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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Antipodean heaven

    Default I've seen the Green

    So much to say but I gotta keep it reasonable. So I just played a 4000 pt a side game between 7 players where most played a 1000 pts. Two lads on my side played 1500 to even up the totals.

    My side were the Orks plus a ring in Chaos Daemon mob. The opposition was Nids, Tau, Skittarri and IG Armour, (Yes I know they are something else now but I like saying Ig. It bugs them) They ignored our cover, rolled off 2+ cover armour saves plus invun's & FNP like nobodies business. And after turn 2 it looked as though the local GW store had made a mistake in running the game as it was to promote the new Orks releases.

    Then in turn 3 my Ghaz called a waaagh and he and his nobz all in Mega Arma hit two Carnifexes and slaughtered them. They were shot at and assaulted by a Nid warrior brood while waaagh was still in effect, which left me two nobz but ate up the warriors. Flowing into my next turn I shot and assaulted a GS brood & prime. A little bit of shooting took out the Prime and then Ghaz & two remaining Nobz charged the brood leaving just Ghaz & 1 GS alive who quickly legged it.

    Carving your way through about 800 pts of nids in 1.5 turns just made my day.

    Prior to that I lost, 3 Kans, a Dread, a mob of Ard boys and a Tank busta mob, whose every shot of rokkit, shoota and so on was sucked up and dismissed by the opposition. Ghost Keels and Kastellans in the same army are a bit to hard for Orks.
    Last edited by Da Gargoyle; 03-02-2016 at 10:52 PM.

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