With the 360 view, I can get a better view for the Maw-Krusha. And yeah, it's just a fat Wyvern. A SERIOUSLY fat Wyvern. I'm kind of just neutral on it now. It's not really grabbing me, but it's not pushing me away either.

Still absolutely hate the cavalry's mounts. If I want a unit of those guys, I'll buy some Ogre cavalry and convert them (and it might end up being cheaper, too).

Otherwise, I like the overall look of things. The Orks themselves look fine, but different paint schemes would help in some areas (the Shaman was a seriously missed opportunity).

Don't like the price at all. Means I won't be getting any of these for a while, because for the price of just a handful of models, I can get a sizable army for another game that people are getting into (and would probably get played more than these guys, sadly).

The only complain I have on the models, other than the boar-things (and still not being able to figure out what is going on with the front of the MK's wings), is that the harsh edges are turning up more and more. Horns that have sharp edges instead of being round, heads that have harsh angles rather than being curved, all kinds of areas where it looks like they're going the route of least resistance with CAD and you can tell it'd be so much better if they were willing to put in the money to have hand-sculpted models. And then the painting team is compounding the problem by doing bright highlights on every edge, which not only looks bad (seriously, what happened to the 'Eavy Metal crew?), it also highlights where the current sculpting system has issues.

But maybe people won't noticed those things on the tabletop without having every edge painted five shades lighter than the color around them. And maybe I'm letting my perfectionist attitude from my job bleed through. (But these *are* supposed to be the "best" miniatures in the world, so these issues coming from shortcuts and cost-cutting measures should bother me, especially while they remain charging increasing prices with said claim attached.)