Taken from full post here:

Oldhammer Monster Manual

Just for fun, here are all my currently painted Oldhammer-ish Monsters.
Citadel, Marauder, & Ral Partha only need apply.
All my other new fangled critters will have to sit this one out.

The stats for the monsters I pulled from all versions of Warhammer 1st edition to 8th.
Storm of Magic was pretty handy, and the 6th edition Chronicles titles too.

For the weirder monsters, I did take into account their AD&D stats from 1e Monster Manual.
And tried to model them by using mostly Chaos Attributes/Gifts/Spells and other Special Rules to Warhammer-ify them.
I dont play in pick up games or tournaments, so I didnt bother about point values.

"At my challenge, by the ancient laws of combat, we are met at this chosen ground, to settle for good and all who holds sway over the five points."

Now onto the Monster Manual (in alphabetical order too!)


For the rest of the post: