpflamers, 1x warpflame pistol, 1x force stave 1x soul reaper cannon, icon of Flame- 335
10x Rubric Marines w/ 8x inferno boltgun, 1x inferno bolt pistol, 1x force stave 1x soul reaper cannon, icon of Flame- 225
Magnus The Red – 445

Heldrake – 180
Rhino w/ combi- bolter and havoc launcher – 83
1740 6/6 cps
Death Guard

Mortarion – 470

Lord of Contagion – Plaguereaper – 150

Malignant Plaguecaster – 110

Biologus Putrifier – 74

15x Plague Marines, Powerfist champion, 2x meltaguns, Icon of Despair – 341

18x Poxwalkers – 108

18x Cultists – 72

3x Myphitic Blight Hauler – 426

1751 6/6 cp